Using Scaffolded Activities to Teach Computational Thinking to Middle School Girls (original) (raw)
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Computational thinking for youth in practice
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Engaging Primary School Children in Computational Thinking: Designing and Developing Videogames
Education in the knowledge society, 2018
Resumen Este artículo presenta los resultados de un proyecto sobre Pensamiento Computacional en niños de primaria. Durante el proyecto, llamado Computational Thinking for children education, 81 estudiantes de una escuela primaria en Italia se han orientado al diseño y desarrollo de juegos de computadora a través de la plataforma de desarrollo de juegos Microsoft Kodu. Se han propuesto diferentes actividades a los niños con el objetivo de promover habilidades de Pensamiento Computacional. Se ha adoptado un enfoque narrativo a lo largo del proyecto. Los resultados preliminares de la experiencia educativa resaltan que la adopción del aprendizaje narrativo y la reproducción física de objetos de programación manipulativos proporcionan una oportunidad para el desarrollo de habilidades de Pensamiento Computacional. Además, la constancia durante el proceso de aprendizaje afecta la adquisición de habilidades de desarrollo del juego; finalmente, el diseño e implementación de juegos de computadora usando Kodu ha tenido una influencia positiva significativa en la percepción de la programación de computadoras. Abstract This paper presents the results of a project on Computational Thinking education for primary school pupils. During the project-called Computational Thinking for children education-81 students from a primary school in Italy have been guided to the design and development of computer games through the Microsoft Kodu game development platform. Different activities have been proposed to the pupils with the aim of promoting Computational Thinking abilities and skills. A narrative approach has been adopted throughout the project. Preliminary results of the educational experience highlight as the adoption of narrative learning and physical reproduction of manipulative programming objects provide an affordance for the development of Computational Thinking abilities. Furthermore, constancy during the learning process affects the acquisition of game development skills; finally, the design and implementation of computer games using Kodu have had a significant positive influence on the perception of computer programming.
A congress for children and computational thinking for everyone
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, 2018
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Fostering Computational Thinking skills in the Last Years of Primary School
International Journal of Serious Games, 2019
The introduction of Computational Thinking (CT) in Italian compulsory schools is on the way, and there is a general need for new methodologies to support teachers’ work. A one-year long learning path supporting the development of CT skills in primary school students through game making activities was defined and tested in a case study with one grade 5 class. All students in the class were actively involved regardless of their personal interest, their participation was generally high, their skills increased along the project, and the main objectives were reached. Nevertheless, results suggest that a longer time span is needed for students to master deeply the new concepts and tools, class organization proved to be crucial and this confirms the need for an adequate teachers’ training before introducing CT in classroom activities. Students demonstrated to be on the right path to approach CT through game making, but they still need to be guided in taking the player’s perspective and mak...
Recommendations to Support Computational Thinking in the Elementary Classroom
Mobile applications intended to provide exposure to the concepts of computer programming and coding, referred to as coding apps, are becoming increasingly recognized as useful tools for classroom instruction (Hutchison, Nadolny, & Estapa). For example, the Scratch Jr app provides opportunities for users to create stories, games, and animations through visual coding and, as a result, experience what it is like to be a computer programmer. These programming apps can be used to expose students not only to computer programming or coding, but they also teach mathematics concepts and the broader skills associated with computational thinking by asking students to engage in tasks that require them to do things such as group variables, apply conditional logic, develop algorithmic functions, calculate angles within geometric shapes and more. Computational thinking described as a problem solving process and can be defined as follows: Formulating problems in a way that enables us to use a computer and other tools to help solve them; logically organizing and analyzing data; representing data through abstractions such as models and simulations; automating solutions through algorithmic thinking (a series of ordered steps); identifying, analyzing, and implementing possible solutions with the goal of achieving the most efficient and effective combinations of steps
Building Capacity for Computational Thinking in Youth through Informal Education
Journal of Museum Education
Building Computational Thinkers, a three-year research study, explored how educators and designers can most effectively support the development of computational thinking capacity, and how these learning experiences could be customized to meet the needs of different learners. This research study focused on three specific exhibit design approaches that conveyed problem decomposition content in The Science Behind Pixar (Pixar), a 13,000 square foot traveling exhibition about the computer science, mathematics, and science behind Pixar's innovative films. Phase One investigated how novice learners could be supported to interact with exhibits and understand problem solving strategies that tackle complex, creative challenges in computer programming. Phase Two investigated the affordances of these exhibits to build capacity, feelings of efficacy, and interest in problem decomposition content in middle and high school youth. The findings in this paper describe the types of scaffolds that can be used to support computational thinking in novice youth, as well as how a combination of exhibit approaches were found to increase youth perceptions, understanding, and beliefs of computer programming. It will also discuss how two exhibit approaches worked particularly well for engaging girls in problem decomposition content.