Poster: "Science & Policy Challenges in South Dakota after Missouri River Flooding of 2011: NSF EPSCoR Program Supports the Development of Conceptual & Mathematical Models for the Uncertainty & Communication of Water-Human System Interactions (original) (raw)

Application of 1-D and 3-D models in a regional context

Groundwater levels rose (an average of 10m) (mostly in 1970's and 80's) due to irrigation induced recharge to the groundwater in Coleambally Irrigation Area (CIA). Water table depth rise was a direct result of the net amount of recharge over and above the regional groundwater outflow capacity. Control of net recharge through a range of options is critical to the sustainability of CIA and requires both on-farm and regional management options for the groundwater discharge zones. There are two components to the management of recharge: The on-farm component, and the regional component. A regional groundwater model is used to look at overall targets of net recharge within the CIA. This model sets net recharge targets and is used to identify key processes and examine the effect of regional groundwater pumping on watertables and evaluate scenarios. The on-farm component captures the variability of soils, crops, and management at different parts of the region.

logical Simulation Models as Applied on and Hydrological Dynamics on the


INTRODUCTION: EDYS (Ecological DYnamics Simulation Model) is a general ecosystem simulation model that is mechanistically based and spatially explicit (Childress and McLendon 1999; Childress et al. 1999, 2002). The model simulates natural and anthropogenic-induced changes in plant, soil, animal, and watershed components across landscapes, at spatial scales ranging from 1 m2 or less to landscape levels (103 km and larger). It is a dynamic model that

Perspectives of Hydrologic Modeling in Agricultural Research


For decades agricultural research was done in the field or laboratories, but with the rise of computer science, hydrologic modeling became another essential tool for environmental impact studies. Many types of models can be used, each with its strengths and weaknesses in terms of accuracy, speed, and amount of input data needed. Models can be used on different scales and simulate very different processes. Based on a literature review, APEX (Agricultural Policy Extender) and SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) models are the most popular for environmental research in agronomy. An important share of modeling work in agronomic studies is focused on pollution research, mainly nutrient and pesticide leaching and soil erosion processes. Other topics include simulating the effects of irrigation and other agricultural practices and studying the impact of extreme weather events and climate change. When working with model results, it is crucial to be mindful of inevitable uncertainties and ...

Modeling hydrological consequences of climate and land use change - Progress and Challenges


Fecha de recepción: 1 de agosto de 2011-Fecha de aceptación: 15 de octubre de 2011 RESUMEN Este artículo resume el estado del arte en relación a la modelación hidrológica y su capacidad de predecir los efectos del cambio climático y del uso de la tierra sobre el ciclo hidrológico. En conclusión, se abordan los retos investigativos que la comunidad científica debería considerar para poder observar y modelar, a escala regional, el ciclo hidrometeorológico en respuesta a los cambios de origen antropogénico sobre el clima y el uso de la tierra. Los resultados presentados en este documento son el producto de una extensa revisión de literatura científica y de la experiencia personal de los autores. Dado que el enfoque principal de este artículo es el de modelación hidrológica, muchos otros aspectos tales como las buenas prácticas de la gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos, la gobernabilidad transfronteriza de las aguas, el establecimiento de marcos de trabajo institucionales, la potenciación de las comunidades locales para su participación efectiva en la gestión del agua y en la formulación de políticas, entre muchos otros aspectos muy relevantes, no se consideran en este artículo para evitar que el enfoque del mismo se diluya de manera innecesaria. Palabras clave: Modelación hidrológica, cambio climático, cambio del uso de la tierra, retos de investigación, revisión extensa de literatura.

Integration of multi-scale dynamic spatial models of socioeconomic and physical processes for river basin management. Paper presented at this conference


Planners, policy-makers and their technicians have the difficult task to intervene in complex human-natural systems. It is not enough for them to focus on individual processes; rather it is necessary to address the system as a complex integral whole. In the given circumstances, integrated models as part of Policy Support Systems (PSS) can provide support. The MedAction PSS incorporates socio-economic and physical processes in a strongly coupled manner. It is implemented with the GEONAMICA Ò application framework and is intended to support planning and policy making in the fields of land degradation, desertification, water management and sustainable farming. The objective of this paper is to provide some insight in the individual models, the model integration achieved, as well as the actual use of the MedAction PSS. For the latter an application example is developed. The paper also argues that technical and scientific aspects of Policy Support Systems are not the sole elements deciding on their use in practice and concludes with some lessons learned during the development and use of the MedAction PSS and similar systems.

Exploring the transferability of a land-surface hydrology model

Journal of Hydrology, 2002

The utility of hydrological models as a research tool is strongly linked to their ability to capture changes in regional hydrologic regimes in response to changes in climate forcing, or to simulate the hydrologic regimes of distinct climatic regions: that is, model transferability. To assess the transferability of an existing land-surface hydrology model (LSHM), three casestudies were conducted without changing the model's physical parameterizations and without the calibration of model parameters. A 1D implementation of the LSHM was used with data sets from Cabauw in the Netherlands (field plot scale, one year), and from Valdai in Russia (small catchment scale, 18 years). Simulations of runoff, latent and sensible heat fluxes, soil moisture and soil temperature, and snow accumulation and melt were compared against observations at hourly, daily, monthly, annual and inter-annual time scales. The model can reproduce well the monthly, seasonal and interannual variability of the hydrological regime in response to applied forcing, especially regarding snow accumulation patterns, and the timing and duration of melting. The results also show that, where shallow watertable fluctuations are important in determining the mechanisms of runoff generation (i.e. Valdai), the dynamic interaction between the saturated and the unsaturated zones is an essential hydrologic process that cannot be ignored. Continental-scale simulations were performed using a 18 £ 18 global data set to assess the model's ability to capture seasonal cycles and interannual variability of hydrological variables across diverse climatic regions in the continental USA before and during the 1988 drought. The results obtained for the three case-studies suggest that the model can be used to study the range of variability caused by environmental change on mid-latitude hydrological regimes. Further work must be conducted for arid and semiarid regions.


Widespread flooding across South Dakota in 2011 has spurred a new look at the institutional, regulatory, and mathematical models used to manage the Upper Missouri River Basin as it affects all aspects of life in South Dakota. An SD EPSCoR planning grant was awarded to a team of local, national and inter-national researchers, who produced a strategy to create a research infrastructure with the goal of developing conceptual and mathematical models to understand and describe the uncertainty of hydrological events (HE) across South Dakota.

Fundamentals of Hydrology [Tim Davie]

In order to manage the world's increasingly scarce water resources we must have a sound understanding of how water moves around the planet and what influences water quality. Fundamentals of Hydrology provides an engaging and comprehensive introduction to this subject and provides real-life examples of water resource management in a changing world.