Applying object-oriented analysis on a case study (original) (raw)

Object-oriented analysis in practice

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1993

The paper aims at proving that some object-oriented fundamental principles provide new suitable mechanisms for the analysis and the specification of complex systems. Three principles are presented and discussed in the paper through a case study. The locality principle allows to concentrate on one object, stressing its structure and behavior through the notion of life cycle, the refinement principle allows to refine objects by means of inheritance links, the globality principle allows to enlighten different kinds of dependencies amongst objects. The case study is developped with the model of the Modway method. The Modway method is an object-oriented method which makes use of object concepts since the very beginning of the development process.

The object-oriented paradigm

Computing science notes, 1994

In this paper we discuss the fundamental concepts present in the object-oriented methodology. First we concentrate on the notion of an object, the key concept in this approach. A (software) object is the abstract representation of a physical or conceptual object. It consists of a name, a specified set of data-elements and methods. Data-elements can have values attached to them. Data-hiding is the feature that certain data and methods can be kept invisible (= hidden) for the outside of an object, thus facilitating its description. Only knowledge on the nature of the visible data-elements and methods is required to make proper use of the object. This is called data-abstraction. A related concept is encapsulation, a technique for achieving both data-hiding and data-abstraction. A class is a template for a number of similar objects. Classes do not prescribe values for the data-elements nor fixed implementations for their methods. A class can be seen as a set of objects that satisfy the same specification for data-elements and method-behavior. An alternative grouping of objects may take place by means of object types, as we will describe. A type is a set of objects that satisfy the same ezternai specification, i.e., specification of the visible data-elements and methods. Thus, a classification via types differs from an ordering into classes, as we shall explain. The notion of type brings along a notion of subtyping. We also discuss different forms of inheritance between classes. By means of inheritance a class can use data-and method-descriptions from another class. We describe, among other things, single inheritance, multiple inheritance and overriding. We also discuss mUltiple preferred inheritance and runtime inheritance. Finally, we show how actual programming can take place in an object oriented approach. For that we need a description of inter-object communication by means of messages. Relevant aspects are: synchronous and asynchronous message passing, scheduling and delegation. The paper concludes with an overview and a number of summarizing remarks. "'This paper originates from Marc van der Kammen's master's thesis "The logic of objects; object oriented programming in a logical perspective". It is the revised version of his chapter 0, which contains an overview of the most important basic notions concerning object-oriented programming.

A Brief History of the Object-Oriented Approach

ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 2003

Unlike other fads, the object-oriented paradigm is here to stay. The road towards an object-oriented approach is described and several object-oriented programming languages are reviewed. Since the object-oriented paradigm promised to revolutionize software development, in the 1990s, demand for object-oriented software systems increased dramatically; consequently, several methodologies have been proposed to support software development based on that paradigm. Also presented are a survey and a classification scheme for object-oriented methodologies.


Mankind, under the grace of God, hungers for spiritual peace, esthetic achievements, family security, justice, and liberty, none directly satisfied by industrial productivity. But productivity allows the sharing of the plentiful rather than fighting over scarcity; it provides time for spiritual, esthetic, and family matters. It allows society to delegate special skills to institutions of religion, justice, and the preservation of liberty.

Object Interaction as a Central Component of Object-oriented System Analysis

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Architecture and Modeling Theory-Driven Development, 2010

An increasing impact of system modeling in software development facilitates a vision of software development methodology. Currently one of the leading positions has OMG and its solution for system abstraction, modeling, development, and reuse-Model Driven Architecture (MDA). A key component of system modeling under principles of MDA is Unified Modeling Language (UML), which defines several kinds of diagrams and their notation. System modeling is an important part of system analysis and design, where MDA proposes to use means of automatic code generation. UML offers to use system presentation as interacting objects and offers to model two kinds of object interaction diagram, namely, sequence and communication. The paper focuses on investigation of analysis, modeling, and design of object interaction and discusses the ability to increase the level of formalization in modeling of object interaction.

An Initial Theoretical Foundation For Object-Oriented Systems Analysis And Design

iversity and the Hewlett-Packard Company. I express sincere thanks to John Burnham who played a major role in securing the funding and equipment grants. I want to especially thank my sweet wife, Emily, and my children, Jamie, David, Joseph, Matthew, and Nathan, for their unending patience and encouragement during the years of work that went into this research. They sacrificed many of the comforts and securities of life so I could pursue my degree. Finally, I expressive my gratitude to the Lord for the strength to persevere and for insight into the problems and concepts that I encountered during the research. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TOWARDS AN ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE FOR OBJECT-ORIENTED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 OBJECT-ORIENTED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 SOFTWARE SYSTEM

A Trenchant Analysis of Relationships in Object Oriented Domain Paradigms

International Journal of Computer Science and Informatics, 2013

Object oriented paradigms provide a number of ways to permanently alter the software engineering field, catapulting it into the realm of true elegant design. Object oriented paradigms have taken the software evolution as a means of managing divergent complexities of development. The challenges through OO modeling / programming incorporating design paradigms are making head way for developing robust, reliable and maintainable software. The program code can be written, tested and modeled for reusability as a design process. The dynamic behavior modeling implementing the state models using OOAD and UML are most popular now with wider acceptance[1][2]. The importance of design paradigms and patterns are increasing ever fast in crafting complex systems. The software design patterns allow describing fragments and reuse of these design ideas in order to help the developers leverage. In this paper, the focus is aimed at addressing following issues: • How OO relashionships can be used to for...

A relational model for object-oriented designs.


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Object-oriented analysis and design: a question of approach

Later this year, the Open University (OU) will offer the first presentation of a new course in object-oriented software technology. This course covers a wide range of issues from programming in Smalltalk to object-oriented analysis and design, to management of object-oriented projects. It is part of the Masters degree programme which is aimed at individuals who are involved in software development professionally. As with all OU courses, the course is to be taught using distance teaching techniques, so course materials are presented through a combination of media including written text, computer software and video. Each course is expected to have a lifetime of about six years-a long time in a field which is moving as rapidly as object-orientation. This paper discusses our experiences of designing the object-oriented analysis and design element of the course: the approach chosen, the difficulties encountered, and the solutions devised.