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Fast Temporal Encoding and Decoding with Spiking Neurons
Neural Computation, 1998
We propose a simple theoretical structure of interacting integrate-and-fire neurons that can handle fast information processing and may account for the fact that only a few neuronal spikes suffice to transmit information in the brain. Using integrate-and-fire neurons that are subjected to individual noise and to a common external input, we calculate their first passage time (FPT), or interspike interval. We suggest using a population average for evaluating the FPT that represents the desired information. Instantaneous lateral excitation among these neurons helps the analysis. By employing a second layer of neurons with variable connections to the first layer, we represent the strength of the input by the number of output neurons that fire, thus decoding the temporal information. Such a model can easily lead to a logarithmic relation as in Weber's law. The latter follows naturally from information maximization if the input strength is statistically distributed according to an app...
Encoding of Time-varying Stimuli in Populations of Cultured Neurons
Biological Cybernetics, 2006
We wondered whether random populations of dissociated cultured cortical neurons, despite of their lack of structure and/or regional specialization, are capable of modulating their neural activity as the effect of a time-varying stimulation – a simulated ‘sensory’ afference. More specifically, we used localized low-frequency, non-periodic trains of stimuli to simulate sensory afferences, and asked how much information about the original trains of stimuli could be extracted from the neural activity recorded at the different sites. Furthermore, motivated by the results of studies performed both in vivo and in vitro on different preparations, which suggested that isolated spikes and bursts may play different roles in coding time-varying signals, we explored the amount of such ‘sensory’ information that could be associated to these different firing modes. Finally, we asked whether and how such ‘sensory’ information is transferred from the sites of stimulation (i.e., the ‘sensory’ areas), to the other regions of the neural populations. To do this we applied stimulus reconstruction techniques and information theoretic concepts that are typically used to investigate neural coding in sensory systems. Our main results are that (1) slow variations of the rate of stimulation are coded into isolated spikes and in the time of occurrence of bursts (but not in the bursts’ temporal structure); (2) increasing the rate of stimulation has the effect of increasing the proportion of isolated spikes in the average evoked response and their importance in coding for the stimuli; and, (3) the ability to recover the time course of the pattern of stimulation is strongly related to the degree of functional connectivity between stimulation and recording sites. These observations parallel similar findings in intact nervous systems regarding the complementary roles of bursts and tonic spikes in encoding sensory information. Our results also have interesting implications in the field of neuro-robotic interfaces. In fact, the ability of populations of neurons to code information is a prerequisite for obtaining hybrid systems, in which neuronal populations are used to control external devices.
Dynamic Knowledge Representation in Connectionist Systems
One of the most pervading concepts underlying computational models of information processing in the brain is linear input integration of rate coded uni-variate information by neurons. After a suitable learning process this results in neuronal structures that statically represent knowledge as a vector of real valued synaptic weights. Although this general framework has contributed to the many successes of connectionism, in this paper we argue that for all but the most basic of cognitive processes, a more complex, multi-variate dynamic neural coding mechanism is required - knowledge should not be spacially bound to a particular neuron or group of neurons. We conclude the paper with discussion of a simple experiment that illustrates dynamic knowledge representation in a spiking neuron connectionist system.