The Multidimensional Communication Process: A Communication Paradigm for the 21st Century (original) (raw)

JOHARI WINDOW: An Effective Model for Improving Interpersonal Communication and Managerial Effectiveness

Communication is the glue that holds the organization to gether. Communication is the key to success for any successful organization, more so, in these digital times ,effective communication has become one of the most important parameters to define organizational effectiveness. Organizations are build around people and an environment of mutual understanding and trust fosters good inter-personal relationships and can be linked to improved productivity for organization and enhanced performance for individuals.In this regard, the communication model propounded by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham-JOHARI WINDOW is a revolutionary theory which provides useful insights for improving interpersonal communication through self awareness and understanding. This interpersonal communication model , if applied properly, not only sensitizes managers to the importance of soft skills but also help them build an environment of creativity and collaborative learning. Thus, this conceptual study has been undertaken with the objective to study the application of JOHARI WINDOW in improving interpersonal communication within organizations. The study also throws light on the link between the interpersonal relationships and managerial effectiveness. Further, this study also brings forth the close connect between group dynamics and interpersonal relations.In this era of digitalization, where individuals and organizations are struggling to cope with the nuances of the virtual world, detailed study and application of JOHARI WINDOW can revitalize and sensationalise the way , organizations and individuals communicate.

Impact of Technology on Organizational Communication -Amadosi Mosugu

Information and organization communication technology has become such as an important aspect of organizational communication in the 21st Century workplace, with tangible and intangible contributions to efficiency, improved employee work-life balance, diversity, mobility, and customer experience, as well as increase in performance and revenue growth for organizations. Communication: Communication is the transfer of message from one person or group to another, or from one place to another. The transfer of message is considered communicative when it involves more than one sender or recipient. Several factors are involved when communication occur between people, such things like the medium of communication, the culture, location, and the emotion of those involved in the communication. However, this is what makes communication process difficult, hence, for a communication process to be regarded as appropriate, it must be easy to understand, effective and accurate. Communication occurs in several categories such as, verbal, non-verbal, written, and visual communication categories. It is important for those involved in communication process to use the appropriate channels, some of which are, face-to-face interactions, telephone, text messages, email, the internet, radio, television, letters, brochures, and reports (Miller, 2015). This is important for communication to be termed effective. These various channels have their advantages and disadvantages. Messages transmitted in a communication must be encoded in a form that the chosen channel can relay. Also, it must be able to be decoded easily without any barriers. At the end, the sender must receive without feedback by the recipient of the message. Organizational Communication: According to Wrench & Carter (2012), organizational communication is the assemblage of people with a similar interest, in a particular setup or space, interacting together to achieve a common goal. This include interaction with internal entities such as competitors, vendors, customers and other forms of stakeholders. Internally, organizational communication involves the various units and departments and the human capital, which form the important part of an organization. Organizational Communication is described as the ways and form in which communication occur in an organization. These include both internal and external communication. The container approach of communication describes organizational communication as the understanding of transmitted message through a channel to a receiver, while the social construction approach defines organizational communication as how language is processed to form diverse social structures, for example, relationship, teams and networks. Organizational communication is premised on the use of communication as a means of carrying out tasks and achieving organizational goals. According to some people, it is the lifeline of organizations. Some of the benefits of organizational communication includes, enabling various units of the organizational to work together effectively. It helps in the process of policy implementation, as well as encouraging exchange of information (Goldhaber, 1990). Organizational communication is significant in an organization in adaptation, management, motivation, leadership, and control. More so, there are certain aspects within organizational communication, such as, leadership, teams, communication networks, organizational culture, and organizational learning. Organizational Communication Ethics: Communication flow within organization: According to Turkalj & Fosic (), communication include upward flow, downward communication, sideward communication, oral communication, written communication, and non-verbal communication.

Communication in organisations

Organisational Behaviour, 2019

This is to certify that the doctoral study by Faith S. Ababio-Twi has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the review committee have been made.


Research evidence shows that managers spend 70-90% of their time in communication, in order to keep reinforcing the organisation's goals and bottom line.The 21st century workplace with its hi-tech communication process is becoming more of a social structured and complex technological workplace; coupled with global issues of terrorism, climate change, and changing demographics. Ineffective communication can affect employees’ output overtime, as they begin to experience both physiological and psychosocial withdrawals, which gradually leads to job stress.Communication barriers are impediments that distort the intended meaning and intention conveyed in a message. Channels of communication arises from where communication is needed – such as among employees within the business, customers and clients, vendors and distributors, and engagement with government regulatory bodies. This work shows that effective communication is an important factor that can enhance productivity in the workplace.


Managers spend majority of their time communicating in several forms: meeting, face-to –face discussion , letters, emails etc. Also more and more employees realize that communication is a very important part of their work because a lot of their work activities are based on teamwork among workers in different functional groups. This is the reason why communication has become more important in companies. The experience shows that there are significant differences in manners of communication and that it appears to be a very important factor which makes some organizations more successful than others. Communication is the most important for managers because research shows that the spent long period in work time in communication.

Notes on Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication


Communication is a systemic process of people interacting with and through symbols in order to create, share, and interpret meanings. It is referred to as a process because its beginning and end are hard to identify. It can also take place in different modes. Modes refer to the way by which communication can be expressed.

Communication-A great part of workforce management

Today, to manage workforce, interpersonal communication is the most important part than any other motivational factors. From the definition, communications humanity’s most important characteristic and its greatest accomplishment. It is human’s ability to turn meaningless grunts into spoken and written words, through which they are able to make known their needs, wants, ideas and feelings. Interpersonal communication is a complex process that can be described in simplified terms by a Sender and a Receiver who exchange messages containing ideas and feelings, mixed together. When two or more people are in the same place and are aware of each other's presence, then communication is taking place, no matter how subtle or unintentional. Without speech, an observer may be using cues of posture, facial expression, and dress to form an impression of the other's role, emotional state, personality and/or intentions. Although no communication may be intended, people receive messages through such forms of non-verbal behavior.


IJOPEC, 2019

Individuals, as a social being, need to communicate with their external environment. When a baby is born, he/she trying to communicate with the outside environment by crying, it begins to communicate verbally after learning to speak. An individual who does not have the ability to speak or loses this ability tries to communicate with those around him with the sign language. Therefore, it can be said that the communication process starts with the birth of human being and continues until the end of life. The importance of communication has led researchers to work on communication in firms. But before that, it is useful to examine the history of communication….


The Width and Breath of Communication Research Concept, Issues and Trends, 2021

Communication Process Organisations can function well if they also use good communication programmmes. A communication plan and communication design programme should be established and tailored to the needs of the organisation. The communication paradigm itself is a process of information and understanding using the same signs (Gibson, Ivancevich & Donnelly, 2003). According to Greenberg (2011), communication can use the media as an intermediary by sending messages from sender to recipient. Communication is a means of sending a message to the recipient of the message in order to create a meaningful equation between the information of the giver and the information of the recipient. This communication process aims to create effective communication (suitable for general communication purposes). In accordance widi the concept, communication can also take place vertically or horizontally. The vertical dimension is divided into two directions, namely downward and upward (Robbins, 2005). Communication from one level of a group or organisation to a lower level is top-down communication. Top-down communication models are used by managers to communicate with their employees. This communication is used by leaders and team leaders to set goals, provide work instructions, educate employees on policies and procedures, point out issues that need attention, and provide feedback on performance. This communication model does not have to be in the form of verbal or face-to-face contact, such as by letter or e-mail. Upward communication models arrive at a higher level in groups or organisations. The communication model is used to provide bottom-up feedback. This communication model makes managers aware of how employees see their work, their colleagues, and the organisation as a whole. Managers also rely on this communication model to come up with ideas to improve things. Examples: economic performance reports prepared by lower management for review by senior management and senior management, suggestion boxes, employee attitude surveys, discussions between superiors and subordinates, as well as informal "complaints" in which employees have the ability to identify and discuss problems with the director or executive assistant.