Role of Matrilineal System, Gender and Education in Traditional Farming Systems and Food Culture in West Sumatra Indonesia (original) (raw)
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This paper is based on the proposition that individual behavior is related to the ecological system in which they live. Depart from this proposition, this paper aims to analyze gender behavior of households in three different agrosystems namely highland, lowland and coastal agrosystems. The study conducted in Pangkajene Kepuluan District (Pangkep) where the three agrosystems can be found. For this purpose, Lanne Village of Tondong Tallasa Sub-District represents highland agrosystem; Kelurahan Mangngalekana Sub-district of Labakkang represents lowland agrosystem and Bawasalo Vilage of Sub-District Segeri as the representation of coastal agrosystem. The total respondent of the study are 220 households which consist of 55 respondents in highland agrosystem, 80 respondents in lowland agrosystem and 85 respondents in coastal agrosystem. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study indicated that the role of wife and husband in the consumption, production and social activities vary in all three agrosystems. In public affairs such as government activities, community activities, and market activities, the involvement of husband and wife are not the same in the three agroecosystems studied. It was concluded that gender behavior both in the domestic and the public level is related to the agrosystem in which a family or household live.
The objectives of the study are to examine ensure women involvement in decision making. to ensure women participation in VAF production and marketing training, and to increase the involvement of women in women farmers' or marketing association. The study was done at Hambaro, Parakan Muncang and Sukaluyu Villages, Sub-District of Nanggung, District of Nanggung-West Java Province during June-July 2006. A total of 185 household respondent were selected randomly. Results showed that the gender roles in farming system practices are dominated by men, such as land preparation, nursery, planting, maintaining plants, fertilizing, and harvesting. Moreover, there is gender differences in access and control over farm production inputs. Men dominated the access and control over credits, production technology and labors. Although still dominated by men, a fair number of women have access and control over marketing of agricultural products and have access to information on the price of agricultural products. However, women have little role in decision making regarding farming financial planning and activities. But, women are 250 ~.
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2019
Gender roles in peatland-based communities' livelihoods are an important factor in livelihood vulnerability due to challenging characteristics for conducting agriculture in this area. This article reports on a study of gender roles in Riau Province in 7 villages in 3 districts, aiming to identify significant attributes that determining gender equity at the household level. The data was collected through structured interviews in 221 households, in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions in every village. The research indicated that gender roles in agricultural activities are significantly dominated by men, while women play a more significant role in domestic activities. Both men and women contribute equally in the social life of the community; women's participation and group membership is equal to men's. Poor families tend to have higher gender equity in agricultural activities than rich households. The role of women in wealthier households is not in their physical contribution on the land but is mostly transformed into a decision making role. This indicates that women have a significant role in family livelihoods for both poor and rich families, but in different forms.
Land use change and shifts in gender roles in central Sumatra, Indonesia
While Indonesia is experiencing a rapid land use transition due to export-oriented growth in agricultural products such as palm oil and natural rubber, there is no clear understanding of how shifts in farming practices influence gender-specific roles and preferences. In a partially matrilineal society on Sumatra where rice production for subsistence purposes, in an agroforestry landscape, is traditionally considered the women’s domain and responsibility, 202 households were surveyed about their perceptions of gender-specific agricultural roles. Over time, rice fields have been converted to oil palm. Lowland women have increasingly significant roles in rubber agroforestry in addition to collecting firewood, medicinal plants and wild fruit for household consumption, whereas men are typically occupied in monoculture oil palm or rubber production. As land use patterns rapidly change, particularly in the lowlands, the responsibility of rubber agroforestry systems is shifting from men to women with consequences for gender division of labour and decision making.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2016
The wife holds a dominant role in sericulture activities. On average the wife's role in the activities of production of 81.50 hours per one production cycle, the husband 52.05 hours, women family members amounted to 25.39 hours, and men family members amounted to 6.78 hours. Decision-making in the sericulture activities showed that the dominant decision-making is the wife alone is equal to 42.86%, then the husband is 28.57%, and then decided by both is 28.57%. While income from sericulture is dominant played by the wife with an average of 504.945 IDR (US $ 38.68) per month, whereas the income from outside sericulture business is dominated by the husband with an average of 2.097.222 IDR (US $ 161.67) per month, and the average total household income is at 4.268.272 IDR (US $ 327.00) per month. The implication is that the role of the wife and women in sericulture can be taken into account in the family economy in order to increase the income and welfare of the family. The sericulture business can increase income and can be done at home on the sidelines of domestic activities without leaving the family
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2018
The wet rice farming (sawah) is very complex that is determined by ecological and social economic and cultural factors, including soil conditions, water availability, weather and climate, population, local knowledge, beliefs, technology, and economy. In addition, wet rice farming is determined by the government policy and market economy. In the past, the Sundanese rural people of West Java practiced the wet rice farming based on the local knowledge or traditional ecological knowledge which is strongly embedded with local tradition, and division of labor based on the gender. Traditionally, most inputs of the wet rice farming, including rice seeds, organic fertilizer, and biopesticides were provided by internal resources of rural ecosystem. Both male and female farmers intensively involved in various t wet rice farming activities based on the gender which is embedded by local tradition. For example, female farmers involved work in various activities that do not need energy but need to be careful and diligent, including the selection of rice seeds. Conversely, some works, including hoeing and plowing, were undertaken by male farmers. In the late 1960s, the Indonesian government modernized the wet rice farming through the Green Revolution program. Consequently, most rural farmers of West Java adopted this program. This research aimed to elucidate the impact of the Green Revolution program on the wet rice farming activities of Karangwangi village, Cianjur, West Java based on the gender issue. Aqualitative method with an ethnoecological approach was used in this study, while some techniques including observation, participant observation, and semi-structured interview were applied in this research. Thestudy result shows that in the past the wet rice cultivation of Karangwangi was traditionally carried out based on the local knowledge and embedded with local cultures, including traditional beliefs. Various activities of each stage of the wet rice farming were undertaken by male and female farmers based on gender and strongly embed by local tradition. By introduction of the Green Revolution, the female farmers have still involved in various activities of the wet rice farming. However, some female activities, including observation of star in the sky, rice seed selection, and ponding of rice grains of post-harvesting have been lost due to the introduction of the Green Revolution.
Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education & Social Sciences (ICESS 2021), 2021
Natural resource management sustains to this day is agriculture. It remains the main source of making a living in rural communities despite its decreasing activity. According to the results of the 2018 Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS), the number of farmers in Indonesia was 33 487 806. Categorized by gender, there were 25.436.478 male farmers and 8.051.328 female farmers. Within the Central Java region, there were 5.264.264 farmers in which 4.013.514 were male and 1.250.750 were female. The difference between the number of male and female farmers is quite significant. This indicates that women seem to have small involvement in the agricultural business which is a vital source supporting the household. Whereas, in reality, women have significant roles in farm families. Therefore, this study aims to determine the extent of the role of women in agriculture as a source of sustaining the household economy. The research was conducted on the people of Medono Village, Boja Sub-district, Kendal District, with a qualitative research method. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation.
This article examines the power, knowledge, and role of women in the rural families in South Sumatera, Indonesia. It argues that women have knowledge and power to manage the natural and human resources as a strategy to achieve families food security. By analyzing the knowledge of women, traceable heritage knowledge, craftsmanship and knowledge gained from the various actors, this article helps to locate and give arguments to understand current women position on the poor families in Indonesia. It then, demonstrates how in the families, the women's knowledge as the power to contribute families food security and to relate with their husbands. Finally, this article concludes that heritage knowledge such as the knowledge of managing natural resources, processing and preserving food and others knowledge are the source of women power. These power provide renewed impetus for increasing role, bargaining position, and at times, creating equality in gender relation.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The potential of women farmers in achieving household food security must be supported by adequate female farmer capacity, optimal participation of women farmers at every stage, and eliminating and finding solutions to a number of obstacles faced by women in order to strengthen their capacity and increase their participation in achieving home food security stairs. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the participation of female farmers in supporting family food security. The population in this study were female farmers in two sub-districts in Pandeglang District, Banten Province, namely Munjul and Cibaliung Districts. The number of samples is 125 female farmers. The research activities were carried out for three months (April to June 2019). Data analysis with. The inferencing statistics used are SEM using LISREL 8.73 (Linear Structural Relationships). The results showed that the factors that influence the participation of female farmers in supporting fam...
BIO web of conferences, 2022
Gender equality is one of the main aspects in the sustainable development goals. This study aimed to analyze the roles of women in the households of beef cattle raising farmers in Nagari Lakitan Utara, Pesisir Regency, Sumatra Barat Province. This research involved 100 farmer households and collaborating partners from related institutions, employing the Harvard gender model of analysis and using the approach of Level of Effort (LoE) values. Results showed that women had significantly important roles in the management of beef cattle raising, starting from providing the logistical needs to managing the finances from cattle sales. In particular, women showed greater roles in herding as well as contacting inseminators and veterinarians in the case of ill animals.