Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption (original) (raw)

Preserving data privacy with Searchable Symmetric Encryption

2016 27th Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), 2016

New techniques such as Searchable Encryption are being deployed to enable data to be encrypted online. Searchable Encryption is now at the point that it can be deployed and used within the Cloud. In the Cloud, Searchable Encryption has the ability to allow CSP customers to store their data in encrypted form, while retaining the ability to search that data without disclosing the associated decryption key(s) to CSPs that is, without compromising data security on the Server. We present an SSE scheme and evaluate the efficiency of storing and retrieving data from the cloud. The results showed that carrying out a task using SSE is directly proportional to the amount of information involved.

Searchable symmetric encryption

Proceedings of the 13th ACM conference on Computer and communications security - CCS '06, 2006

Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) allows a party to outsource the storage of its data to another party (a server) in a private manner, while maintaining the ability to selectively search over it. This problem has been the focus of active research in recent years. In this paper we show two solutions to SSE that simultaneously enjoy the following properties: 1. Both solutions are more efficient than all previous constantround schemes. In particular, the work performed by the server per returned document is constant as opposed to linear in the size of the data.

Searchable Symmetric Encryption for Restricted Search

Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 2018

The proliferation of cloud computing highlights the importance of techniques that permit both secure storage of sensitive data and flexible data management at the same time. One line of research with this double motivation is the study of Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) that has provided several outstanding results in the recent years. These solutions achieve sublinear keyword search in huge databases by using various data structures to store keywords and document identifiers. In this work, we focus on certain scenarios in which search over the whole database is not necessary and show that the otherwise inefficient sequential scan (in linear time) can be very practical. This is due to the fact that adding new entries to the database comes for free in this case while updating a complex data structure without information leakage is rather complicated. To demonstrate the practicality of our approach we build a simple SSE scheme based on bilinear pairings and prove its security against adaptive chosen-keyword attacks in the standard model under the widely used Symmetric eXternal Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) assumption.

The performance cost of preserving data/query privacy using searchable symmetric encryption

Security and Communication Networks, 2016

The benefits of Cloud computing include reduced costs, high reliability, as well as the immediate availability of additional computing resources as needed. Despite such advantages, Cloud Service Provider (CSP) consumers need to be aware that the Clouds poses its own set of unique risks that are not typically associated with storing and processing one's own data internally using privately owned infrastructure. New techniques such as Searchable Encryption are being deployed to enable data to be encrypted online. Despite being a relatively obscure form of Cryptography, Searchable Encryption is now at the point that it can be deployed and used within the Cloud. Searchable Encryption can allow CSP customers to store their data in encrypted form, while retaining the ability to search that data without disclosing the associated decryption key(s) to CSPs. Searchable Encryption is a diverse subject that exists in many forms. Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) which has its roots in plaintext searching is one such form. Although symmetrically encrypted ciphertext cannot be searched in the same manner; nonetheless, many of the principles that apply to plaintext searching also apply to SSE. In its most basic form, SSE is nothing more than an Inverted Indexa mechanism that has been used in plaintext Information Retrieval (IR) for decades-that has been modified and adapted for use with ciphertext. We implement an SSE scheme and evaluate the efficiency of storing and retrieving data from the cloud. The results showed that carrying out a task using SSE is directly proportional to the amount of information involved. In the case of constructing an IR Inverted Index, the results show that the time taken to generate an IR Inverted Index is directly proportional to the number of Terms contained in the underlying Document Collection. Converting the same IR Inverted Index to an SSE Inverted Index is directly proportional to the number of Postings contained within the IR Inverted Index, while the time taken to encrypt the underlying Document Collection is directly proportional to the number of Terms contained within the Document Collection. In relation to searching in SSE, the time taken to identify and decrypt the set of Postings associated with a given Lexicon Term is directly proportional to the number of Postings. We believe that SSE is efficient enough to be deployed in a Cloud environment especially when results only have to be returned to the user in small quantities. When applied to large Data Sets, SSE querying can become inefficient as its search time is directly proportional to the number of matching. SSE however is designed to achieve efficient search speeds whilst maintaining Data Privacy.

Searchable symmetric encryption: improved definitions and efficient constructions

Proceedings of the 13th …, 2006

Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) allows a party to outsource the storage of its data to another party (a server) in a private manner, while maintaining the ability to selectively search over it. This problem has been the focus of active research in recent years. In this paper we show two solutions to SSE that simultaneously enjoy the following properties: 1.

A Dynamic Scheme for Secure Searches over Distributed Massive Datasets in Cloud Environment using Searchable Symmetric Encryption Technique


Cloud computing has produced a paradigm shift in large-scale data outsourcing and computing. As the cloud server itself cannot be trusted, it is essential to store the data in encrypted form, which however makes it unsuitable to perform searching, computation or analysis on the data. Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) allows the user to perform keyword search over encrypted data without leaking information to the storage provider. Most of the existing SSE schemes have restrictions on the size and the number of index files, to facilitate efficient search. In this paper, we propose a dynamic SSE scheme that can operate on relatively larger, multiple index files, distributed across several nodes, without the need to explicitly merge them. The experiments have been carried out on the encrypted data stored in Amazon EMR cluster. The secure searchable inverted index is created instantly using Hadoop MapReduce framework during the search process, thus significantly eliminate the need to...

Searchable Encryption: A Review

International Journal of Security and Its Applications

Cloud computing is one of the most important technologies which supports reliability, scalability, ease of deployment and cost-efficient to business growth. Despite its benefits, cloud computing still has open and remain challenges on ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of sensitive data located on it. As a solution, the data is encrypted before sending to the cloud. However, the normal searching mechanism could not get through the encrypted data. In this paper, Searchable Encryption (SE) techniques which allow accessing data on encrypted cloud were reviewed. Nine SE techniques were presented with different issues and challenges on achieving secrecy and efficiency of SE. Four factors with their characteristics of SE were also identified for novice reader as a guidance of their future works.

Verifiable Dynamic Symmetric Searchable Encryption: Optimality and Forward Security

IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2016

Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE) is a very efficient and practical way for data owners to outsource storage of a database to a server while providing privacy guarantees. Such SSE schemes enable clients to encrypt their database while still performing queries for retrieving documents matching some keyword. This functionality is interesting to secure cloud storage, and efficient schemes have been designed in the past. However, security against malicious servers has been overlooked in most previous constructions and these only addressed security against honest-but-curious servers. In this paper, we study and design the first efficient SSE schemes provably secure against malicious servers. First, we give lower bounds on the complexity of such verifiable SSE schemes. Then, we construct generic solutions matching these bounds using efficient verifiable data structures. Finally, we modify an existing SSE scheme that also provides forward secrecy of search queries, and make it provably...

Dynamic Searchable Encryption via Blind Storage

2014 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2014

Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption allows a client to store a dynamic collection of encrypted documents with a server, and later quickly carry out keyword searches on these encrypted documents, while revealing minimal information to the server. In this paper we present a new dynamic SSE scheme that is simpler and more efficient than existing schemes while revealing less information to the server than prior schemes, achieving fully adaptive security against honest-but-curious servers. We implemented a prototype of our scheme and demonstrated its efficiency on datasets from prior work. Apart from its concrete efficiency, our scheme is also simpler: in particular, it does not require the server to support any operation other than upload and download of data. Thus the server in our scheme can be based solely on a cloud storage service, rather than a cloud computation service as well, as in prior work. In building our dynamic SSE scheme, we introduce a new primitive called Blind Storage, which allows a client to store a set of files on a remote server in such a way that the server does not learn how many files are stored, or the lengths of the individual files; as each file is retrieved, the server learns about its existence (and can notice the same file being downloaded subsequently), but the file's name and contents are not revealed. This is a primitive with several applications other than SSE, and is of independent interest.

SSE and SSD: Page-Efficient Searchable Symmetric Encryption

IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2021

Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) enables a client to outsource a database to an untrusted server, while retaining the ability to securely search the data. The performance bottleneck of classic SSE schemes typically does not come from their fast, symmetric cryptographic operations, but rather from the cost of memory accesses. To address this issue, many works in the literature have considered the notion of locality, a simple design criterion that helps capture the cost of memory accesses in traditional storage media, such as Hard Disk Drives. A common thread among many SSE schemes aiming to improve locality is that they are built on top of new memory allocation schemes, which form the technical core of the constructions. The starting observation of this work is that for newer storage media such as Solid State Drives (SSDs), which have become increasingly common, locality is not a good predictor of practical performance. Instead, SSD performance mainly depends on page efficiency,...