An Unusual Case of Feline Bite Induced Odontome in a Four Year Child (original) (raw)
A four year old male child presented with a history of cat bite induced dental trauma. This resulted in loss of primary maxillary left central incisor, intrusion of primary maxillary right central incisor and hard swelling in the labial gingiva in the region of primary maxillary right lateral incisor and canine. Routine radiographs revealed the presence of multiple calcified masses in relation to the primary maxillary right lateral incisor and canine. The treatment included surgical removal of the tooth like structures under local anaesthesia to prevent any further harm to the growing tooth bud. Histopathology confirmed the presence of compound odontome. There has been no episode of recurrence at one year follow up period. The most damaging sequel of injuries to primary teeth is their effects on the developing permanent teeth. Therefore the management of injuries to primary teeth should aim for minimizing harm to the permanent tooth buds.