Early Bronze Age Barrow Graves in Thrace (55 years later) (original) (raw)

Early Bronze Age (non-standard?) clay weights from Upper Thrace


The article is focused on some rare artifacts which were detected at settlement mounds near Yunatsite and Razkopanitsa. They are extraordinary for Upper Thrace’s lands during the Early Bronze age. That raises the questions about their function and interpretation. The find from Yunatsite is found at VIII building phase. Its dimensions are: length – 6,7 cm; width – 4,7 cm; maximal thickness – 2 cm (minimal – 0,9 cm); diameters of the perforations – 0,7 cm, 0,6 cm, 0,6 cm. Its shape is rectangular with oval-triangle cross-section. Similar finds were detected in Anatolia and Greece. The most closed parallels originated from Markiani-Lerna, Yesiltepe, the gave Zas-Naxos (which finds were stamped of Mycenaean seals) and Festos-Crete. All finds are interpreted as weaving implements (according to P. Militello – weaving tablets). Later led us to suggest likewise interpretation for the Bulgarian’s finds.

Early Bronze Age clay anchors and hooks from Upper Thrace

Годишник, том 10, на Регионален исторически музей – Пазарджик

Ceramic objects with a vertical body with one or two “rainbow” curved side parts, often defined in the literature, such as ceramic models of anchors or hooks, are distributed in five sites on the territory of the Upper Thracian Plain – Yunacite, Dabene, Ezero, Hausa, Michalic. The main questions that related to hooks and anchors are the origin and the ways of distribution of these objects; defining their chronology and, above all, their correct interpretation.

Investigations of the Bronze and Scythian Age barrows near the town of Ordjonikidze (Ukraine) in 2007 (preliminary report). (Paper-rus)

Сергей ПОЛИН, Людмила ЧЕРНЫХ, Марина ДАРАГАН, Сергей РАЗУМОВ, Киев Cercetarea tumulilor aparţinând epocii bronzului şi perioadei scitice din vecinătatea or. Ordžonikidze (Ucraina) în anul 2007 (raport preliminar). În anul 2007 în preajma or. Ordžonikidze (reg. Dnepropetrovsk, Ucraina) au fost efectuate, în conformitate cu legislaţia în vigoare privind protecţia monumentelor istorice şi culturale de pe teritoriul Ucrainei, săpături de salvare a tumulilor în zona carierelor asociaţiei "Орджоникидзевский горнообогатительный комбинат". Din tumulii cercetaţi, unul aparţinea epocii bronzului, iar doi -perioadei scitice (sec. IV î.e.n.). Tumulul din epoca bronzului (nr. 31), cu înălţimea de 0,5m şi diametrul de 45×30 m, conţinea opt înmormântări: două morminte ale culturii Jamnaja, patru -ale culturii Katakombnaja şi două -ale culturii Babino (Mnogovalikovaja). Tumulul nr. 32, cu înălţimea de 2 m şi diametrul de până la 30 m, conţinea patru morminte -unul aparţinând nomazilor turanici timpurii (sec. IX -înc. sec. X e.n.) şi trei scitice (sec. IV î.e.n.). Alte trei morminte scitice din sec. IV î.e.n., cu catacombă, au fost depistate în tumulul nr. 33, cu înălţimea de 0,5 m şi diametrul de 14 m. В 2007 г. в районе г. Орджоникидзе Днепропетровской области Украины в соответствии с законодательством об охране памятников истории и культуры Украины проведены охранные исследования курганов в зоне карьеров ОАО "Орджоникидзевский горно-обогатительный комбинат". Из исследованных курганов один относился к эпохе бронзы, два -к скифскому периоду (IV в. до н.э.). Курган эпохи бронзы (№ 31), высотой 0,5 м и диаметром 45×30 м, содержал 8 погребений эпохи бронзы: 2 погребения ямной КИО, 4 погребения катакомбной КИО, 2 погребения бабинской КИО (КМК). Курган № 32, высотой до 2 м и диаметром до 30 м, содержал 4 погребения: 1 средневековое кочевническое (ІХ -начала Х в. н.э.) и 3 скифского времени IV в. до н.э. В курган № 33, высотой 0,5 м и диаметром 14 м, обнаружено три скифских катакомбных погребения IV в. до н.э.

Early Bronze Age Clay Anthropomorphic Figurines from Upper Thrace Valley. State and Problems of the Research

A B S T R AC T Among studies considering different themes from the Early Bronze Age in the Upper Thrace Valley, still wanting is a comprehensive study, or a review, of the issues pertaining to the clay anthropomorphic figurines from the period. Despite the small number of the finds collected in the recent decades, the available artifacts make possible, in broad strokes, to outline some important issues, connected to the figurines: emergence and origin, chronological and territorial range, typological features, function and interpretation. The aim of this article is to offer an overview, through an examination of all known and/or published examples of small anthropomorphic clay figurines from the Upper Thracian Valley. K E Y W O R D S Early Bronze age, anthropomorphic figurine, Thrace, Anatolia Сред изследванията, които са посветени на различни проблеми от ранната бронзо-ва епоха от Горнотракийската низина 1 , липсва цялостно проучване или разглеждане на въпросите, които са свързани с керамичната антропоморфна пластика. Въпреки малкия брой находки, открити през последните десетилетия, наличните примери позволяват, да се откроят някои основни проблеми свързани с фигурките: поява и произход, хронологически и териториален обхват, типологически особености, пред-назначение и интерпретация. В настоящата статия са разглеждани всички познати и/или публикувани образци на малка керамична антропоморфна пластика от Горно-тракийската низина.

Diana Dimitrova Early Bronze Age graves in Gabrova Tumulus


Gabrova tumulus is part of a cemetery situated on the territory of the village of Kamen (Sliven municipality, Southeastern Bulgaria). The village is located on the left upstream bank of the Tundzha River and is ca. 8.5 km in a straight line from the southern slopes of the Eastern Stara Planina Mountain. The site was excavated between mid-August and mid-September 2011 by a team of the National Institute of Archaeology with Museum at BAS headed by Diana Dimitrova. The tumulus measures 32 m in diameter and its height varies from 2.3 m to 2.8 m from different sides. The following constructions were discovered at different levels of the embankment: 21 secondary graves, dated from the Late Antiquity to the 15th c., 10 Early Bronze Age (EBA) graves, a stone heap and a trizna. Single burials had been performed in most of the pits. The ritual is inhumation – the dead body is back-side laid down and the legs are bent. Dead bodies were E-W oriented and the crania were in both directions. The bones of some skeletons were ruddle dyed. One of the pits was covered with flat broken stones. One of the graves comprised mixed ritual (inhumation and cremation outside the tumular embankment) and the following grave goods: Arsenical Bronze burnt dagger and bone amulet. Grave № 24 was a mass one – an oval pit dug in the continental rock (w = 0.80 m; 1 = 1.48 m, h = 1.30 m) comprised 7 individuals bones not arranged in anatomic order – 2 young women, young man and 4 children. All people had been buried simultaneously and most probably the grave was affiliated with the central burial. The following were found there: large clay urn, lupine or canine bone amulets, bit of obsidian and a clay bowl (the latter discovered fragmented inside the um).

Between Bronze and Iron Ages (burial ground Shatmantamak I in Bashkortostan)

Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology), 2020

Главный редактор член-корреспондент АН РТ, доктор исторических наук А.Г. Ситдиков Заместители главного редактора: член-корреспондент АН РТ, доктор исторических наук Ф.Ш. Хузин доктор исторических наук Ю.А. Зеленеев Ответственный секретарь-кандидат ветеринарных наук Г.Ш. Асылгараева

Newly discovered burials of the Bronze Age in the territory of Tajikistan

Archaeological News

This paper publishes newly discovered materials of the Bronze Age from Southern Tajikistan — six burials at the cemetery of Khulbuk occupying the southern section of the hill on which a palace was built in the 9th century. The archaeological complex represented in these burials can be attributed, on the whole, neither to the Beshkent-Vakhsh culture of Tajikistan nor to the agriculturalist cultures of the Sapalli or Namazga type. By contrast, it demonstrates an undoubted interaction of different cultural communities. The skeletal remains of five individuals have been examined. They are characterized by gracility and a small size of the head and body. Their parameters, are generally found to be within the limits of the variations of typical representatives of the Bronze Age populations of Southern Tajikistan.