“OpenCiTy Project” per Catania: GIS e WebGis per la libera condivisione del dato archeologico in ambito urbano (original) (raw)

“OpenCiTy Project” per Catania: GIS e WebGis per la libera condivisione del dato archeologico in ambito urbano

Integrazione dei dati archeologici digitali. Esperienze e prospettive in Italia. Lecce 1-2 ottobre 2015. A cura di Paola Ronzino

Catania is a unique context in the world, both for the study of the evolution of an urban landscape from prehistory to the present day. An extraordinary example of a study that still presents numerous unanswered questions, which inhibit a complete reconstruction of the city’s long history. This is mainly the result of inadequate publications and the scarce sharing of the data between those Research, Protection, or Local Administration bodies who own it, which leads to negative effects even in terms of territorial planning. The OpenCiTy Project, set up by IBAM-CNR, was born out of the ascertainment of such limitations and aims to create a free and shared “research environment”, in which to channel the heterogeneous mass of data relating to the entire cultural patrimony of the city under a common spatial denominator and on a WEbGIS portal, that developed entirely with the use of Open source software, was specifically devised as a channel for the dissemination and free sharing of the processed historical-archaeological contents.