Swooki: A peer-to-peer semantic wiki (original) (raw)

Peer-to-peer semantic wikis


Abstract. Wikis have demonstrated how it is possible to convert a community of strangers into a community of collaborators. Semantic wikis have opened an interesting way to mix web 2.0 advantages with the semantic web approach. P2P wikis have illustrated how wikis can be deployed on P2P wikis and take advantages of its intrinsic qualities: fault-tolerance, scalability and infrastructure cost sharing. In this paper, we present the first P2P semantic wiki that combines advantages of semantic wikis and P2P wikis.

Semantic Wikis Distributed on Structured Peer-to-Peer Networks

Semantic wikis distributed on structured peer-to-peer , 2018

P2P Semantic wikis were initially developed as collaborative editors with two main goals in mind: (1) ensure a massive collaborative editing in semantic wikis with low maintenance cost where thousands of users can participate in the wiki edition and (2) provide fault tolerance for semantic wikis. Their goals were attained through the adoption of an optimistic replication of their data (semantic wiki pages and annotations) on a set of interconnected semantic wiki servers. The edition of the semantic wiki pages and the execution of semantic queries are now distributed on different peers. Two Peer-to-Peer Semantic Wikis were developed, Swooki and DSMW. They are based on unstructured P2P network where each peer knows its neighbors without any knowledge about their contents. In spite of their advantages, Swooki will face scalability problem regarding the size of data that it is dealing with since it uses a total replication of the entire wiki pages and the triples store, it will be only suitable for small wikis, and DSMW semantic queries may return different and incomplete results since every peer has its own semantic wiki pages and annotations. In this paper, we propose to handle the problems of unstructured P2PSW by building Structured P2P semantic wiki (SP2PSW).The research work proposes all the possible approaches to build SP2PSW, evaluates each approach based on many standard evaluation metrics, derives the optimal one and develops the needed algorithms. At the end, a comparison with the existing unstructured P2PSW (Swooki and DSMW) shows the marked improvement of SP2PSW over Unstructured P2PSW.

SWooki: supporting disconnection in a peer-to-peer semantic wiki


Abstract SWooki is a P2P semantic wiki. A SWooki network is a set of interconnected semantic wiki servers. Each server hosts a replica of semantically annotated wiki pages. The replicated architecture allows to support mobile work. Mobile work is characterized by the alternate of connection and disconnection phases. During disconnection phase, the different replicas can be modified in parallel so they diverge. Later, upon reconnection they are synchronized.

Personal and shared knowledge building in p2p semantic wikis


Abstract: In this paper, we propose to extend Peer-to-Peer Semantic Wikis with personal semantic annotations. Semantic Wikis are one of the most successful Semantic Web applications. In semantic wikis, wikis pages are annotated with semantic data to facilitate the navigation, information retrieving and ontology emerging. Semantic data represents the shared knowledge base which describes the common understanding of the community.

DSMW: a distributed infrastructure for the cooperative edition of semantic wiki documents

DSMW is a distributed semantic wiki that offers new collaboration modes to semantic wiki users and supports dataflow-oriented processes. DSMW is an extension to Semantic Mediawiki (SMW), it allows to create a network of SMW servers that share common semantic wiki pages. DSMW users can create communication channels between servers and use a publish-subscribe approach to manage the change propagation. DSMW synchronizes concurrent updates of shared semantic pages to ensure their consistency.

Wooki: A P2P Wiki-Based Collaborative Writing Tool

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007

Wiki systems are becoming an important part of the information system of many organisations and communities. This introduce the issue of the data availability in case of failure, heavy load or off-line access. We propose to replicate wiki pages across a P2P network of Wiki engines. We address the problem of consistency of replicated wiki pages in the context of a P2P Wiki system. In this paper, we present the architecture and the underlying algorithms of the wooki system. Compared to traditional Wikis, Wooki is P2P Wiki which scales, delivers better performances and allows off-line access. Wooki: unéditeur collaboratif Pairà Pair basé sur un wiki Résumé : Les wikis deviennent une composante importante des systèmes d'information de nombreuses organisations. Ceci soulève le problème de la disponibilité des données en cas de panne, de surcharge ou d'accès hors-ligne. Nous proposons de répliquer les pages wiki sur un réseau pairà pair. Nous nous intéressons au problème de cohérence des pages wiki répliquées dans le contexte d'un système de wiki Pairà Pair. Dans ce papier, nous présentons l'architecture et les algorithmes du système wooki. Comparé aux wikis traditionnels, Wooki est un wiki Pairà Pair qui permet le passageà l'échelle, offre de meilleures performances et autorise le travail hors-ligne.

Multi-synchronous Collaborative Semantic Wikis

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009

Semantic wikis have opened an interesting way to mix Web 2.0 advantages with the Semantic Web approach. However, compared to other collaborative tools, wikis do not support all collaborative editing mode such as offline work or multi-synchronous editing. The lack of multi-synchronous supports in wikis is a problematic, especially, when working with semantic wikis. In these systems, it is often important to change multiple pages simultaneous in order to refactor the semantic wiki structure. In this paper, we present a new model of semantic wiki called Multi-Synchronous Semantic Wiki (MS2W). This model extends semantic wikis with multi-synchronous support that allows to create a P2P network of semantic wikis. Semantic wiki pages can be replicated on several semantic servers. The MS2W ensures CCI consistency on these pages relying on the Logoot algorithm.

Distributed Semantic Wiki: Kolflow Project-Task 5-State of the art (D5. 1)


Wikis are the most popular tools of Web 2.0, they provide an easy to share and contribute to global knowledge. The encyclopedia Wikipedia is a famous example of a wiki system. In spite of their fast success, wiki systems have some drawbacks. They suffer from search and navigation [6], it is not easy to find information in wikis [2]. They have also scalability, availability and performance problems [19, 8] and they do not support offline works and atomic changes [3]. To overcome these limitations, wiki systems have evolved in two different ways: semantic wikis and ...

Weerkat: An extensible semantic wiki


Wikis are Web applications that blur the boundaries between readers and authors, allowing non-technical people to author hypertexts through a web interface. A Semantic Wiki is a Wiki that attempts the same thing with the Semantic Web, allowing non-technical users to create semantic resources and/or ontologies. In this paper we characterise the different ways in which a Wiki might support the Semantic Web and present Weerkat, a modular and extensible Wiki that has ontological hypertext support.

Building a collaborative peer-to-peer wiki system on a structured overlay


The ever growing request for digital information raises the need for content distribution architectures providing high storage capacity, data availability and good performance. While many simple solutions for scalable distribution of quasi-static content exist, there are still no approaches that can ensure both scalability and consistency for the case of highly dynamic content, such as the data managed inside wikis.