Sophisticated hypertext functionalities for Software Engineering (original) (raw)

Trip report on the second workshop on incorporating hypertext functionality into software systems

ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, 1996

he1en, a5hman0d5 t0. de fence. 90v. au 1 Auth0r5• N0te h7~ae ep c/a}1 f0r .pa~c. ~at)0~3 ~510~a~ed at htf2•cfp.htm1 and the paper5 can 6e acce55ed fr0m the ma1n pr0ceed1n95 pa9e at http://5pace.nj 1t .0du: 5080/H7F11 / Pr0ceed1n95. htm1. 7r1p Rep0rt 0n the 5ec0nd W0rk5h0p 0n 1nc0rp0rat1n9 Hypertext Funct10na11ty 1nt0 50ftware 5y5tem5 7he 5ec0nd W0rk5h0p 0n 1nc0rp0rat1n9 Hypertext Funct10na11ty 1nt0 50ftware 5y5tem5 (H7F 11) wa5 he1d 1n c0njunct10n w1th the ACM Hypertext •96 c0nference. Part1c1pat10n wa5 6y 1nv1tat10n, 6a5ed 0n 5u6m15510n 0f a p051t10n paper5. 7he paper5 were rev1ewed 6y the 0r9an12er5 0f the w0rk5h0p (He1en A5hman, Ha171 01na5-Kukk0nen, M1ehae1 81e6er, and V. 8a1a5u6raman1an). A11 accepted p051t10n paper5 were c1rcu1ated pr10r t0 the w0rk5h0p. 7he 155ue5 t0 6e d15cu55ed at the 5ec0nd w0rk5h0p ar05e fr0m 4ue5t10n5 ra15ed 1n the f1r5t w0rk5h0p (he1d 1n c0njunct10n w1th ECH7•94). 7he5e 155ue5 f0rmed the c0re d15cu5510n t0p1c5 1n the ca11 f0r part1c1pat10n and the 5e5510n5 0f the w0rk5h0p were 0r9an15ed ar0und them. A fu11 rep0rt 0n the 5ec0nd w0rk5h0p ha5 6een c0mp1eted and w111 6e p1aced 0n a We6 5erver and 11nked fr0m the 0r191na1 ca11 f0r paper5.

HDM---a model for the design of hypertext applications

Proceedings of the third annual ACM conference on Hypertext - HYPERTEXT '91, 1991

We present the latest developments of HDM, a design model for Hypertext Applications. The basic features of HDM are the representation of applications through several design primitives: typed entities composed of hierarchies of component different perspectives for each componen~units corresponding to component-perspective pairs; bodies representing the actual content of the units; structural links, binding together components or sub-entities of the same entity; typed application links, interconnecting components belonging to different entities; and a spccitlc browsing semantics based on anchors, as a way to activate many different link types from within a unit. The development of HDM is part of the HYTEA project, carried on by a European consortium, aiming at the development of a set of authoring tools for an "engineered development of Hypertext-Hypermedia applications. A HYTEA application is made by an HDM schema and an HDM Hyperbase (i.e., a set of instances). The basic HDM has already been shown to be translatable, either manually or through a compiler, into a nodeand-link model ("a la DEXTER model"); the translated application can be targeted on several implementation tools (i.e., standard Hypertext tools already available on the market). HDM has already been used to develop a (small number) of applications, and to describe preexisting applications. These experiments have shown the need for improvements that are discussed in the papec aggregate entities; sharing of components; is-a relationships and inheritance between entity types; sharing of bodies; structured access and "guided tours"; use of active media (animations and video-clips).

Building application dependent hypertexts

Information Processing & Management, 1997

The Konstanz Hypertext System offers a domain-specific developmental environment for the construction of large hypertexts. Through its flexibility, the structuring means employed in the Konstanz Hypertext System offers an instrument which permits one to respond directly to the demands relevant to specific applications in the construction of hypertexts. Especially the integration of information obtained from external resources is emphasized. After a discussion of the information sources which can be connected to the KHS a short introduction to the hypertext model of the KHS is provided. The role of structuring means in the integration of external information is pointed out. The scope of possible applications and the flexibility of the system are demonstrated by the following three comprehensive examples: resource discovery of online databases, management of electronic mail and the compilation of an issue of an electronic journal.

A step forward to hypertext


In this paper, after a critical review of how hypertext has been understood over the past few years, we claim against the distinction between total and partial hypertext, and we provide a brief description of a dynamic system that allows the automatic highlighting of those textual elements related to a certain topic. The outcome of our approach is ESQUITX, an

Hypertext development using a model-based approach

Software: Practice and Experience, 1992

We present the latest developments of HDM, a design model for Hypertext Applications. The basic features of HDM are the representation of applications through several design primitives: typed entities composed of hierarchies of component different perspectives for each componen~units corresponding to component-perspective pairs; bodies representing the actual content of the units; structural links, binding together components or sub-entities of the same entity; typed application links, interconnecting components belonging to different entities; and a spccitlc browsing semantics based on anchors, as a way to activate many different link types from within a unit.

Chimera: Hypertext for heterogeneous software environments


ABSTRACT Emerging software development environments are characterized by heterogeneity they are composed of diverse object stores, user interfaces, and tools. This paper presents an approach for providing hypertext services in this heterogeneous setting. Central notions of the approach include the following. Anchors are established with respect to interactive views of objects, rather than the objects themselves.

Hypertext-based Specification Documents

Abstract Modern software systems are large and complex. Their production lifecycle has to solve the problem of geographically dispersed teamwork, heterogeneous operating environments, changing requirements, and long range and interrelated development activities. The documentation of the production lifecycle of software systems is a key issue: it should record the whole development history as well as all the technical design and implementation decisions.

On designing intelligent hypertext systems for information management in software engineering


Information management in IaTge scale soflware engineering is a challenging problem. Hypertext systems are best suited for this purpose because of the diversity in information types that is permitted in the nodes of a hypertext. The integration of a hypertext system with software engineering tools results in a software hypertext system. We descn'be the design of such a system called DIF. Based on our experiences in using DIF, we recognized the need and the potential foT developing a hypertext system that could utilize knowledge about its users and theiT software tasks and products. Such a system might then be able to act as an active participant in the software process, rather than being just a passive, albeit useful stoTage facility. As such, we define an Intelligent Software Hypertext System (I-SHYS~) as a software hypertext system which is knowledgeable about its environment and can use such knowledge to assist in the software process. This knowledge is partly embedded in the design of an I-SHYS [in terms of the 'agents' that I-SHYS suppoTts) and partly defined during the use of I-SHYS (in terms of tasks that agents perform). We present a framework GOT defining and organizing this knowledge, describe potential uses of such knowledge, identify limits of OUT approach, and suggest methods jot cbcumventing them.