Metabolism of Steroids in Germfree and Conventional Rats Treated with a 3beta-Hydroxy-delta5-Steroid Oxidoreductase Inhibitor (original) (raw)

1970, European Journal of Biochemistry

The 3/?-hydroxy-A5-steroid oxidoreductase inhibitor 2ol-cyano-4,4,17ol-trimethyl-5-androsten-1715-01-3-0ne was administered intramuscularly to germfree and conventional, male and female, rats. Under the experimental conditions used, no steroids were found in faeces and urine from the male rats, but a large number of steroids were identified in excreta from female rats. The following 3/?-hydroxy-A6-steroids, none of which is present in normal rats, appeared in urine and faeces from germfree and conventional cyanoketone treated female rats (chiefly as monosulphates) : 5-androstene-38, 17p-dio1, 38, 7a(and 7/?)-dihydroxy-5-androsten-17-one, 5-androstene-38, 7a(and 7/?), 17/?-trioI, 38, 16a-dihydroxy-5-androsten-l7-one, 38, 17/?-dihydroxy-5androsten-l6-one, 3&hydroxy-5,16-pregnadien-20-one, 3/?-hydroxy-l7ol-pregn-5-en-2O-one, 3/?-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one, 3/?,7a(and 78)-dihydroxy-5-pregnenen-20-one, 38, 17ol-dihydroxy-5pregnen-20-one, 38, 16~-dihydroxy-5-pregnen-2O-one, 5-pregnene-3j3, 1601, 2Oa-triol, 5-pregnene-3/?,17a,20a-triol and 38,2l-dihydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one. In addition, several saturated steroids were identified which were identical with steroids excreted by normal germfree and conventional female rats.