Bubb, D.H., Thom, T.J. & Lucas, M.C. (2008) Spatial ecology of the white-clawed crayfish in an upland stream and implications for the conservation of this endangered species. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18, 647-657. (original) (raw)
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Biodiversity and Conservation, 2014
The degradation of aquatic habitats has increasingly become one of the most important factors influencing the distribution of freshwater species worldwide. We analysed the occurrence of three crayfish species, Astacus astacus, Austropotamobius torrentium and Orconectes limosus, in relation to habitat degradation status (based on Directive 2000/60/ES), stream morphology, geographical characteristics and land cover. In total, we analysed 6,768 sites within the Czech Republic (Central Europe), of which 6,187 sites lacked crayfish; among the remainder, A. astacus was present in 507 sites, O. limosus occurred in 44 sites and A. torrentium was present in only 30 sites. The analysis revealed that A. astacus preferred streams of better water quality that were not surrounded by agricultural land or settlements. This species also preferentially occurred in smaller streams with stony bottom substrata that were located at higher altitudes. Austropotamobius torrentium occurrence was associated with the natural character of the water body and the presence of protected areas at higher altitudes. Conversely, the non-native crayfish species O. limosus was typically recorded at lower altitudes in downstream reaches surrounded by agricultural land and with deteriorated water quality. The degree of environmental (human) Communicated by pressure besides differences in habitat characteristics at sites with ICS and NICS may be of general importance for conservation strategies aimed at central European native crayfish species, primarily because the habitat-driven co-occurrence pattern (and its possible changes in the future) may strongly influence interspecific relationships, such as direct competition and the spread of infectious diseases between crayfish species.
SUMMARY 1. Dispersal and habitat use are key elements in determining impacts of introduced species. We examined if an invasive crayfish species showed a different pattern of movement, dispersal and refuge use to that of a species that it displaces. 2. Fifteen adults of the introduced American signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus and 20 adult native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes were radiotagged in an area of river where in 2003 they co-occurred and the spatial behaviour and habitat use of the two species were examined. Subsequent surveys at the study site in 2005 recorded no A. pallipes and the density of P. leniusculus had increased. 3. Clear differences in the spatial behaviour of the two species were found. The median distance moved per day by signal crayfish was over twice that of white-clawed crayfish, and dispersal from release locations was higher in signal crayfish. A similar range of refuges with a high degree of overlap was used by both species suggesting that the potential for competitive interaction between the two species exists. 4. The greater movement and dispersal by signal crayfish recorded here supports the hypothesis that invaders are better dispersers than the species that they displace. In addition, movements by signal crayfish may allow them to make better use of patchy resources than white-clawed crayfish and this, coupled with similar microhabitat use, may contribute to the observed replacement.
1. The American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, an invasive species widely introduced throughout Europe, is a major threat to native European crayfish species and is causing increasing concern because of its wide impact on aquatic ecosystems. 2. Whilst various control and management methods have been proposed, very little is known about the factors influencing dispersal and movements of signal crayfish. 3. Sixty-four adult signal crayfish (carapace length 31.9-63.8 mm) were radiotagged in upland rivers in northern England, during four periods. Tracking was carried out at two sites, a low-density establishing population and a high-density established population. Tracking was carried out at both sites concurrently during midsummer (June to August 2002), during late summer (August to September 2001) at the low-density population site and during autumn to winter (October to February 2000/01) at the high-density population site. 4. Maximum movement occurred during midsummer. Temperature appeared to be a major factor influencing the timing and extent of movements between tracking periods. 5. The frequency distribution of the maximum distance moved upstream and downstream by radiotagged crayfish showed an inverse power relationship. The median maximal upstream and downstream distances moved were 13.5 m (range 0-283 m) and 15 m (range 0-417 m), respectively. There was a significant difference between the distributions of upstream and downstream ranges, with greater distances moved downstream. 6. All downstream movements made by crayfish appeared to be active movements and not the result of passive movement during periods of high discharge. There was no apparent influence of size, sex or density on the amount of movement recorded. 7. The study provides important information on the spatial and temporal behaviour of introduced crayfish in upland lotic systems. In contrast to lowland rivers, our results suggest that flow or gradient may influence the invasive potential of signal crayfish in an upstream direction in upland rivers.
PLoS ONE, 2014
In dry climate zones, headwater streams are often regulated for water extraction causing intermittency in perennial streams and prolonged drying in intermittent streams. Regulation thereby reduces aquatic habitat downstream of weirs that also form barriers to migration by stream fauna. Environmental flow releases may restore streamflow in rivers, but are rarely applied to headwaters. We sampled fish and crayfish in four regulated headwater streams before and after the release of summer-autumn environmental flows, and in four nearby unregulated streams, to determine whether their abundances increased in response to flow releases. Historical data of fish and crayfish occurrence spanning a 30 year period was compared with contemporary data (electrofishing surveys, Victoria Range, Australia; summer 2008 to summer 2010) to assess the longer-term effects of regulation and drought. Although fish were recorded in regulated streams before 1996, they were not recorded in the present study upstream or downstream of weirs despite recent flow releases. Crayfish (Geocharax sp. nov. 1) remained in the regulated streams throughout the study, but did not become more abundant in response to flow releases. In contrast, native fish (Gadopsis marmoratus, Galaxias oliros, Galaxias maculatus) and crayfish remained present in unregulated streams, despite prolonged drought conditions during 2006-2010, and the assemblages of each of these streams remained essentially unchanged over the 30 year period. Flow release volumes may have been too small or have operated for an insufficient time to allow fish to recolonise regulated streams. Barriers to dispersal may also be preventing recolonisation. Indefinite continuation of annual flow releases, that prevent the unnatural cessation of flow caused by weirs, may eventually facilitate upstream movement of fish and crayfish in regulated channels; but other humanmade dispersal barriers downstream need to be identified and ameliorated, to allow native fish to fulfil their life cycles in these headwater streams.
Culverts can impact the migration and dispersal of aquatic animals and result in population fragmentation, increasing the risk of local extinction for endangered species such as the white-clawed crayfish Austropota-mobius pallipes. This study used radio telemetry and passive integrated transponder (PIT) telemetry to determine whether existing and experimental covered culverts affect the upstream and downstream movements of adult white-clawed crayfish. Daily crayfish movement rates did not differ significantly between an unlit 363-m long culvert and open stream channel sections. Crayfish moved into dark, covered sections volitionally. However, limited upstream movement occurred at sudden transitions of bed height or smooth-concrete box culvert sections with fast flow, suggesting partial barrier effects. In the 20-m long experimental in-stream culvert, also dark, but with natural stream bed, 70% of radio-tagged crayfish released downstream entered the culvert, as did 60% of those released upstream. Overall 35% passed through, with similar numbers in each direction. We conclude that dark culverts up to several hundred metres do not inhibit dispersal of white-clawed crayfish, provided stream slope, bed type and water velocity are amenable for movement and refuge. Care is required to ensure that culverts are bioengineered to ensure that average water velocity is sufficiently low and local hydraulic variation high, the bed and/or sidewalls contain refuge structures, and there are no cross-channel steps in bed level. Smooth-bedded box culverts are unlikely to be suitable for white-clawed crayfish. RÉSUMÉ Les ponceaux influent-ils sur les mouvements de l'écrevisse à pattes blanches en voie de disparition ? Les petits ponts d'une seule travée peuvent influer sur la migration et la dispersion des animaux aquatiques et entraîner la fragmentation de la population, aug-mentant le risque d'extinction locale des espèces menacées telles que l'écrevisse à pattes blanches, Austropotamobius pallipes. Cette étude a utilisé la télémétrie radio et la télémétrie par transpondeur passif intégré (PIT) afin de déterminer si les ponceaux couverts existants et expérimentaux affectent les mouvements en
Freshwater Biology, 2009
1. Crayfish are among the most threatened taxa in the world and invasive crayfish are the primary cause of the decline of native crayfish. Most research has emphasised biotic interactions as the mechanism by which native crayfish are displaced by invasives, although crayfish occupy variable environments and the role of disturbance in facilitating crayfish invasion and displacement is understudied. 2. We compared tolerance to a disturbance, stream drying, in a native and invasive crayfish as a potential mechanism to explain their distribution. Our experiments and observations were conducted across scales, from laboratory environmental chambers to stream mesocosms to field sampling. We hypothesised that the invasive crayfish would be more tolerant of desiccation than the native, and that this physiological distinction between the two would be reflected in their distribution in relation to stream drying. 3. In the laboratory, the native crayfish Orconectes eupunctus was less tolerant of desiccation than the invasive Orconectes neglectus chaenodactylus, with all native crayfish dying within 2 days without water, while some of the invasive crayfish survived for nearly 2 weeks. Under simulated stream drying in mesocosms, only the native O. eupunctus survived less well than in a control. Field sampling demonstrated a significant negative relationship between O. eupunctus density and low summer flows, while O. neglectus density was positively associated with low summer flows. The greater resistance of O. neglectus to drying could, through priority effects, inhibit recolonisation by O. eupunctus once flow resumes. 4. Abiotic disturbances are potentially important to the displacement of native by invasive crayfish. Disturbance mediated displacement of aquatic species provides both an opportunity to conserve native species by maintaining or restoring habitat and disturbance regimes and is also a challenge due to increasing human water demand, flow regime alteration and global climate change.
Freshwater Biology, 2011
The effects of omnivorous exotic species on native communities are often difficult to predict because of the broad diets and behavioural flexibility of the omnivore, and the diverse abiotic and biotic characteristics of invaded systems. We investigated experimentally the effects of a gradient of density of the introduced, omnivorous red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae) on two stream communities in southern California, U.S.A. 2. The Ventura River is a clear, flowing stream with a cobble substratum, with abundant algae but low densities of large invertebrates, small herbivores and snails. The Santa Ynez River at the time of the study consisted of a series of drying pools underlain by sand, with abundant charophytes, large predatory invertebrates and herbivores, including snails. 3. In the Ventura River, periphyton biomass and inorganic sediment decreased with increasing crayfish abundance, but in the Santa Ynez River, periphyton and sediment were unrelated to crayfish densities. 4. In the Ventura River, the biomass and density of all benthic invertebrates combined, chironomids, micropredators, the meiofauna (chydorid cladocerans, copepods and ostracods), and specific predatory and herbivorous taxa, as well as taxon richness, were negatively related to crayfish density. In the Santa Ynez River, the biomass and average body size of benthic invertebrates, predatory invertebrates, herbivores and chironomids, but not total invertebrate density or taxon richness, were negatively related to crayfish density. 5. Fewer large predatory invertebrates and snails (Physella gyrina) in both streams, and baetid mayflies in the Ventura River, were visible at night in channels where crayfish were abundant. Snails responded to crayfish by moving above the water line in the Santa Ynez River, but not in the Ventura River. 6. We suggest that the same omnivore had different effects on these neighbouring streams because of crayfish predation on large invertebrates in the Santa Ynez River and the scarcity of such prey in the Ventura River, leading to increased crayfish grazing on periphyton, and reductions in periphyton-associated invertebrates, in the Ventura River.
SUMMARY 1. Radio-telemetry and mark-recapture methods were used to study the summer movements of adult and juvenile white-clawed crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes from a wild population in a small braided stream, Dalton Beck, North Yorkshire, U.K. Radio-transmitters were attached to the chelae of 18 large (> 35 mm carapace length) crayfish and individuals were subsequently located to within 0.15 m. Additionally a total of 888 crayfish were marked with carapace brands, and 83 were recaptured. 2. Radio-tracked crayfish exhibited significantly greater local activity at dusk (21.00±00.00) than at dawn (03.00±06.00), or during morning (09.00±12.00) and afternoon (15.00±18.00) monitoring periods. 3. The greatest movements of radio-tracked crayfish occurred within 2 days of release. After this time, periods of residence were interspersed by movements to new locations, interpreted as establishment of ephemeral home areas. It is suggested that the initial large movements were the result of a `frightresponsè following capture. 4. Movements varied widely between individuals, some moving more than 300 m in 10 days, while others showed little movement over an equivalent time period. Mean (SE) daily movements were 4.6 3.0 m for males and 1.5 1.0 m for females. Although crayfish often used specific home sites for in excess of 7 days, displaced animals did not return to home sites. 5. The total distances travelled and the mean distance travelled per day by individual radio-tagged crayfish did not differ significantly between upstream or downstream directions or between males and females. This was also the case for marked crayfish used in mark-recapture studies. 6. Positive correlations between distance moved per day and size (carapace length) were found for downstream movements by male and female crayfish, but not for upstream movements. 7. Some preliminary observations of the response of crayfish to flood events suggested that these could be catastrophic with two out of five tracked crayfish found dead after a high stream-discharge event.