Low Cost, High Precision, Autonomous Measurement of Trunk Diameter based on Computer Vision (original) (raw)
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Trunk diameter is a variable of agricultural interest, used mainly in the prediction of fruit trees production. It is correlated with leaf area and biomass of trees, and consequently gives a good estimate of potential production of the plants. This work presents a low cost, high precision method for autonomous measurement of trunk diameter of fruit trees based on Computer Vision. Autonomous methods based on Computer Vision or other techniques are introduced in the literature for they present important simplifications in the measurement process, requiring little to none human decision making. This presents different advantages for crop management: the method is amenable to be operated by unknowledgeable personnel, with lower operational costs; it results in lower stress levels to knowledgeable personnel, avoiding the deterioration of the measurement quality over time; or it makes the measurement process amenable to be embedded in larger autonomous systems, allowing more measurement to be taken with equivalent costs. In a more personal aspect, the present work is also a successful proof-of-concept for our laboratories and regional research institutions in favor of autonomous measurements based on Computer Vision, opening the door to further investigations in other important agronomic variables measurable by Computer Vision. To date, all existing autonomous methods are either of low precision, or have a prohibitive cost for massive agricultural adoption, leaving the manual Vernier caliper or tape measure as the only choice in most situations. In this work we present an autonomous solution that is costly effective for mass adoption, and its precision is competitive (with slight improvements) over the caliper method.
arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2014
Trunk diameter is a variable of agricultural interest, used mainly in the prediction of fruit trees production. It is correlated with leaf area and biomass of trees, and consequently gives a good estimate of the potential production of the plants. This work presents a low cost, high precision method for the measurement of trunk diameter of grapevines based on Computer Vision techniques. Several methods based on Computer Vision and other techniques are introduced in the literature. These methods present different advantages for crop management: they are amenable to be operated by unknowledgeable personnel, with lower operational costs; they result in lower stress levels to knowledgeable personnel, avoiding the deterioration of the measurement quality over time; and they make the measurement process amenable to be embedded in larger autonomous systems, allowing more measurements to be taken with equivalent costs. To date, all existing autonomous methods are either of low precision, or...
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I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dr. Brian L. Steward for his continuous guidance, inspiration and leadership throughout my PhD program. I believe that this work makes a foundation for the development of a complete sensing system that would be useful for the application of site specific management. Thanks to Prof. Carl Bern for mentoring and giving valuable inputs to make this work more practical. Thanks to Dr. Stuart Birrell for his help and guidance with statistical analysis and other valuable suggestions. Thanks Prof. Thomas Kaspar for enriching my knowledge for the agronomic importance of this research. Thanks Dr. Jennifer Davidson for her valuable comments specifically in stereo vision and image processing in general. My thanks go to administrative staffs Mary Elian, Judy Reschauer, Sue Ziegenbusch and Barbara Kalsem for their continual support and help. Thanks to Richard VanDePol for providing necessary support and facility in the farm. Thanks to undergraduate students Cory
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Applications of precision agriculture in horticultural crops
European Journal of Horticultural Science, 2016
Farmer and consumer are driving the request for sustainable production of fruit and vegetables. Precision agriculture, the consideration of spatial and temporal variability for increasing the efficiency of resources, has been developed over the last twentyfive years and was initially applied to field crops. Its application to tree crops and vegetables started later and has been developing with an increasing number of publications as well as research calls in the beginning of the 21 st century. First applications were described for mechanical harvesting of horticultural crops with commercial solutions for harvesting fruit that is subjected to processing. A review of methodical approaches and upcoming challenges for precise management of tree crops and vegetables are covered in this paper, addressing horticulturists as well as researchers working in precision agriculture. The precision agriculture domains with specific implications in horticultural crops captured are: data collection, yield mapping, remote sensing, quality mapping, and variable rate application. The spatial and temporal variability in orchards as well as effects of site-specific application of inputs are documented in this paper.