Опыт изучения коллективной языковой личности диалектоносителя On the Experience of the Study of a Dialect Representative's Collective Linguistic Personality (original) (raw)

Прецедентика в тезаурусе языковой личности: коллективная монография.

S.-Petersburg: Victoria plus, 2023

В коллективной монографии обобщается опыт работы авторов над проблемами культурной памяти и культурной грамотности, генезиса прецедентных феноменов, формирования актуального корпуса прецедентных феноменов, интертекстуального тезауруса и языкового сознания студентов и школьников. Отдельный исследовательский интерес авторского коллектива направлен на использование цитат и прецедентных феноменов в современной русской беллетристике. Книга адресована как специалистам гуманитарного профиля (филологам, культурологам, социологам, психологам, историкам, журналистам), так и учителям-словесникам, преподавателям вузов, аспирантам и студентам, а также широкому кругу заинтересованных читателей.

АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ЯЗЫКОВОЙ ЛИЧНОСТИ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА С ПОЗИЦИИ КОГНИТИВНОГО ПОДХОДА = Actual issues of studying the interpreter/translator's linguistic personality from a cognitive perspective

Вестник Пятигорского государственного университета. 2017. № 3. С. 90-96. В статье обсуждается ряд характеристик, обычно приписываемых языковой личности переводчика, ошибочных с точки зрения когнитивного подхода и нейрокогнитивной специфики функционирования языкового сознания билингва в целом и процесса перевода в частности. С этих позиций рассматривается типичное для академического дискурса отождествление или, напротив, разведение языковой личности (выраженная через язык целостная личность конкретного индивида в системном единстве всех ее составляющих) и профессиональной идентичности переводчика (лишь один из структурных аспектов его личности), а также не менее типичная квалификация переводчика как носителя элитарной речевой культуры. Обсуждаются перспективы замены термина «языковая личность» термином «семиотическая личность», позволяющим моделировать взаимодействие в процессе перевода различных кодов сознания, не только процессы вербальной формы интерпретации. Показано, что личностно-ориентированный подход предполагает реконструкцию не обобщенного образа некоторого идеального переводчика, а структуры сознания конкретного переводчика, что возможно с позиции субъектного принципа. Рассмотрен ряд факторов, релевантных при подобном моделировании. The article discusses a number of characteristics commonly attributed to the linguistic personality of the interpreter/translator, erroneous from the point of view of the cognitive approach and the neurocognitive specificity of functioning of the bilingual's linguistic consciousness in general and the translation process in particular. From these standpoints, the identification that is typical for the academic discourse or, on the contrary, the division between the linguistic personality (an integral personality of a particular individual expressed through the language means in the systemic unity of all its components) and the professional identity of the interpreter/translator (only one of the structural aspects of his personality), as well as no less typical qualification of the interpreter/translator as a bearer of an elite speech culture. The author discusses the prospects of replacing the term “linguistic personality” with the term “semiotic personality”, because the latter allows to model the interaction of various codes of consciousness in the process of translation, and not only the processes of the verbal form of interpretation. It is shown that the personality-oriented approach does not assume the reconstruction of a general image of some ideal interpreter/translator, but the structure of the consciousness of a specific interpreter/translator, that is possible from the standpoint of the subjective principle. A number of factors that are relevant for such modelling are considered.

Статистический метод языкового профилирования носителя диалекта (на материале восточносербского идиома села Берчиновац) / Linguistic/dialectal profiling of dialect speakers: the method presented on the idiolect from Berčinovac, Eastern Serbia

Статистический метод языкового профилирования носителя диалекта (на материале восточносербского идиома села Берчиновац) // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Филология, 2019

The aim of the undertaken research is to develop a statistical method that allows to estimate frequency and regularity for the distribution of distinctive dialect features in speakers’ of Serbian non-standardized idioms spontaneous speech, and thus, to discover intrasystem implications between different dialect features creating linguistic profiles of dialect speakers. At a later stage of research, the achievement of this goal would mean obtaining a quantitative tool for assessing intrasystem coherence and degree of dialect preservation for any Slavic or Balkan dialect. The object of study is Draginja Mikić’s (b. 1906) idiolect. Narrative produced by her was recorded in the village of Berčinovac, situated near Knjaževac in the Zaječar county (Eastern Serbia). This narrative of approximately 5,300 word tokens was published by A. Sobolev in the third volume of his work called “Dialectological Atlas of Eastern Serbia and Western Bulgaria” [1. Vol. III, Ortspunkt 503. Berčinovac. P. 125]. Analyzed data was extracted from the dialect text using the continuous sampling method, and subsequently subjected to etymological, formal and functional semantic analysis. The comparison procedure itself consisted in counting the number of uses of the “correct” (i.e. corresponding to the conventional dialectal reference point) options for dialectal difference implementation. As a result, we could determine as a percentage how close this idiom is to the ideal model of Timok dialect, how “dialectal” it is in general, and how much different it is from the other Serbian dialects and from the standard language. In order to obtain statistically relevant results based on a sufficient amount of text, we selected twelve most significant dialectal features, which allowed us to oppose all the dialects of the studied region of Eastern Serbia with the Neo-Štokavian dialects underlying the standard language. We can observe dependence of the experiment results on the frequency of certain lexemes used in the informant’s speech. A dialect Timok word form often comes into opposition with a non-dialect (standard), according to not just one, but to a number of parameters. Thus, the form mačeja ‘stepmother’ corresponds to maćehu-Acc.Sg not only with /ć/, but also with the phoneme /h/, which is not typical of the Timok dialects. Such opposition is quite often implemented not in the same lexical material (cf. mačeja ~ maćeha, dǝn ~ dan ‘day’), but in different groups of tokens (cf. viǯuvali ‘(they)saw’ ~ roʒ́ena ‘(she was) born’); and not in the same word form of the lexeme, but in different segments of its paradigm (the dative forms of pronouns in sg. mene, ńemu against the background of analytical forms pl. na nas). Our data reflects different relative frequency of correlative members pairs of different dialectal features and, therefore, a different degree of regularity of their implementation, regardless of the language level. We hope that applying various modern research methods to sufficiently large amount of material, including linguogeographic, corpus and psycho-linguistic methods, can provide us with the desired result (including in the cases of negative statements concerning features that do not exist in a dialect).

Syntactic representation of the language personality of a linguist

Language: classic - modern - postmodern, 2017

Постановка проблеми. Науковий дискурс характеризується певним ступенем експресивності та емоційності, на що вказують сл 'янські дослідники (Н. Д. Арутюнова, М. М. Кожина, Н. Ф. Непийвода, С. В. Радецька, Н. М. Разінкіна, Н. М. Пільгуй та ін.). Його експресивність зумовлена комунікативними потребами автора. Мовна особистість репрезентує себе в комунікативному просторі на вербально-семантичному, лінгвокогнітивному та мотиваційно-прагматичному рівнях. На відміну від інших дискурсів, де експресивність вербалізується на різних мовних рівнях, у досліджуваному дискурсі активними виразниками Zahnitko, Anatoliy. Ukrayins'kyy syntaksys: teoretyko-prykladnyy aspect (Ukrainian syntax: theoretical and applied aspect). Donets'k: DonNU, 2009.

The linguistic personality of Dmitry Yavornitsky in the aspect of psycholinguistics

The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Philology", 2021

The article is dedicated to actual problems of the linguistic personality in modern linguistics. It reveals the scientific content of the notion of linguistic personality as an object of linguistic research, which includes mental, social, ethnic, and other components of the discourse. The object of the research is the linguistic personality of Dmytro Yavornytsky – an outstanding scientist, social and cultural activist, writer, historian, folklorist, and lexicographer. The article explores language means, which determine the artistic individuality of D. Yavornytsky. Author’s worldview and values found their expression in the language of his works. The analysis of literary texts revealed that D. Yavornytsky aestheticized the folk spoken element. The writer widely uses everyday vocabulary, designating the realia of folk life, which alongside with the stylistically marked vocabulary of various degree of expressiveness displays the linguistic colouring of the epoch. In addition, the coll...

Автоматический метод языкового профилирования носителя диалекта (на материале восточносербского идиома села Берчиновац) / Automatic language profiling of a dialect speaker: the case of the Timok variety spoken in the village of Berčinovac (Eastern Serbia)


In a previously published paper [Konior et al. 2019], which thematically led up to the present article, we explored the possibility of developing a quantitative tool for assessing the intrasystemic dialectal coherence and the degree of dialectal authenticity (preservation) for a particular variety of Slavic (and more broadly Balkan) dialectal speech. In order to do so, we analysed and manually counted all cases of presence or absence of specific phonemes, direct and indirect object reduplication, ways of expressing peripheral cases meaning, presence of a postpositive article, and some other language features. The data used for that purpose was extracted from “Linguistic Atlas of Eastern Serbia and Western Bulgaria” [SAOSWB]; an idiolect of a native speaker of the Timok dialect spoken in the village of Berčinovac (near the town of Knjaževac in the Zaječar district, Eastern Serbia) was chosen for analysis. Subsequently, the following question arose: how can the use of modern technologies for automatic text processing increase the efficiency of dialectologists’ work, and what technical obstacles must be overcome in this regard? In the article, we present a method of (semi-)automatic analysis of phonetic and morphosyntactic features in a dialect text with the use of morphological annotation (the tagger model is based on the ReLDI tagger [Ljubešić et al. 2016] and user Python scripts). An algorithm searching for some important dialect features is described and exemplified. Trying to imitate and automate historical and structural linguistic analysis, we open a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of computer analysis of dialect data as compared with the manual analysis. In the future, the automatic method is expected to be helpful in managing larger amounts of dialect data.