The halfway vector disk for BRDF modeling (original) (raw)

BRDFLab: A general system for designing BRDFs


This paper introduces a novel system for interactive modeling and designing of arbitrary BRDFs. The system is able to deal with BRDFs defined in a variety of forms, such as analytical models, measured data or data obtained by simulation. The system also allows designing BRDFs from scratch using a combination of different analytical lobes. Using the programmable graphics hardware, it then performs interactive display of the designed BRDF, and its rendering on objects lit by complex illumination. The system also allows the fitting of an input BRDF defined in any form to our analytical lobe combination, so that it can be efficiently evaluated with GPU based rendering. The idea behind this work is to make available a general system for designing, fitting and rendering BRDFs, that is intuitive and interactive in nature. We plan to use this as a tool for simulation and modeling of complex physically-based BRDFs, and thus provide access to a larger variety of material models to the renderi...

A Survey of BRDF Models for Computer Graphics

To produce photo-realistic images in computer graphics, we must effectively describe the interactions between light and surfaces. In this paper, we focus on Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs), which characterize these interactions. We survey on most BRDF representations introduced so far and we investigate their usage, importance and applications. We look at in detail their two important usages; in GPU-based real-time renderings and in renderings of metallic car paints.

Compact and intuitive data-driven BRDF models


Measured materials are rapidly becoming a core component in the photo-realistic image synthesis pipeline. The reason is that data-driven models can easily capture the underlying, fine details that represent the visual appearance of materials, which can be difficult or even impossible to model by hand. There are, however, a number of key challenges that need to be solved in order to enable efficient capture, representation and interaction with real materials. This paper presents two new data-driven BRDF models specifically designed for 1D separability. The proposed 3D and 2D BRDF representations can be factored into three or two 1D factors, respectively, while accurately representing the underlying BRDF data with only small approximation error. We evaluate the models using different parameterizations with different characteristics and show that both the BRDF data itself and the resulting renderings yield more accurate results in terms of both numerical errors and visual results compared to previous approaches. To demonstrate the benefit of the proposed factored models, we present a new Monte Carlo importance sampling scheme and give examples of how they can be used for efficient BRDF capture and intuitive editing of measured materials.

Rational BRDF

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2000

Over the last two decades, much effort has been devoted to accurately measure Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) of real-world materials and to use efficiently the resulting data for rendering. Because of their large size, it is difficult to use directly measured BRDFs for real-time applications, and fitting the most sophisticated analytical BRDF models is still a complex task. In this paper, we introduce Rational BRDF, a general-purpose and efficient representation for arbitrary BRDFs, based on Rational Functions (RFs). Using an adapted parametrization we demonstrate how Rational BRDFs offer (1) a more compact and efficient representation using low-degree RFs, (2) an accurate fitting of measured materials with guaranteed control of the residual error, and (3) an efficient importance sampling by applying the same fitting process to determine the inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) generated from the BRDF for use in Monte-Carlo rendering.

An Overview of BRDF Models


The authors have been partially supported by the Spanish Research Program under project TIN2004-07672-C03-02 and the Andalusian Research Program under project P08-TIC-03717.

An Anisotropic BRDF Model for Fitting and Monte Carlo Rendering

In this paper we propose a new physically plausible, anisotropic Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) for fitting and for importance sampling in global illumination rendering. We demonstrate that the new model is better in data fitting than existing BRDF models. We also describe efficient schemes for sampling the proposed anisotropic BRDF model. Furthermore, we test it on a GPU-based real-time rendering algorithm and show that material design can be done with this anisotropic BRDF model effectively. We also show that the new model has effective real-time rendering performance.

Perceptual quality of BRDF approximations: dataset and metrics


Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) are pivotal to the perceived realism in image synthesis. While measured BRDF datasets are available, reflectance functions are most of the time approximated by analytical formulas for storage efficiency reasons. These approximations are often obtained by minimizing metrics such as L2—or weighted quadratic—distances, but these metrics do not usually correlate well with perceptual quality when the BRDF is used in a rendering context, which motivates a perceptual study. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we perform a large‐scale user study to assess the perceptual quality of 2026 BRDF approximations, resulting in 84138 judgments across 1005 unique participants. We explore this dataset and analyze perceptual scores based on material type and illumination. Second, we assess nine analytical BRDF models in their ability to approximate tabulated BRDFs. Third, we assess several image‐based and BRDF‐based (Lp, optimal...

Image-based BRDF reconstruction


Abstract This paper presents a method of reconstructing the parameters of a reflectance model from photograpbs of an object. We assume given object geometry and light source position, as well as a homogeneous reflectance function. We employ a semi-automatic camera calibration and reconstruct radiance values from several photograpbs using different exposure times. After choosing an appropriate set of samples from the radiance image, we compute the geometric parameters for each sample.

Wavelet-Based Modelling of Spectral BRDF Data

The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is an important surface property, and is commonly used to describe reflected light patterns. However, the BRDF is a complex function since it has four angular degrees of freedom and also depends on the wavelength. The direct use of BRDF data set may be inefficient for scene modelling algorithms for example. Thus, models provide compression and additional functionalities like interpolation. One common way consists in fitting an analytical model to the measurements data set using an optimization technique. But this approach is usually restricted to a specific class of surfaces, to a limited angular or spectral range, and the modelling quality may strongly depends on the optimization algorithm chosen. Moreover, analytical models are unable to actually handle the BRDF dependence on wavelength.