Clinicopathologic conference: Trismus following dental treatment (original) (raw)
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Recording Myocentric Relation in a Partially Edentulous Patient: A Case Report
Journal of international oral health : JIOH, 2015
The masticatory system constitutes four closely interrelated components: Teeth, muscles, nerves, and temporomandibular joints (TMJ). The stable and physiologic rest position of the TMJ is based on the muscle guidance (mainly masticatory, and partially facial), neurally determined and controlled occlusion, integrated together with its peripheral proprioceptors and relax mechanism of the central nervous system. Oral rehabilitation procedures should emphasize on a holistic approach to establish a physiologic relationship of the lower jaw to the base of the cranium resulting in a neuromuscular rest position. This position then would support an occlusion for the stability of the TMJ, the masticatory muscles of the orofacial region and the teeth along with their supporting periodontium. Such a holistic approach becomes more important in cases where the patient not only requires oral rehabilitation but also presents with related TMJ problems. This is a case report where an attempt is made ...
Syndromes and Radiological Manifestations in the Jaws
Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences
Original Research Article Radiological investigations are fundamental in the diagnostic processes of bone lesions. In the pathologies of the jaws, this type of investigation can be useful in predicting a systemic pathology and anticipating its clinical diagnosis, so it is possible to intervene on the manifestations with an adequate treatment plan for the patients, improving their quality of life.
Management of Occlusion in a Completely Edentulous Patient with Abnormal Jaw Relation
A 65-year-old male reported with a chief complaint to replace his missing teeth. Extra oral examination showed that his facial profile was straight. His skin and TMJ examination were normal. On intraoral examination, mucosa and other areas were found normal except in ridge relation. It revealed a mandibular prognathic ridge relation to the maxilla. The mandibular arch was wider than the maxillary arch [Table/Fig-1]. No abnormalities were found in his Orthopantomogram (OPG). No other abnormalities were detected elsewhere in the oral cavity. A diagnosis of upper and lower completely edentulous arches with a mandibular prognathic ridge relation was made.
Study of the Mandibular Canal in Totally Edentulous Patients - Clinical Implications
The absence of effective preventive dental programme leads to a multiplication of patients with single or multi-tooth edentations. Clinical and technical difficulties for prosthetic treatments appear in totally edentulous patients due to sharp bone atrophy. Depending on the mandibular reorganisation due to age and edentation, mandibular canal presents calibre (it diminishes) and position changes (it approaches to the alveolar mandibular ridge) modifications. Prosthetic treatments with dental implants imply a series of local and regional contraindications. In the present article, we studied a number of 32 computerised topographies (CT), on which we could establish the cranio-caudal and vestibulo-oral position of the mandibular canal. The CT also presents the relation of the mental foramen with the edentulous ridge. The relation of the mandibular canal with the alveolar ridge presents a very important aspect for establishing the treatment plan for the patient. The clinical safe-zone m...
Tratamiento De Un Quiste Residual Localizado en El Maxilar Superior. Reporte De Un Caso
Revista Facultad de Odontología
Los quistes odontogénicos suelen ser intraóseos y se clasifican en quistes del desarrollo e inflamatorios. Los quistes residuales son de tipo inflamatorio y resultan de la extracción de un diente con un quiste radicular, pero sin remover los remanentes de la lesión en el mismo procedimiento quirúrgico. Se localizan principalmente en el maxilar, muestran ligera predilección por los hombres y generalmente son asintomáticos. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 64 años de edad, quien consulta por presentar un aumento de volumen en la zona edéntula anterior del maxilar, años después de la exodoncia de los órganos dentarios 11 y 12. El tratamiento realizado consistió en osteotomía de la pared vestibular, enucleación y curetaje del quiste residual, usando un colgajo de Newman de los dientes 13 a 23. Se realizaron controles posoperatorios periódicamente y se observó buena cicatrización.
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine, 2003
complaining of a painful enlargement of the right mandible. Clinical examination revealed an ill-defined, spherical swelling, measuring approximately 2 cm in diameter, located in the right paramedian region of the mandible. The mass was firm, fixed, and covered by inflamed mucosa. The teeth in the quadrant showed a vital response to pulp testing. There were no palpable cervical lymph nodes. After a 5-day course of antibiotics, a radiographic examination was performed. It showed a predominantly radiopaque lesion merging imperceptibly with surrounding normal bone (Figure 1), located in the basal and alveolar portions of the mandible, involving the apical region of the second incisor, canine, and first premolar. The teeth were extracted, and the mass was surgically removed.