Statistical Thermodynamics of Money Thermoney (original) (raw)
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Statistical Thermodynamics of Economic Systems
We formulate the thermodynamics of economic systems in terms of an arbitrary probability distribution for a conserved economic quantity. As in statistical physics, thermodynamic macroeconomic variables emerge as the mean value of microeconomic variables, and their determination is reduced to the computation of the partition function, starting from an arbitrary function. Explicit hypothetical examples are given which include linear and nonlinear economic systems as well as multiplicative systems such as those dominated by a Pareto law distribution. It is shown that the macroeconomic variables can be drastically changed by choosing the microeconomic variables in an appropriate manner. We propose to use the formalism of phase transitions to study severe changes of macroeconomic variables.
Laws of Thermodynamic Description In The Economic System
s Thermodynamics is a phenomenological science that derives its concepts directly from observation and experiment. The laws of thermodynamics can be considered as axioms of a mathematical model, and the fact that they are based upon commonplace observations makes them tremendously powerful and generally valid. In particular, the interest of applying thermodynamics in a systematic manner to describe the behavior of economic and financial systems has a long history [29]. In this paper we set out the first and second laws of Thermodynamics, which are fundamentals in the world of physics, and we examine the dynamics of the main processes encountered as applied to economic systems. And also we construct the mathematical model for constant pries process. And finally this paper end with conclusion.
Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Entropy
The proper definition of thermodynamics and the thermodynamic entropy is discussed in the light of recent developments. The postulates for thermodynamics are examined critically, and some modifications are suggested to allow for the inclusion of long-range forces (within a system), inhomogeneous systems with non-extensive entropy, and systems that can have negative temperatures. Only the thermodynamics of finite systems are considered, with the condition that the system is large enough for the fluctuations to be smaller than the experimental resolution. The statistical basis for thermodynamics is discussed, along with four different forms of the (classical and quantum) entropy. The strengths and weaknesses of each are evaluated in relation to the requirements of thermodynamics. Effects of order 1/N, where N is the number of particles, are included in the discussion because they have played a significant role in the literature, even if they are too small to have a measurable effect in an experiment. The discussion includes the role of discreteness, the non-zero width of the energy and particle number distributions, the extensivity of models with non-interacting particles, and the concavity of the entropy with respect to energy. The results demonstrate the validity of negative temperatures.
The Role of Entropy in the Development of Economics
Entropy, 2020
The aim of this paper is to examine the role of thermodynamics, and in particular, entropy, for the development of economics within the last 150 years. The use of entropy has not only led to a significant increase in economic knowledge, but also to the emergence of such scientific disciplines as econophysics, complexity economics and quantum economics. Nowadays, an interesting phenomenon can be observed; namely, that rapid progress in economics is being made outside the mainstream. The first significant achievement was the emergence of entropy economics in the early 1970s, which introduced the second law of thermodynamics to considerations regarding production processes. In this way, not only was ecological economics born but also an entropy-based econometric approach developed. This paper shows that non-extensive cross-entropy econometrics is a valuable complement to traditional econometrics as it explains phenomena based on power-law probability distribution and enables econometri...
A thermodynamic theory of economics
International Journal of Exergy, 2007
An analogy between thermodynamic and economic theories and processes is developed further, following a previous paper published by the author in 1982. Economic equivalents are set out concerning the ideal gas equation, the gas constant, pressure, temperature, entropy, work done, specific heat and the 1 st and 2 nd Laws of Thermodynamics. The law of diminishing marginal utility was derived from thermodynamic first principles. Conditions are set out concerning the relationship of economic processes to entropic gain. A link between the Le Chatelier principle and economic processes is developed, culminating in a derivation of an equation similar in format to that of Cobb Douglas production function, but with an equilibrium constant and a disequilibrium function added to it. A trade cycle is constructed, utilising thermodynamic processes, and equations are derived for cycle efficiency, growth and entropy gain. A thermodynamic model of a money system is set out, and an attempt is made to relate interest rates, the rate of return, money demand and the velocity of circulation to entropy gain. Aspects concerning the measurement of economic value in thermodynamic terms are discussed.
Thermodynamic Laws Applied To Economic Systems
American Journal of Business Education (AJBE), 2011
Economic activity in its different manifestationsproduction, exchange, consumption and, particularly, information on quantities and pricesgenerates and transfers energy. As a result, we can apply to it the basic laws of thermodynamics. These laws are applicable within a system, i.e., in a country or between systems and countries. To these systems we can apply the thermodynamic principles. In order to work with these concepts, we must first define what a system, in this case an economic system, is and then explain what we mean by a closed or open system. Given that entropy is intimately connected to the level of disorder within a system and, thus, with its information, this multiple vector connects the systems internally and externally.
European Journal of Physics, 2000
Students often have difficulty understanding the concepts of en- tropy and irreversibility, and to a lesser extent, temperature. This is partially due to the statistical nature of these concepts and the abstract connection between probability and energy. The following example of a large collection of coins elucidates the basic concepts of probability— in particular, the law of large numbers—and uses them in the same setting to untangle the more difficult notions of temperature, entropy, and irreversibility.
This article deals with the notion of entropy in its applicability to economics. Briefly, it regards some classical cases of such a use as the labour concept of Podolinsky and the bioeconomics of Georgescu-Roegen. This article also attempts to apply the concept of entropy to the analysis of market structures in the example of the perfect competition model. Thus, the article asserts that if we compare different entropy concepts with the main characteristics of a market with perfect competition, we must conclude that the latter is a structure with the maximum level of entropy. But maximum entropy means the system’s death. So, as a system or a structure, a perfectly competitive market cannot exist. When analysing such a model, economists recognise its impossibility in real life from an empirical point of view. However, the application of the entropy concept helps us to repeat this approval also as a methodological one. The use of the entropy concept as a methodological instrument helps...
On the Statistical Nature of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
viXra, 2017
It is intended here to consider the Second Law of Thermodynamics and various deductions made from it, especially the introduction of the quantity known as the entropy. The starting point will be the formulations of the law in classical thermodynamics. Attention will then move to so-called statistical thermodynamics to help illustrate the point that the Second Law of Classical Thermodynamics is certainly not statistical in nature.
Nonextensive statistical mechanics and economics
Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2003
Ergodicity, this is to say, dynamics whose time averages coincide with ensemble averages, naturally leads to Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistical mechanics, hence to standard thermodynamics. This formalism has been at the basis of an enormous success in describing, among others, the particular stationary state corresponding to thermal equilibrium. There are, however, vast classes of complex systems which accomodate quite badly, or even not at all, within the BG formalism. Such dynamical systems exhibit, in one way or another, nonergodic aspects. In order to be able to theoretically study at least some of these systems, a formalism was proposed 14 years ago, which is sometimes referred to as nonextensive statistical mechanics. We briefly introduce this formalism, its foundations and applications. Furthermore, we provide some bridging to important economical phenomena, such as option pricing, return and volume distributions observed in the financial markets, and the fascinating and ubiquitous concept of risk aversion. One may summarize the whole approach by saying that BG statistical mechanics is based on the entropy SBG = −k i pi ln pi, and typically provides exponential laws for describing stationary states and basic time-dependent phenomena, while nonextensive statistical mechanics is instead based on the entropic form Sq = k(1 − i p q i )/(q − 1) (with S1 = SBG), and typically provides, for the same type of description, (asymptotic) power laws.