Refined Algebraic Quantization with the Triangular Subgroup of SL(2, ℝ) (original) (raw)
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Refined algebraic quantisation with the triangular subgroup of SL(2,R)
We investigate refined algebraic quantisation with group averaging in a constrained Hamiltonian system whose gauge group is the connected component of the lower triangular subgroup of SL(2,R). The unreduced phase space is T^*R^{p+q} with p>0 and q>0, and the system has a distinguished classical o(p,q) observable algebra. Group averaging with the geometric average of the right and left invariant measures, invariant under the group inverse, yields a Hilbert space that carries a maximally degenerate principal unitary series representation of O(p,q). The representation is nontrivial iff (p,q) is not (1,1), which is also the condition for the classical reduced phase space to be a symplectic manifold up to a singular subset of measure zero. We present a detailed comparison to an algebraic quantisation that imposes the constraints in the sense H_a Psi = 0 and postulates self-adjointness of the o(p,q) observables. Under certain technical assumptions that parallel those of the group averaging theory, this algebraic quantisation gives no quantum theory when (p,q) = (1,2) or (2,1), or when p>1, q>1 and p+q is odd.
Group averaging in the (p,q) oscillator representation of SL(2,R)
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2004
We investigate refined algebraic quantisation with group averaging in a finitedimensional constrained Hamiltonian system that provides a simplified model of general relativity. The classical theory has gauge group SL(2, R) and a distinguished o(p, q) observable algebra. The gauge group of the quantum theory is the double cover of SL(2, R), and its representation on the auxiliary Hilbert space is isomorphic to the (p, q) oscillator representation. When p ≥ 2, q ≥ 2 and p + q ≡ 0 (mod 2), we obtain a physical Hilbert space with a nontrivial representation of the o(p, q) quantum observable algebra. For p = q = 1, the system provides the first example known to us where group averaging converges to an indefinite sesquilinear
Algebraic quantization on a group and nonabelian constraints
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A generalization of a previous group manifold quantization formalism is proposed. In the new version the differential structure is circumvented, so that discrete transformations in the group are allowed, and a nonabelian group replaces the ordinary (central) 1/(1) subgroup of the Heisenberg-Weyl-like quantum group. As an example of the former we obtain the wave functions associated with the system of two identical particles, and the latter modification is used to account for the Virasoro constraints in string theory.
Refined algebraic quantisation in a system with nonconstant gauge invariant structure functions
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2013
In a previous work [J. Louko and E. Martínez-Pascual, "Constraint rescaling in refined algebraic quantisation: Momentum constraint," J. Math. Phys. 52 123504 (2011)], refined algebraic quantisation (RAQ) within a family of classically equivalent constrained Hamiltonian systems that are related to each other by rescaling one momentum-type constraint was investigated. In the present work, the first steps to generalise this analysis to cases where more constraints occur are developed. The system under consideration contains two momentumtype constraints, originally abelian, where rescalings of these constraints by a non-vanishing function of the coordinates are allowed. These rescalings induce structure functions at the level of the gauge algebra. Providing a specific parametrised family of real-valued scaling functions, the implementation of the corresponding rescaled quantum momentum-type constraints is performed using RAQ when the gauge algebra: (i) remains abelian and (ii) undergoes into an algebra of a nonunimodular group with nonconstant gauge invariant structure functions. Case (ii) becomes the first example known to the author where an open algebra is handled in refined algebraic quantisation. Challenging issues that arise in the presence of non-gauge invariant structure functions are also addressed.
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On a quantum algebraic approach to a generalized phase space
Foundations of Physics, 1981
We approach the relationship between classical and quantum theories in a new way, which allows both to be expressed in the same mathematical language, in terms of a matrix algebra in a phase space. This makes clear not only the similarities of the two theories, but also certain essential differences, and lays a Jbundation for understanding their relationship. We use the Wigner-Moyal trans]brmation as a change of representation in phase space, and we avoM the problem of"negative probabilities" by regarding the solutions of our equations as constants of the motion, rather than as statistical weight factors. We show a close relationship of our work to that of Prigogine and his group. We bring in a new nonnegative probability function, and we propose extensions of the tlueory to cover thermodynamic processes invoh, ing entropy changes, as well as the usual reversible processes. 0015-9018]81/0400-0179503.0010
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We report briefly on an approach to quantum theory entirely based on symmetry grounds which improves Geometric Quantization in some respects and provides an alternative to the canonical framework. The present scheme, being typically non-perturbative, is primarily intended for non-linear systems, although needless to say that finding the basic symmetry associated with a given (quantum) physical problem is in general a difficult task, which many times nearly emulates the complexity of finding the actual (classical) solutions. Apart from some interesting examples related to the electromagnetic and gravitational particle interactions, where an algebraic version of the equivalence principle naturally arises, we attempt to the quantum description of non-linear sigma models. In particular, we present the actual quantization of the partial-trace non-linear SU(2) sigma model as a representative case of non-linear quantum field theory.