A Gauge Theory of Quantum Mechanics (original) (raw)
Related papers
Abelian gerbes as a gauge theory of quantum mechanics on phase space
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2007
We construct a U(1) gerbe with a connection over a finite-dimensional, classical phase space P. The connection is given by a triple of forms A, B, H: a potential 1-form A, a Neveu-Schwarz potential 2-form B, and a field-strength 3-form H = dB. All three of them are defined exclusively in terms of elements already present in P, the only external input being Planck's constant . U(1) gauge transformations acting on the triple A, B, H are also defined, parametrised either by a 0-form or by a 1-form. While H remains gauge invariant in all cases, quantumness vs. classicality appears as a choice of 0-form gauge for the 1-form A. The fact that [H]/2πi is an integral class in de Rham cohomology is related with the discretisation of symplectic area on P. This is an equivalent, coordinate-free reexpression of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. A choice of 1-form gauge for the 2-form B relates our construction with generalised complex structures on classical phase space. Altogether this allows one to interpret the quantum mechanics corresponding to P as an Abelian gauge theory.
Bundle Gerbes Applied to Quantum Field Theory
Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 2000
This paper reviews recent work on a new geometric object called a bundle gerbe and discusses some new examples arising in quantum field theory. One application is to an Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theory construction of the bundle of fermionic Fock spaces parametrized by vector potentials in odd space dimensions and a proof that this leads in a simple manner to the known Schwinger terms (Mickelsson-Faddeev cocycle) for the gauge group action. This gives an explicit computation of the Dixmier-Douady class of the associated bundle gerbe. The method works also in other cases of fermions in external fields (external gravitational field, for example) provided that the APS theorem can be applied; however, we have worked out the details only in the case of vector potentials. Another example, in which the bundle gerbe curvature plays a role, arises from the WZW model on Riemann surfaces. A further example is the 'existence of string structures' question. We conclude by showing how global Hamiltonian anomalies fit within this framework.
Quantum group gauge theory on classical spaces
Physics Letters B, 1993
We study the quantum group gauge theory developed elsewhere in the limit when the base space (spacetime) is a classical space rather than a general quantum space. We show that this limit of the theory for gauge quantum group U q (g) is isomorphic to usual gauge theory with Lie algebra g. Thus a new kind of gauge theory is not obtained in this way, although we do find some differences in the coupling to matter. Our analysis also illuminates certain inconsistencies in previous work on this topic where a different conclusion had been reached. In particular, we show that the use of the quantum trace in defining a Yang-Mills action in this setting as claimed in [14][9] is not appropriate.
Classical and quantum mechanics of non-abelian gauge fields
Nuclear Physics B, 1984
We i n v estigate the classical and quantum properties of a system of SU(N) non-Abelian Chern-Simons (NACS) particles. After a brief introduction to the subject of NACS particles, we rst discuss about the most general phase space of SU(N) i n ternal degrees of freedom or isospins which can be identied as one of the coadjoint orbits of SU(N) group by the method of symplectic reduction. A complete Dirac's constraint analysis is carried out on each orbit and the Dirac bracket relations among the isospin variables are calculated. Then, the spatial degrees of freedom and interaction with background gauge eld are introduced by considering the phase space of associated bundle which has one of the coadjoint orbit as the ber. Finally, the theory is quantized by using the coherent state method and various quantum mechanical properties are discussed in this approach. In particular, a coherent state representation of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation is given and possible solutions in this representation are discussed.
Topological Quantum Field Theory on non-Abelian gerbes
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2007
The infinitesimal symmetries of a fully decomposed non-Abelian gerbe can be generated in terms of a nilpotent BRST operator, which is here constructed. The appearing fields find a natural interpretation in terms of the universal gerbe, a generalisation of the universal bundle. We comment on the construction of observables in the arising Topological Quantum Field Theory. It is also shown how the BRST operator and the trace part of a suitably truncated set of fields on the non-Abelian gerbe reduce directly to the coboundary operator and the pertinent cochains of the underlyingČech-de Rham complex.
Gauge theory of quantum gravity
The gravity is classically formulated as the geometric curvature of the space-time in general relativity which is completely different from the other well-known physical forces. Since seeking a quantum framework for the gravity is a great challenge in physics. Here we present an alternative construction of quantum gravity in which the quantum gravitational degrees of freedom are described by the non-Abelian gauge fields characterizing topological non-triviality of the space-time. The quantum dynamics of the space-time thus corresponds to the superposition of the distinct topological states. Its unitary time evolution is described by the path integral approach. This result will also be suggested to solve some major problems in physics of the black holes.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2019
The Seiberg-Witten formalism has been realized as an electrodynamics in phase space (associated to the Dirac equation written in phase space) and this fact is explored here with non-abelian gauge group. First, a physically heuristic presentation of the Seiberg-Witten approach is carried out for non-abelian gauge in order to guide the calculation procedures. These results are realized by starting with the Lagrangian density for the free Dirac field in phase space. Then a field strength is derived, where the non-abelian gauge group is the SU(2), corresponding to an isospin (non-abelian) field theory in phase space. An application to nucleon is then discussed.