Music Museum Corfu Philharmonic Society Brochure.pdf (original) (raw)

Για μια νέα σύμπραξη της Παιδαγωγικής του Θεάτρου και του Μουσείου

Epistēmēs Metron Logos, 2019

Στην παρούσα εργασία επιχειρείται η αποτίμηση της σύμπραξης δυοδιεπιστημονικών πεδίων, της Παιδαγωγικής του Θεάτρου και τηςΜουσειακής Αγωγής. Θεωρώντας ότι το σύγχρονο μουσείο και ηανάγκη να προσελκύσει ένα πιο διευρυμένο κοινό το οδηγούν να αναθεω-ρεί παρόντα μοντέλα εξήγησης και ερμηνείας των συλλογών του, προτεί-νουμε μια δημιουργική προσέγγιση των μουσειακών εκθεμάτων. Ειδικό-τερα, η θεατρική προσέγγιση αποτελεί γόνιμο εκπαιδευτικό περιβάλλονκαι μέσον ενδυνάμωσης της συνάντησης του μουσειακού αντικειμένου καιτων επισκεπτών, τους οποίους εμπλέκει με τρόπο βιωματικό, μέσω θεατρι-κών ρόλων, στην βαθιά κατανόηση του μουσειακού κόσμου, των αιτιωδώνσχέσεων και της συνολικής πραγματικότητας, η οποία βρίσκεται πίσω απότα μουσειακά εκθέματα.

Modern Greek studies at the University of Lund (full text in Greek)


Although ancient Greek has been a major subject at the University of Lund since its foundation, the teaching of Modern Greek began in 1957, under the influence of the increasing interest in Modern Greek literature and the needs of Swedish archaeologists working in Greece. The Department of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Lund, now independent from the Department of Ancient Greek, has constituted one of the 35 Departments of the Centre for Languages and Literature since 2006 and it provides teaching, at both undergraduate and post-graduate level, research and translation of Greek authors. Even though funding from the Swedish government guarantees the existence of Modern Greek studies at the University of Lund, the support from the Greek State and Greek Institutions is considered essential for the future of Departments of Modern Greek Studies in European Universities in general.

Science Museums as means for the comprehension of the Theory of Evolution by high-school pupils. Τα Μουσεία Φυσικών Επιστημών ως μέσο για την κατανόηση της Θεωρίας της Εξέλιξης από μαθητές της Γ' Γυμνασίου

Science Museums as means to teach evolution , 2015

Abstract This study investigates the role of science museums in science teaching and especially in the Teaching of Evolution. The Theory of Evolution is the most important concept of modern biology. But despite its importance, the acceptance of evolution is far from universal. The need for the continuing reinforcement of the teaching of Evolution is undeniable as until now teaching is fragmented and its unifying role is not emphasized anywhere. In order to reinforce its teaching, non formal educational environments can be exploited, such as the Museums of Natural Sciences. These environments can provide a rich learning experience and combined with a careful planning of educational visits they can maximize the learning outcomes by presenting a larger and more comprehensive overview of the topic. The main research question is the extent to which educational visits, designed for students aged 15, to appropriate museums actually facilitate the understanding of the Theory of Evolution. More specifically, it is examined (a) whether the level of understanding of concepts related to the Theory of Evolution has increased, (b) whether knowledge about the history of the Earth has been acquired and (c) whether there have been changes in the interpretations given by students to various issues concerning evolution. To test these hypotheses a program of educational visits was designed which was linked to an Environmental Program implemented in a regional High School in the Prefecture of Karditsa. 68 students at the age of 15 participated in it. There were two field trips, (1) one in Grevena, at the Museum of Natural History of Milia and (2) the other in Athens at the University of Athens Museums (Anthropological, Paleontological and Mineralogical). Moreover, the students watched a relative movie at the Planetarium of the Eugenides Foundation. At the beginning of the Environmental Program and after each visit the students completed the questionnaire designed for this research in order to make a comparison between the control group and the experimental groups in each case. The study showed a significant reduction of the creationist reasoning for explaining observations - problems related to evolution. Α corresponding reduction of intuitive reasoning, which seems resistant, was not observed. Also there was no significant increase of evolutionary reasoning. The degree of understanding of concepts such as the importance of fossils, environmental changes and mass extinctions improved significantly. Finally, for some important geological and biological events in Earth's history students’ comprehension improved significantly in terms of their relative age, but there was no improvement in terms of their absolute ages.