Isolation and molecular phylogenetic analysis of actin-coding regions from Emiliania huxleyi, a Prymnesiophyte alga, by reverse transcriptase and PCR methods (original) (raw)

The origin and evolution of green algal and plant actins

Molecular Biology and Evolution, 1999

The Viridiplantae are subdivided into two groups: the Chlorophyta, which includes the Chlorophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae, Ulvophyceae, and Prasinophyceae; and the Streptophyta, which includes the Charophyceae and all land plants. Within the Streptophyta, the actin genes of the angiosperms diverge nearly simultaneously from each other before the separation of monocots and dicots. Previous evolutionary analyses have provided limited insights into the gene duplications that have produced these complex gene families. We address the origin and diversification of land plant actin genes by studying the phylogeny of actins within the green algae, ferns, and fern allies. Partial genomic sequences or cDNAs encoding actin were characterized from Cosmarium botrytis (Zygnematales), Selaginella apoda (Selaginellales), Anemia phyllitidis (Polypodiales), and Psilotum triquetrum (Psilotales). Selaginella contains at least two actin genes. One sequence (Ac2) diverges within a group of fern sequences that also includes the Psilotum Ac1 actin gene and one gymnosperm sequence (Cycas revoluta Cyc3). This clade is positioned outside of the angiosperm actin gene radiation. The second Selaginella sequence (Ac1) is the sister to all remaining land plant actin sequences, although the internal branches in this portion of the tree are very short. Use of complete actin-coding regions in phylogenetic analyses provides support for the separation of angiosperm actins into two classes. N-terminal ''signature'' sequence analyses support these groupings. One class (VEG) includes actin genes that are often expressed in vegetative structures. The second class (REP) includes actin genes that trace their ancestry within the vegetative actins and contains members that are largely expressed in reproductive structures. Analysis of intron positions within actin genes shows that sequences from both Selaginella and Cosmarium contain the conserved 20-3, 152-1, and 356-3 introns found in many members of the Streptophyta. In addition, the Cosmarium actin gene contains a novel intron at position 76-1. 1986;. The relationship between the large number and subclasses of angiosperm actins and their function(s) is, however, unclear.

The actin gene of the glaucocystophyte Cyanophora paradoxa: analysis of the coding region and introns, and an actin phylogeny of eukaryotes

Current Genetics, 1997

We isolated the actin gene of the glaucocystophyte alga Cyanophora paradoxa and analyzed the coding region and its introns. Phylogenetic analyses of the actin coding region and the inferred protein sequence in data sets containing 47 other actin sequences show Cyanophora to be a member of the eukaryotic crown-group radiation in agreement with ribosomal DNA sequence analyses. Four of the five Cyanophora actin introns are relatively short (55-59 nt) and occupy novel positions in a catalogue of actin introns containing 56 distinct sites. The fifth intron has a length of 171 nt and occurs also in actin genes from green algae and the crustacean Artemia.

The actin gene of the glaucocystophyte Cyanophora paradoxa: analysis of the coding region and introns, and an actin phylogeny

Curr Genetics, 1997

We isolated the actin gene of the glaucocystophyte alga Cyanophora paradoxa and analyzed the coding region and its introns. Phylogenetic analyses of the actin coding region and the inferred protein sequence in data sets containing 47 other actin sequences show Cyanophora to be a member of the eukaryotic crown-group radiation in agreement with ribosomal DNA sequence analyses. Four of the five Cyanophora actin introns are relatively short (55-59 nt) and occupy novel positions in a catalogue of actin introns containing 56 distinct sites. The fifth intron has a length of 171 nt and occurs also in actin genes from green algae and the crustacean Artemia.

A Novel Family of Unconventional Actins in Volvocalean Algae

Journal of Molecular Evolution, 2003

The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has two actin genes, one encoding a conventional actin (90% amino acid identity with mammalian actin), the other a highly divergent actin (64% identity) named novel actin-like protein (NAP). To see whether the presence of conventional and unconventional actins in a single organism is unique to C. reinhardtii, we searched for genomic sequences related to the NAP sequence in several other species of volvocalean algae. Here we show that Chlamydomonas moewusii and Volvox carteri also have, in addition to a conventional actin, an unconventional actin similar to the C. reinhardtii NAP. Analyses of the deduced protein sequences indicated that the NAP homologues form a distinct group derived from conventional actin.

Unexpected Dynamic Gene Family Evolution in Algal Actins

Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2009

Actin is a conserved cytoskeletal protein that is well studied in model organisms although much less is known about actin molecular evolution in taxonomically diverse algae. Here, we analyzed 107 novel partial algal actin sequences and report some unexpected results. First, monophyletic actin gene families in multiple, phylogenetically distantly related algal taxa contain two distinct clades of sequences. One of these clades contains highly conserved sequences, whereas the second has multiple members with a significantly elevated substitution rate. This rate difference is associated with an excess of synonymous substitutions, strongly suggesting that both isoforms are active. These results paint a novel picture of actin gene evolution in algae showing it to be a remarkably dynamic system with duplication, homogenization, and potential functional diversification occurring independently in distantly related lineages.

Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Actin Genie Regions from Achlya bisexualis (Oomycota) and Costaria costata (Chromophyta)

J Mol Evol, 1991

Actin genie regions were isolated and characterized from the heterokont-flagellated protists, Achlya bisexualis (Oomycota) and Costaria costata (Chromophyta). Restriction enzyme and cloning experiments suggested that the genes are present in a single copy and sequence determinations revealed the existence of two introns in the C. costata actin genie region. Phylogenetic analyses of actin genie regions using distance matrix and maximum parsimony methods confirmed the close evolutionary relationship ofA. bisexuafis and C. costata suggested by ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence comparisons and reproductive ceil ultrastructure. The higher fungi, green plants, and animals were seen as monophyletic groups; however, a precise order of branching for these assemblages could not be determined. Phylogenetic frameworks inferred from comparisons of rRNAs were used to assess rates of evolution in actin genie regions of diverse eukaryotes. Actin genie regions had nonuniform rates of nucleotide substitution in different lineages. Comparison of rates of actin and rDNA sequence divergence indicated that actin genie regions evolve 2.0 and 5.3 times faster in higher fungi and flowering plants, respectively, than their rDNA sequences. Conversely, animal actins evolve at approximately one-fifth the rate of their rDNA sequences.

Actin Phylogeny Identifies Mesostigma viride as a Flagellate Ancestor of the Land Plants

Journal of Molecular Evolution, 1998

Green algae and land plants trace their evolutionary history to a unique common ancestor. This ''green lineage'' is phylogenetically subdivided into two distinct assemblages, the Chlorophyta and the Streptophyta. The Chlorophyta includes the Chlorophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae, Ulvophyceae, and Prasinopohyceae, whereas the Streptophyta includes the Charophyceae plus the bryophytes, ferns, and all other multicellular land plants (Embryophyta). The Prasinophyceae is believed to contain the earliest divergences within the green lineage. Phylogenetic analyses using rDNA sequences identify the prasinophytes as a paraphyletic taxon that diverges at the base of the Chlorophyta. rDNA analyses, however, provide ambiguous results regarding the identity of the flagellate ancestor of the Streptophyta. We have sequenced the actin-encoding cDNAs from Scherffelia dubia (Prasinophyceae), Coleochaete scutata, Spirogyra sp. (Charophyceae), and the single-copy actin gene from Mesostigma viride (Prasinophyceae). Phylogenetic analyses show Mesostigma to be the earliest divergence within the Streptophyta and provide direct evidence for a scaly, biflagellate, unicellular ancestor for this lineage. This result is supported by the existence of two conserved actin-coding region introns (positions 20-3, 152-1), and one intron in the 5Ј-untranslated region of the actin gene shared by Mesostigma and the embryophytes.

Molecular phylogenetic analysis of actin genic regions fromAchlya bisexualis (Oomycota) andCostaria costata (Chromophyta)

Journal of Molecular Evolution, 1991

Actin genie regions were isolated and characterized from the heterokont-flagellated protists, Achlya bisexualis (Oomycota) and Costaria costata (Chromophyta). Restriction enzyme and cloning experiments suggested that the genes are present in a single copy and sequence determinations revealed the existence of two introns in the C. costata actin genie region. Phylogenetic analyses of actin genie regions using distance matrix and maximum parsimony methods confirmed the close evolutionary relationship ofA. bisexuafis and C. costata suggested by ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence comparisons and reproductive ceil ultrastructure. The higher fungi, green plants, and animals were seen as monophyletic groups; however, a precise order of branching for these assemblages could not be determined. Phylogenetic frameworks inferred from comparisons of rRNAs were used to assess rates of evolution in actin genie regions of diverse eukaryotes. Actin genie regions had nonuniform rates of nucleotide substitution in different lineages. Comparison of rates of actin and rDNA sequence divergence indicated that actin genie regions evolve 2.0 and 5.3 times faster in higher fungi and flowering plants, respectively, than their rDNA sequences. Conversely, animal actins evolve at approximately one-fifth the rate of their rDNA sequences.

Alpha-actinin of the chlorarchiniophyte Bigelowiella natans

PeerJ, 2018

The genome of the chlorarchiniophyte Bigelowiella natans codes for a protein annotated as an α-actinin-like protein. Analysis of the primary sequence indicate that this protein has the same domain structure as other α-actinins, a N-terminal actin-binding domain and a C-terminal calmodulin-like domain. These two domains are connected by a short rod domain, albeit long enough to form a single spectrin repeat. To analyse the functional properties of this protein, the full-length protein as well as the separate domains were cloned and isolated. Characerisation showed that the protein is capable of cross-linking actin filaments into dense bundles, probably due to dimer formation. Similar to human α-actinin, calcium-binding occurs to the most N-terminal EFhand motif in the calmodulin-like C-terminal domain. The results indicate that this Bigelowiella protein is a proper α-actinin, with all common characteristics of a typical α-actinin.