An Agent-Based Model of Personal Web Communities (original) (raw)


Abstract. The idea that people use the Web and make the Web at the same time is an interesting starting point to study it. Personal homepages, blogs and similar websites can be studied as a social network phenomenon because social characteristics can explain their nature and dynamic. We present a computational Agent-Based model of personal web communities. Agents maintain their homepages and the web network emerges as they make links to colleagues' homepages, with whom they share common interests.

A simple but more realistic agent-based model of a social network


None of the standard network models fit well with sociological theory. This paper presents a simple agent-based model of social networks that have fat-tailed distributions of connectivity, that are assortative by degree of connectivity, that are highly clustered and that can be used to create a large variety of social worlds.

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A simple but more realistic agent-based model of a social network Cover Page

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An Agent-Based Model of Message Propagation in the Facebook Electronic Social Network

ArXiv, 2016

A large scale agent-based model of common Facebook users was designed to develop an understanding of the underlying mechanism of information diffusion within online social networks at a micro-level analysis. The agent-based model network structure is based on a sample from Facebook. Using an erased configuration model and the idea of common neighbours, a new correction procedure was investigated to overcome the problem of missing graph edges to construct a representative sample of the Facebook network graph. The model parameters are based on assumptions and general activity patterns (such as posting rate, time spent on Facebook etc.) taken from general data on Facebook. Using the agent-based model, the impact of post length, post score and publisher's friend count on the spread of wall posts in several scenarios was analyzed. Findings indicated that post content has the highest impact on the success of post propagation. However, amusing and absorbing but lengthy posts (e.g. a fu...

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An Agent-Based Model of Message Propagation in the Facebook Electronic Social Network Cover Page

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Agent Based Modeling with Applications to Social Computing Cover Page

Social circles: A simple structure for agent-based social network models


* Abstract None of the standard network models fit well with sociological observations of real social networks. This paper presents a simple structure for use in agent-based models of large social networks. Taking the idea of social circles, it incorporates key aspects of large social networks such as low density, high clustering and assortativity of degree of connectivity. The model is very flexible and can be used to create a wide variety of artificial social worlds.

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Social circles: A simple structure for agent-based social network models Cover Page

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Socialware: multiagent systems for supporting network communities Cover Page

Agent-Based Knowledge Communities

International Journal of Computer Science & Applications, 2009

Virtual communities are becoming increasingly popular, particularly on the Internet, as a means for like-minded individuals to pursue common goals. It is a way to access and to share knowledge and information among participants of such communities without physical or hardware constraints. The concept of a community of interest can be sup- ported in a virtual community in order to

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Agent-Based Knowledge Communities Cover Page

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Community-oriented models and applications for the social web Cover Page

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World Wide Web Journal manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Creation and Growth of Online Social Network How do social networks evolve Cover Page

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