Булатов В.С., Головин С.Е., Яновская Е.Г., Долотов Ю.А. Подземные каменоломни у деревни Котляково Московской области // Спелеология и спелестология. Сборник материалов VI международной научной заочной конференции. – Набережные Челны: НГПУ, 2015: 210-217 (original) (raw)

Гаршин Д.И., Гаршина Ю.В., Долотов Ю.А., Иващенко С.О., Струков С.С. Подземные известняковые каменоломни Веневского района Тульской области // Спелеология и спелестология. Сборник материалов IX международной научной конференции. – Набережные Челны: НГПУ, 2018: 191-205

Спелеология и спелестология. Сборник материалов IX международной научной конференции. – Набережные Челны, 2018

Several underground limestone quarries are known in Venyov district of Tula region. These quarries overview is presented in the paper. Venyov district is situated in about 150 kilometers to the south of Moscow. Lower Carboniferous limestones lay near the surface there. They fit well for construction needs. It is supposed that limestone production in the vicinity of Venyov started in the 16th century along with Tula defensive structures construction. Large peasant quarries operated on the banks of the Osyotr river by the end of the 19th century. A quarry system, situated near Byakovo village, is the largest known peasant quarry in Central Russia. The Byakovo quarry system is a combination of several quarries, randomly connected to each other and forming a complex labyrinth structure. Its total length is more than 40000 meters. The history of limestone production in Venyov district is described in the paper, based on archive and literary sources. Known underground quarry cavities are described following the modern spelestological zoning scheme.

Сохин М.Ю., Долотов Ю.А. Баксинские каменоломни у села Глазовка // Спелеология и спелестология. – Набережные Челны. 2022. №2: 49-57

Спелеология и спелестология. №2, 2022

BAKSY QUARRY NEAR THE GLAZOVKA VILLAGE The Baksinsky quarries are located in the eastern part of the Kerch Peninsula on the western slope of Khroni mountain, east of Glazovka village. Geologically, the quarries belong to the eastern wing of the Baksin syncline, composed of shelly limestone of the Meotian. Here, at the end of the XIX century, limestone mining was carried out both by open and underground methods. The quarries were used during the Great Patriotic War by the retreating units of the Red Army as shelters. In August 2021, the ROSI expedition carried out prospecting work to identify underground mines, they were numbered and topographically surveyed. 8 small quarries of various lengths and preservation were found. The longest of them, Baksinskaya-1, has a length of 110 m. The lengths of other mines do not exceed 10 m.

Гунько А. А., Кондратьева С. К., Степкин В. В., Гунько А. П. Пещерный комплекс у хутора Демидовский (Ростовская область) // Спелеология и спелестология. 2021. № 2. С. 88–95.

Пещерный комплекс у хутора Демидовский (Ростовская область), 2021

The cave complex (Demidovskaya cave) is located in the Verkhnedonsky (Upper Don) district of the Rostov region. The complex was cut out in the chalk thickness in the middle part of the right bank of the river. Don near Demidovsky village. It was first investigated speleologists of the Voronezh speleosection in 1975. The article presents the results of studies of the complex carried out by the authors in 2014. The complex consists of a number of galleries and adjoining small rooms. It has two tiers connected by a staircase. The structure of the complex is largely subordinated to the system of cracks within the massif-the contours of the main rooms, ledges, niches, and ceiling ledges were formed along them. The upper tier is best preserved. Part of the lower tier is currently completely filled with talus and is inaccessible. The total length of the accessible part of the complex is 72 m. According to local residents, monks associated with the Donetsk Monastery of John the Baptist lived in the cave, but there is no documentary information about this fact. The religious purpose of the complex is confirmed by the discovery of several niches-icon cases, in which icons could be installed. Currently, there are icons inside, brought in in the mid-2000s.

Сохин М.Ю., Долотов Ю.А. Микоянская группа каменоломен в пригороде Керчи // Пещеры. Вып. 43. – Пермь: ЕНИ ПГНИУ, 2020: 34-47

Пещеры. Вып. 43. – Пермь: ЕНИ ПГНИУ, 2020

MIKOYANSKAYA QUARRY GROUP IN KERCH CITY SUBURB Mikoyanskaya quarry group is situated near Kerch Western outskirts in Crimea republic Leninsky district, to the South of Oktyabrskoye village. It consists of two separated parts: Mikoyanskiye (Oktyabrskiye) quarries and East-Mikoyanskiye (Michurinskiye) quarries. Mikoyanskiye quarries consist of three standalone mine workings: Mikoyanskaya-1 (790 meters), Mikoyanskaya-2 (290 meters) and Mikoyanskaya-3 (9 meters). East-Mikoyanskiye quarries consist of two workings, 92 and 20 meters long. Limestone was developed there with sawing in one horizon. It is supposed that limestone was mined there mainly in 1930s for village Oktyabrskoye construction purposes.

Байбиков В. Ю., Неходцев В. А. Подземная речка Пресня // Спелеология и спелестология. 2015. №6. С. 280–283.

Presnya underground river, 2015

The Presnya river is a left tributary of the Moskva river. It’s 7 km long in the central part of Moscow. Two smaller rivers run into Presnya. There used to be many ponds, 4 still exist. During the period between 1879-1915 Presnya was enclosed in the underground pipe and became part of the Moscow drain system. More than half of the tunnel is built from bricks and has a shape of a pipe with a diameter up to 3.2 m. The bottom of collector is eroded with water; in the near future that accident can result in destruction.