Arctic Ocean glacial history (original) (raw)

While there are numerous hypotheses concerning glacialeinterglacial environmental and climatic regime shifts in the Arctic Ocean, a holistic view on the Northern Hemisphere's late Quaternary ice-sheet extent and their impact on ocean and sea-ice dynamics remains to be established. Here we aim to provide a step in this direction by presenting an overview of Arctic Ocean glacial history, based on the present state-of-the-art knowledge gained from field work and chronological studies, and with a specific focus on ice-sheet extent and environmental conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The maximum Quaternary extension of ice sheets is discussed and compared to LGM. We bring together recent results from the circum-Arctic continental margins and the deep central basin; extent of ice sheets and ice streams bordering the Arctic Ocean as well as evidence for ice shelves extending into the central deep basin. Discrepancies between new results and published LGM ice-sheet reconstructions in the high Arctic are highlighted and outstanding questions are identified. Finally, we address the ability to simulate the Arctic Ocean ice sheet complexes and their dynamics, including ice streams and ice shelves, using presently available ice-sheet models. Our review shows that while we are able to firmly reject some of the earlier hypotheses formulated to describe Arctic Ocean glacial conditions, we still lack information from key areas to compile the holistic Arctic Ocean glacial history.

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Arctic Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum: Atlantic and polar domains of surface water mass distribution and ice cover Cover Page

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Arctic Ocean evidence for late Quaternary initiation of northern Eurasian ice sheets Cover Page

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Reduced sea ice concentrations in the Arctic Ocean during the last interglacial period revealed by sediment cores off northern Greenland Cover Page

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The last interglacial warm period record of the Arctic Ocean: Proxy-data support a major reduction of sea ice Cover Page

Evidence for an ice shelf covering the central Arctic Ocean during the penultimate glaciation

Nature communications, 2016

The hypothesis of a km-thick ice shelf covering the entire Arctic Ocean during peak glacial conditions was proposed nearly half a century ago. Floating ice shelves preserve few direct traces after their disappearance, making reconstructions difficult. Seafloor imprints of ice shelves should, however, exist where ice grounded along their flow paths. Here we present new evidence of ice-shelf groundings on bathymetric highs in the central Arctic Ocean, resurrecting the concept of an ice shelf extending over the entire central Arctic Ocean during at least one previous ice age. New and previously mapped glacial landforms together reveal flow of a spatially coherent, in some regions >1-km thick, central Arctic Ocean ice shelf dated to marine isotope stage 6 (∼140 ka). Bathymetric highs were likely critical in the ice-shelf development by acting as pinning points where stabilizing ice rises formed, thereby providing sufficient back stress to allow ice shelf thickening.

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Evidence for an ice shelf covering the central Arctic Ocean during the penultimate glaciation Cover Page

Natural variability of the Arctic Ocean sea ice during the present interglacial

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020

Significance Arctic sea ice is an important component of the Earth’s climate system, but prior to its recent reduction, its long-term natural instabilities need to be better documented. In this study, information on past sea-ice conditions across the Arctic Ocean demonstrates that whereas its western and central parts remained occupied by perennial sea ice throughout the present interglacial, its southeastern sector close to the Russian margin experienced, at least, sporadic seasonal sea-ice-free conditions during the warmer part of the present interglacial until ∼4,000 y ago. Sea-ice-free conditions during summer in the southeastern Arctic Ocean seem, therefore, to be a recurrent feature linked to its natural variability during warm episodes of the past.

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Natural variability of the Arctic Ocean sea ice during the present interglacial Cover Page

The emergence of modern sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean

Nature communications, 2014

Arctic sea ice coverage is shrinking in response to global climate change and summer ice-free conditions in the Arctic Ocean are predicted by the end of the century. The validity of this prediction could potentially be tested through the reconstruction of the climate of the Pliocene epoch (5.33-2.58 million years ago), an analogue of a future warmer Earth. Here we show that, in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic Ocean, ice-free conditions prevailed in the early Pliocene until sea ice expanded from the central Arctic Ocean for the first time ca. 4 million years ago. Amplified by a rise in topography in several regions of the Arctic and enhanced freshening of the Arctic Ocean, sea ice expanded progressively in response to positive ice-albedo feedback mechanisms. Sea ice reached its modern winter maximum extension for the first time during the culmination of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation, ca. 2.6 million years ago.

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The emergence of modern sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean Cover Page

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The Last Deglaciation Event in the Eastern Central Arctic Ocean Cover Page

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A Synthesis of the Long-Term Paleoclimatic Evolution of the Arctic Cover Page

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Late Quaternary growth and decay of the Svalbard/Barents Sea ice sheet and paleoceanographic evolution in the adjacent Arctic Ocean Cover Page


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An Arctic Ocean ice shelf during MIS 6 constrained by new geophysical and geological data Cover Page

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Late Quaternary glaciation history of northernmost Greenland – Evidence of shelf-based ice Cover Page

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A 10,000-year record of Arctic Ocean sea-ice variability--view from the beach Cover Page

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Ice-shelf damming in the glacial Arctic Ocean: dynamical regimes of a basin-covering kilometre thick ice shelf Cover Page

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New insights on Arctic Quaternary climate variability from palaeo-records and numerical modelling Cover Page

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Quaternary Sea-ice history in the Arctic Ocean based on a new Ostracode sea-ice proxy Cover Page

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Coalescent Greenland and Innuitian ice during the Last Glacial Maximum: revising the Quaternary of the Canadian High Arctic Cover Page

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Holocene dynamics of the Arctic's largest ice shelf Cover Page

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A mid-Holocene shift in Arctic sea-ice variability on the East Greenland Shelf Cover Page

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Arctic Ocean perennial sea ice breakdown during the Early Holocene Insolation Maximum Cover Page

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Natural variability of Arctic sea ice over the Holocene Cover Page

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Alaskan marine transgressions record out-of-phase Arctic Ocean glaciation during the last interglacial Cover Page

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Reduced Arctic sea ice extent during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period concurrent with increased Atlantic-climate regime Cover Page

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Climatic instability, ice sheets and ocean dynamics at high northern latitudes during the last glacial period (58-10 KA BP Cover Page

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Modeling the marine extent of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the last glacial cycle Cover Page

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History of sea ice in the Arctic Cover Page

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The sensitivity of the Arctic sea ice to orbitally induced insolation changes: a study of the mid-Holocene Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project 2 and 3 simulations Cover Page