Analysis of the Performance of Paddy Rice Marketing in Benue State, Nigeria (original) (raw)
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Analysis of the Structure and Conduct of Paddy Rice Marketing in Benue State, Nigeria
The broad objective of this study was to analyse the structure and conduct of rice marketing in Benue State, Nigeria. A total of two hundred and forty questionnaires were administered to the respondents in the three geopolitical Zones of the State using a multi-stage sampling procedure. The objectives were achieved using descriptive statistics and Lorenz Curve. The study found that majority (65.4%) are small holder farmers with sales income of 200,000 Naira or less per annum. Most respondents are members of marketing associations, source information through middlemen and sell their paddy based on current prices. The results further showed that there is freedom of entry and exit into the market as well as, lack of adequate marketing information. There is inequality in the market power concentration. The Gini Coefficient for Zone A (0.53) is higher than Zone B (0.46) and Zone C (0.46). The market structure was found to be oligopsonistic. Majority of the respondents sell their paddy immediately after harvest, they rely on family or personal sources for business finance, they have attended training related to their business, they sell improved varieties of paddy and they do not collude to fix prices, nor advertise their paddy for sale. The study recommends that government should provide financial support to foster farmer-operated rice processing facilities.
Economic Analysis of Paddy Rice Marketing in Kebbi State, Nigeria
International Journal of Applied and Scientific Research (IJASR), 2023
The study analysed the economics of paddy rice marketing in Kebbi State Nigeria. A multi stage sampling technique was used. Data were collected using structured questionnaires administered to 320 paddy rice marketers. Data was analysed using Descriptive statistics, Gross margin and multiple regression analysis. Majority 79.1% had attained one form of education while 56.3% were members of cooperative with an average membership of 7 years and had an average income of about ₦70,000. Result on costs and returns of paddy rice marketing had a net return of ₦10,330 per metric tonne, the return on naira spent was 7.3% which implied that for every ₦1 spent in marketing of paddy rice, a profit of 73kobo was realised as return to investment. The factors that affect price of paddy rice shows about 62% in the total variation in price of paddy rice was greatly influenced by cooperative membership, duration of storage, marketing experience and Distance to market at 5% level of significance. The determinants of profit earned by paddy marketers shows that the variables for storage cost and transportation cost were significant at 1% while licensing was significant at 5% level of probability.
This study determined the economic determinants of rice marketing decisions among smallholder rural farming households, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. Data were obtained from primary source for this study. Data were collected through the use of well-structured questionnaire. The questionnaires were administered to two hundred and seven (207) smallholder rural rice farming households. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted. Data were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics, Heckman Two Stage Model (Probit Model, and (OLS) Regression). The results of the Heckman two stage selection equation Probit model in the first stage revealed that educational level of the household head (P<0.05), farm size (P<0.01), extension services (P<0.05), price information (P<0.01), and marketing experience (P<0.01) were among the significant factors influencing market participation. The results of the second stage OLS model showed that the significant factors influencing the extent of market participation regarding how much quantity of rice sold in a given market include: education of the household head (P<0.10), quantity of rice output harvested (P<0.01), and expected price of rice output (P<0.05). The coefficient of the multiple determinations (R 2 ) was 0.849. This showed that the exogenous or explanatory variables included in the model explained about 85% variations in the quantity of rice sold in a given market. This study therefore, recommends that; smallholder farmers should be encouraged by providing them with credit facilities to influence their decision to produce marketable surplus to enable them participate in rice marketing, new innovations and technology that targets increased productivity should be promoted, provision of adequate extension officers is needed, input market supply for storage facilities should be made accessible to farmers, provision of rice processing equipment should be made available, effort to empower women should be designed, contract marketing should be encouraged, and information dissemination via communication devices for increased market participation and increased value sold among rice farmers should be a priority to eradicate poverty and improve livelihood of smallholder farmers. The study also provides insight into required policies and actions to be taken by government and NGOs to encourage market participation, eradicate poverty, provide food security and improve livelihood among smallholder rural rice farming households.
The study examined the structure, integration and performance of rice markets in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State-Nigeria. A total of one hundred and twenty-five (125) rice sellers randomly sampled from a purposively selected five major markets were used for the study. The data for the study were collected with the aid of a questionnaire. Statistical tools such as simple descriptive statistics, Gini coefficient, Shepherd-Futrel functional models and bivariate correlation were used for data analysis. The study showed that female form the greater proportion of rice sellers in the area. The rice market was purely competitive with Gini coefficient of 0.43 and highly integrated as shown by positive price correlation coefficients for both foreign and local rice. The study showed a low marketing efficiency of 83% and 87% for local and foreign rice respectively, this is due mainly to high marketing costs associated with rice marketing. It is therefore, recommended that policies that improves rural infrastructure and marketing facilities be encouraged to reduce costs associated with the business. Also financial institutions should be encouraged to give loan to mitigate the problem of inadequate capital and a price stabilization policy to bring about perfect market performance.
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture
Factors influencing the output of rice produced and choice of marketing outlets among smallholder rural farming households are the main focus to improve rice production and increase the income of the farmers. Primary data were used for this study. Data were obtained using a well-designed well-structured questionnaire. The questionnaires were administered to two hundred and seven (207) smallholder rural rice farming households. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted. Data were analyzed using Multinomial Logit Model, Gini-Coefficient, Double-Log Regression Model, (Cobb-Douglas) and Principal Component Analysis. The results of the Multinomial Logit regression model show that among the significant factors that influence the choice of rice market outlets were: sex of the household head (P<0.10), educational level (P<0.10), access to credit facilities (P<0.05), extension services (P<0.01), price information (P<0.05), market information (P<0.01) and, marketing experience ((P<0.05). The value of Gini-Coefficient calculated was 0.91429. The observed inequality in income distribution among smallholder rural rice farmers was a reflection of inefficiency in the market structure for rice. The results of Double-Log Regression model revealed that quantity of rice output harvested was positively and significantly influenced by farm size (P<0.05), the quantity of seed planted (P<0.01), the volume of chemical applied (P<0.05), labour input (P<0.01), and contract farming (P<0.05). Quantity of fertilizer and expected price of output was negative and significant at (P<0.01), and (P<0.05) probability levels respectively. The coefficient of the multiple determinations (R 2) in the production model was 0.51. This signifies that the explanatory variables included in the model accounted for about 51% variations in the quantity of rice output harvested in the study area. Smallholder rice farmers were faced with the following challenges in rice production and market outlet choice which include: Fire outbreak, thieves, cattle herdsmen attack, flood occurrence, transportation problem, poor storage facility, inadequate capital, lack of land/ tractor, poor price, high cost of chemical, inadequate fertilizer, lack of improved seed, inadequate extension officers, and lack of credit facilities. This study recommends that new innovations and technology that targets increased productivity should be promoted, provision of adequate extension officers is needed, input market supply for provision of seeds, fertilizers and storage facilities should be made accessible to farmers, provision of rice processing equipment should be made available, contract farming and marketing should be encouraged for increased rice production and market out choice for profit maximization among rice farmers to eradicate poverty and improve their welfare.
European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2021
paddy and locally milled rice marketers in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. It specifically examined the marketing efficiencies and factors influencing marketing efficiencies of paddy and locally milled rice marketers in the study area. Primary data were collected using well-structured pre-tested questionnaires while a multistage sampling technique was adopted to obtain responses from respondents. Descriptive (mean, frequency and percentages) and inferential statistics (shepherd’s index and multiple regression analysis) were used to analyze the data. In using shepherd’s index, the results revealed 78% and 77% marketing efficiencies for paddy and locally milled rice respectively while the multiple regression analysis revealed sex, household size, availability of storage facility and contract marketing arrangement were significant to marketing efficiency of paddy rice; while membership of a market association, cost of purchasing rice, selling price of rice, availability of stor...
Journal of Plant & Agriculture Research, 2018
The study analyzed the economic of rice production in Gassol local Government area of Taraba State. Data were collected using structured questionnaires administered to 140 respondents' selected using multi-stage random sampling technique. The analytical tools employed were descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The finding revealed that, majority (70%) of the respondents were male and married. Most (55%) of them were in their prime age and 62% had farming as a primary occupation. The gross margin per hectare of land was N72, 914.1655 implying that rice production is profitable in the study. Multiple regressions result revealed that, the Linear function gave the best fit, and was selected as the lead equation; farm size (X 2), Seeds (X 3), Hire labour (X 6), agro-chemicals (X 5) and Farming experience (X 8) contributed significantly to rice farmers' output in the study area. High cost of inputs, lack of contact with extension agents, poor storage facilities and high cost of transportation were the major production challenges. The study recommended among others; the creation of opportunities for enhanced farmers' accessibility to inputs and as well extension agents should be giving incentive so that they can education farmers' using different mass media communication strategies.
Structure Conduct and Performance of Rice Marketing in Ndop, North West Region Cameroon
Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
The notion of ensuring food for all through rice production in Cameroon dates back to 1954 with the creation of SEMRY (Sociétéd Expansionet de Modernization de la Riziculture de Yagoua). Consequently, rice production in Cameroon was left at the mercy of untrained farmers with limited or no access to input and technology. This study examines the effect of market structure and conduct on the performance of Ndop rice marketing. The research interviewed a total of 50 respondents (19 farmers-traders, 12 millers, 9 wholesalers and 10 retailers) who were selected randomly. The data was analyzed with the use of Statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 and Excel while the Weighted Least Squares regression technique was employed for the estimation of coefficients and test of hypothesis. Performance of the Ndop marketing was captured in a broad dimension which included aspects of product quality and product efficiency, market structure was captured by product homogeneity...
Determinants of Commercial Production of Rice in Rice-Producing Areas of Kwara State, Nigeria
The quest for self-sufficiency in rice production in Nigeria brought about the focus of this study. Specifically, this study examined the level of commercial production of rice in Kwara State and identified the factors influencing it. Primary data obtained from 180 rice farming households selected through a combination of purposive and random sampling techniques were used for the study. Data collected were analyzed descriptive statistics, household commercialization index and regression analyses. The result of the commercialization index function indicates that the household commercialization index of rice production is 62% implying that there is a gap of 38% for the farmers to attained full commercialization level. The significant factors influencing commercialization of rice production in the study area were educational level (p<0.05), farming experience (p<0.01), farm size (p<0.01) and use of modern technology (p<0.05). The study therefore recommends provision of mode...
This study investigated on socio-economic factors and profitability of rice production among smallscale farmers in Ebonyi state. Multi-stage random sampling technique was employed to select a total of 120 rice farmers. The primary data were collected for the study through structured questionnaire and interview schedule organized for illiterate farmers in the study area. Analytical tool adopted for the study include; frequency, percentages, and multiple regression analysis and factor analysis. The result of analysis showed that majority (58.3%) of the farmers in the study area were females while 41.7% were males. The age of the respondents between 21-30 years with 41.7% ranked the highest, while those greater than 51 years with 4.2% was the least. Majority (62.5%) of the respondents were married while 4.2% were single. Result on household size shows that greater proportion 29.2% of the respondents have the highest frequency at the range of 11-15 persons while 20.8% were least. The re...