22. Labelled Transition Systems (original) (raw)


We denote by qa−−→ q that (q, a, q)∈→. The main differences between a labelled transition system and a finite-state automaton are that the set of states Q and the alphabet L (and consequently→) may be infinite. A state q may thus have infinitely many successors for some action a, ie, the set {q| qa−−→ q} may be infinite.

Towards a Generic Tool for Reasoning about Labeled Transition Systems

WWW home page : http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/\~casteran/CClair/CClair.html This work is partially supported by the French RNRT project Calife. Abstract. The CClair project is designed to be a general framework for working with various kinds of transition systems, allowing both ver- iflcation and testing activities. It is structured as a set of theories of Isabelle/HOL, the root being a theory of transition systems and their behaviour. Subtheories deflne particular families of systems, like con- strained and timed automata. Besides the great expressivity of higher order logic, we show how important features like rewriting and existen- tial variables are determinant in this kind of framework.

Recognizable sets of finite bilabelled transition systems

Acta Cybernetica

We propose a definition of a notion of automaton recognizing finite bilabelled transition systems, i.e. finite directed graphs with labels attached to both vertices and edges. The family of recognizable sets is a boolean algebra. Moreover every recognizable set contains the images and the inverse images of each of its element under surjective homomorphisms.

An automata-theoretic approach to infinite-state systems


In this paper we develop an automata-theoretic framework for reasoning about infinite-state sequential systems. Our framework is based on the observation that states of such systems, which carry a finite but unbounded amount of information, can be viewed as nodes in an infinite tree, and transitions between states can be simulated by finite-state automata. Checking that a system satisfies a temporal property can then be done by an alternating two-way tree automaton that navigates through the tree.

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