Two phase semi-supervised clustering using background knowledge (original) (raw)
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Semi-Supervised Clustering with Partial Background Information
Proceedings of the 2006 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 2006
Incorporating background knowledge into unsupervised clustering algorithms has been the subject of extensive research in recent years. Nevertheless, existing algorithms implicitly assume that the background information, typically specified in the form of labeled examples or pairwise constraints, has the same feature space as the unlabeled data to be clustered. In this paper, we are concerned with a new problem of incorporating partial background knowledge into clustering, where the labeled examples have moderate overlapping features with the unlabeled data. We formulate this as a constrained optimization problem, and propose two learning algorithms to solve the problem, based on hard and fuzzy clustering methods. An empirical study performed on a variety of real data sets shows that our proposed algorithms improve the quality of clustering results with limited labeled examples.
Data mining is the process of finding the previously unknown and potentially interesting patterns and relation in database. Data mining is the step in the knowledge discovery in database process (KDD) .The structures that are the outcome of the data mining process must meet certain condition so that these can be considered as knowledge. These conditions are validity, understandability, utility, novelty, interestingness. Researcher identifies two fundamental goals of data mining: prediction and description. The proposed research work suggests the semi-supervised clustering problem where to know (with varying degree of certainty) that some sample pairs are (or are not) in the same class. A probabilistic model for semi-supervised clustering based on Shared Semi-supervised Neighbor clustering (SSNC) that provides a principled framework for incorporating supervision into prototype-based clustering. Semi-supervised clustering that combines the constraint-based and fitness-based approaches in a unified model. The proposed method first divides the Constraint-sensitive assignment of instances to clusters, where points are assigned to clusters so that the overall distortion of the points from the cluster centroids is minimized, while a minimum number of must-link and cannot-link constraints are violated. Experimental results across UCL Machine learning semi-supervised dataset results show that the proposed method has higher F-Measures than many existing Semi-Supervised Clustering methods.
A classification-based approach to semi-supervised clustering with pairwise constraints
Neural Networks, 2020
In this paper, we introduce a neural network framework for semi-supervised clustering (SSC) with pairwise (must-link or cannot-link) constraints. In contrast to existing approaches, we decompose SSC into two simpler classification tasks/stages: the first stage uses a pair of Siamese neural networks to label the unlabeled pairs of points as must-link or cannot-link; the second stage uses the fully pairwise-labeled dataset produced by the first stage in a supervised neural-network-based clustering method. The proposed approach, S 3 C 2 (Semi-Supervised Siamese Classifiers for Clustering), is motivated by the observation that binary classification (such as assigning pairwise relations) is usually easier than multi-class clustering with partial supervision. On the other hand, being classification-based, our method solves only well-defined classification problems, rather than less well specified clustering tasks. Extensive experiments on various datasets demonstrate the high performance of the proposed method.
Clustering is one of the most common data mining tasks, used frequently for data organization and analysis in various application domains. Traditional machine learning approaches to clustering are fully automated and unsupervised where class labels are unknown a priori. In real application domains, however, some " weak " form of side information about the domain or data sets can be often available or derivable. In particular, information in the form of instance-level pairwise constraints is general and is relatively easy to derive. The problem with traditional clustering techniques is that they cannot benefit from side information even when available. I study the problem of semi-supervised clustering, which aims to partition a set of unlabeled data items into coherent groups given a collection of constraints. Because semi-supervised clustering promises higher quality with little extra human effort, it is of great interest both in theory and in practice. Semi-supervised clu...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
This study addresses the problem of performing clustering in the presence of two types of background knowledge: pairwise constraints and monotonicity constraints. To achieve this, the formal framework to perform clustering under monotonicity constraints is, firstly, defined, resulting in a specific distance measure. Pairwise constraints are integrated afterwards by designing an objective function which combines the proposed distance measure and a pairwise constraint-based penalty term, in order to fuse both types of information. This objective function can be optimized with an EM optimization scheme. The proposed method serves as the first approach to the problem it addresses, as it is the first method designed to work with the two types of background knowledge mentioned above. Our proposal is tested in a variety of benchmark datasets and in a real-world case of study.
A Survey of Constrained Clustering
Traditional data mining methods for clustering only use unlabeled data objects as input. The aim of such methods is to find a partition of these unlabeled data objects in order to discover the underlying structure of the data. In some cases, there may be some prior knowledge about the data in the form of (a few number of) labels or constraints. Performing traditional clustering methods by ignoring the prior knowledge may result in extracting irrelevant information for the user. Constrained clustering, i.e., clustering with side information or semi-supervised clustering, addresses this problem by incorporating prior knowledge into the clustering process to discover relevant information from the data. In this chapter, a survey of advances in the area of constrained clustering will be presented. Different types of prior knowledge considered in the literature, and clustering approaches that make use of this prior knowledge will be reviewed.
Clustering algorithms with constraints (also known as semi-supervised clustering algorithms) have been introduced to the field of machine learning as a significant variant to the conventional unsupervised clustering learning algorithms. They have been demonstrated to achieve better performance due to integrating prior knowledge during the clustering process, that enables uncovering relevant useful information from the data being clustered. However, the research conducted within the context of developing semi-supervised hierarchical clustering techniques are still an open and active investigation area. Majority of current semi-supervised clustering algorithms are developed as partitional clustering (PC) methods and only few research efforts have been made on developing semi-supervised hierarchical clustering methods. The aim of this research is to enhance hierarchical clustering (HC) algorithms based on prior knowledge, by adopting novel methodologies. [Continues.]
A Fast Semi-Supervised Single-Link Clustering Method
Semi-supervised single-link (SSl) clustering method, can give better results than unsupervised single-link method. This paper proposes constrained leader-based SSl method to achieve almost similar clustering result, but with much reduced time by by employing Leaders clustering method working with leader data patterns, instead of working with every individual data pattern in the dataset. The proposed method basically a two step process.First it derives a set of prototypes by using a fast clustering method along with constraints called the Constrained leaders clustering method with threshold parameter α.The second step is by applying the SSL method in the presence of a few labeled data with respecting the constraints(Must-link and Cannot-link) are presented in this paper. The ‘must-link’ constraints (a constraint of this kind says, two particular data patterns must be grouped together),this type of constraints can be merged in the process easily, but “can-not link” constraints (e.g., ...
Semi-supervised clustering (SSC) is an important research problem in machine learning. While it is usually expected that the use of unlabelled data can improve performance, in many cases SSL is outperformed by supervised learning using only labelled data. To this end, the construction of a performance-safe SSL method has become a key issue of SSC study. In this paper classified the effect of fast food on human body by clustering with supervised learning and improve the clustering. This paper also use feature selection and feature extraction. Clustering is the technique used for data reduction. It divides the data into groups based on pattern similarities such that each group is abstracted by one or more representatives. Recently, there is a growing emphasis on exploratory analysis of very large datasets to discover useful patterns. This paper explains extracting the useful knowledge represented by clusters from textual information contained in a large number of emails for text and data mining techniques. E-mail data that are now becoming the dominant form of inter and intra organizational written communication for many companies. The sample texts of two mails are verified for data clustering. The cluster shows the similar emails exchanged between the users and finding the text similarities to cluster the texts. In this paper the use of Pattern similarities i.e., the similar words exchanged between the users by considering the different Threshold values are made for the purpose. The threshold value shows the frequency of the words used. The representation of data is done using a vector space model. .The semi-supervised projected model-based clustering algorithm (SeSProC) also includes a novel model selection approach, using a greedy forward search to estimate the final number of clusters. The quality of SeSProC is assessed using synthetic data, demonstrating its effectiveness, under different data conditions, not only at classifying instances with known labels, but also at discovering completely hidden clusters in different subspaces.