Erratum to: Primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in athletes: a 5-year follow up comparing patellar tendon versus hamstring tendon autograft (original) (raw)
Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 2017
Bone-patellar tendon-bone (bone-tendon-bone) and four-strand hamstring tendon grafts (hamstring) are the most commonly utilized autografts for primary anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Existing clinical trials, registry studies, and meta-analyses offer conflicting opinions regarding the most favorable graft choice. Which graft type for ACL reconstruction (bone-tendon-bone or hamstring) has a higher risk of (1) graft rupture and/or (2) graft laxity? We performed a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), prospective cohort studies, and high-quality national registry studies to compare the outcomes of primary ACL reconstruction with bone-tendon-bone autograft or hamstring autograft. Studies that compared these graft types were identified through a comprehensive search of electronic databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library). Two independent reviewers utilized the Jadad scale for RCT study quality and the Modified Coleman Methodology Score...
Ita.Journal Sports Reh. Po., 2021
Background. Sebbene la stabilità chirurgica, dopo lesione del Legamento Crociato Anteriore (LCA), sia facilmente riproducibile, la soddisfazione del paziente a lungo termine è difficile da garantire visti anche i deficit di forza dell’apparato estensore e flessore e le complicanze riscontrabili durante il ritorno all’attività agonistica. Metodo. Lo scopo di questo report tecnico è sintetizzare dati chiari e aggiornati sulle asimmetrie di forza che si presentano dopo chirurgia ricostruttiva del LCA correlandole con i protocolli riabilitativi e ove possibile con le tecniche ricostruttive. Sono stati, inoltre analizzati gli studi sulle asimmetrie di forza evidenziate prima e dopo chirurgia ricostruttiva del LCA. Risultati. I tendini i del Semitendinoso e Gracile (STG), utilizzati per la chirurgia ricostruttiva causano un deficit della rotazione tibiale interna. La rivisitazione ci porta a sottolineare come le ricostruzioni con Tendine Rotuleo (TR) hanno la tendenza a indurre maggiori deficit di forza, del quadricipite, rispetto ai tipi di innesto. La riabilitazione pre - operatoria deve essere considerata un processo riabilitativo interessante per massimizzare i risultati funzionali dopo chirurgia ricostruttiva. Simile ai dati riportati dalla maggior parte degli studi le asimmetrie side to side sono state riscontrate fino a 12 mesi così come sono evidenziati deficit del controllo neuromuscolare relativo ai movimenti pivot gestuali del ginocchio. Conclusioni. I soggetti che sono sottoposti a ricostruzione del legamento con STG mostrano una debolezza nella rotazione tibiale interna rispetto alle ginocchia controlaterali con evidenti decrementi della qualità del movimento durante movimenti gestuali sport -relativi in particolar modo i movimenti pivot. Le asimmetrie di forza spesso persistono dopo il ritorno allo sport. Una riabilitazione pre-operatoria indirizzata ad attenuare i deficit di forza valorizzano il processo funzionale post chirurgia ricostruttiva.
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2014
during graft tensioning (124; 81 %) and placement of the tibial tunnel at the ACL insertion site (101; 66 %). The highest level of documentation used for ACL tunnel position for both groups was often one dimensional, e.g. drawing, operative notes or o'clock reference. The DB reconstruction was in general more thoroughly reported. The means for the AARSC were 6.9 ± 2.8 for the SB group and 8.3 ± 2.8 for the DB group. Both means were below a proposed required minimum score of 10 for anatomic ACL reconstruction. Conclusions There was substantial underreporting of surgical data for both the SB and DB groups in clinical studies. This underreporting creates difficulties when analysing, comparing and pooling results of scientific studies on this subject.
Biologic agents for anterior cruciate ligament healing: A systematic review
World Journal of Orthopedics, 2016
were responsible for the literature research and for collecting the data and preparing the figures and tables included in the manuscript; Di Matteo B, Loibl M, Zellner J and Angele P wrote the paper; Loibl M and Angele P were responsible for the critical revision of the entire manuscript.
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 2015
Injuries to the knee, including intra-articular fractures, ligamentous ruptures, and meniscal and articular cartilage lesions, are commonplace within sports. Despite advancements in surgical techniques and enhanced rehabilitation, athletes returning to cutting, pivoting, and jumping sports after a knee injury are at greater risk of sustaining a second injury. The clinical utility of objective criteria presents a decision-making challenge to ensure athletes are fully rehabilitated and safe to return to sport. A system centered on specific indicators that can be used to develop a comprehensive profile to monitor rehabilitation progression and to establish return to activity criteria is recommended to clear athletes to begin a progressive and systematic approach to activities and sports. Integration of a sports knee injury performance profile with return to activity criteria can guide clinicians in facilitating an athlete's safe return to sport, prevention of subsequent injury, and lifelong knee joint health.
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
Background Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used to favor anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) healing after reconstruction surgeries. However, clinical data are still inconclusive and subjective about PRP. Thus, we propose a quantitative method to demonstrate that PRP produced morphological structure changes. Methods Thirty-four patients undergoing ACL reconstruction surgery were evaluated and divided into control group (sixteen patients) without PRP application and experiment group (eighteen patients) with intraoperative application of PRP. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were performed 3 months after surgery. We used Matlab® and machine learning (ML) in Orange Canvas® to texture analysis (TA) features extraction. Experienced radiologists delimited the regions of interest (RoIs) in the T2-weighted images. Sixty-two texture parameters were extracted, including gray-level co-occurrence matrix and gray level run length. We used the algorithms logistic regression (LR), naive Bay...
Background Adequate neuromuscular control of the knee for active joint stability could be one element to prevent secondary injuries after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, either treated conservatively or surgically. However, it is unclear which measurements should be used to assess neuromuscular control of the knee for a safe return to sports (RTS). Purpose To summarize assessments for neuromuscular control of the knee in athletes after an ACL injury to decide upon readiness towards a successful return to sports (RTS). Study design Systematic review, level of evidence 4 Methods This systematic review followed the guidelines of Preferred Reporting of Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) and has been listed in PROSPERO (CRD42019122188). The databases MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), SPORTDiscus and the Web of Science were searched from inception until March 2019. The search was updated with e-mail ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Background: Patellofemoral problems are not uncommon among post-anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction patients. Hamstring autograft harvesting-related factor is one of the suspected causes. A lack of tibiofemoral internal rotation force due to strength deficit causes the patella tends to shift laterally. Purposes: Peroneus longus tendon has been proposed as an alternative graft source due to its adequate tensile strength and minimal donor site morbidity to the knee biomechanics, including the patellofemoral joint. This tendon does not cross the knee joint and thus does not affect patellofemoral alignment and biomechanics. This study aims to compare patellofemoral problems between hamstring and peroneus longus autograft harvested-patients following ACL reconstruction. Material and methods: Thirty-one subjects who underwent primary single-bundle ACL reconstruction between September 2018 and September 2019 and met the inclusion criteria were grouped into the hamstring group (...