Ontologické závazky a teorie modální logiky (Ontological commitments and theories of modal logics) (original) (raw)

Teorie mluvních aktů v teologii se zvláštním ohledem na prosebnou modlitbu a vyznání Ježíše Krista jako Syna Božího v Markově evangeliu


Disertace se zabýva aplikaci teorie mluvnich aktů na poli teologie. Prvni, filosoficka cast představuje výrazne podněty filosofie jazyka, ktere nachazime u Wittgensteina, Austina a Searla. Hlavni důraz tohoto shrnuti je položen na Searlovu kategorizaci mluvnich aktů. Nahližime-li na Searlovu kategorizaci z Wittgensteinovy perspektivy, je možne chapat vymezeni kategorii mluvnich aktů nikoliv ontologicky, ale funkcně, což umožňuje upravu kategorizace s ohledem na zkoumaný fenomen. V teologicke casti ukazujeme na připadu vyznani viry meze Searlovy kategorizace a pote ustavujeme vlastni kategorizaci mluvnich aktů řeci viry, ktera zohledňuje jeji komunikacni a transformativni dimenzi. Dale se zaměřujeme na jeden z hlavnich typů řeci viry, kterým je prosebna modlitba. Při zkoumani prosebne modlitby ve Starem a Novem zakoně postupně představujeme významne postřehy teologů, kteři ve sve praci uživali Austinových a Searlových konceptů a doplňujeme je vlastnim pozorovanim. Druhý oddil teologi...

Doctrina de connotatis v barokně-scholastické diskusi

Studia Neoaristotelica, 2016

On the Doctrina de Connotatis as Discussed in Baroque Scholasticism In Baroque scholasticism the medieval semantic theory of connotation as a property of terms, originally elaborated by Ockham and others, received an ontological application or re-interpretation in the context of the theory of relations. The main proponent of this ontologized "doctrina de connotatis" seems to have been Suárez. Subsequently, this doctrine was severely criticised by the Jesuits Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza and Rodrigo de Arriaga, but also by the "princeps Scotistarum" Bartholomeo Mastri; whereas another Scotist, John Punch, adopted a theory of relations close to this doctrine. The fates of the original semantic theory of connotation, the ontologized "doctrina de connotatis" and the broader context of the relevant discussions (especially the new res-modus ontology established around 1600) document the complexity of the history of scholastic ideas, irreducible to any simple paradigm (like that of the realism-nominalism strife).

Slovanska Onomasticka Terminologie V Mezinarodnim Kontextu


Превод и коректура резимеа на руском језику Светлана Гољак, Эльвира Анатольевна Сорокина Коректура радова на руском језику Эльвира Анатольевна Сорокина Припрема за штампу Милан Тасић Тираж 400 примерака Штампа Службени гласник, Београд © Српска академија наука и уметности, 2017 * Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR,

Od fenomenologů dále, k řeči blíže Nad novou knihou Tomáše Koblížka

Svět literatury

The text is a review study of Tomáš Koblížek's book. After an introductory summary of the book, we discuss three main issues: 1) the simplistic conception of Edmund Husserl's "phenomenology of speech", 2) the insufficient analysis of basic concepts, especially language as "expression", 3) the adoption and emphasis of the disjunctive conception of two ways of seeing speech-original and scientific-in the wake of H. Pos. We argue that it is the third issue in particular that undermines the final section of the book, which introduces the conceptual dimension of speech. In Koblížek's conception, the theorization of ethics becomes possible only by returning to an "originary" consciousness of language and is incompatible with a scientific stance. We suggest that, in our view, the contradiction is not so strong and a merger of the two is-even in the spirit of the "Saussurean postulates"-possible.

Jazykový management a teorie jazykového managementu: úvodní poznámky *

Journal for the theory of language and language cultivation, 2014

Against the background of various linguistic and non-linguistic fields of study, we present an initial definition of the concept of language management as an activity focused on any aspect of language or communication or on language or communication as a whole. We explain the position of Language Management Theory (LMT) as a sociolinguistic theory in relation to varying paradigms of language policy and planning. In this context, the theory's historical origins, which extend back to the collaborative work of J. V. Neustupný and B. H. Jernudd beginning in the 1960s, are elucidated. We summarize the reflection, categorization, and integration of LMT by other authors (R. Baldauf, B. Spolsky, M. Mwaniki and others), and also present critical views of these authors' work. We then outline the main aspects of LMT: typical contexts in which lan- guage is managed, the relationship between simple and organized management, the connection of language, communicative and sociocultural mana...

Vyšší moc, hardship aneb smluvní doložky v mezinárodní praxi


Force majeure and hardship – two legal terms connected with drafting contracts (with or without cross-border element); two concepts having some common features; however, two concepts which are different in their preconditions, and in their legal consequences. The paper is focused on two issues: • Analysis of force majeure and hardship from the point of view of The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), ICC Force Majeure Clause 2003, ICC Hardship Clause 2003 and UNIDROIT Principels of International Commercial Contracts 2010. The paper provides overview on the different force majeure and hardship clauses, that are available in the above mentioned legal rules. • Regulation of force majeure and hardship under the CISG. This convention does not have any special provision for force majeure and hardship. However, provision of Art. 79 has the same effects as force majeure. But the question is, is it possible to include the hardship situation into ...

Reliefisation and Parenthesis in Current Czech Publicistic Texts


The thesis' topics are a reliefisation (literally rising from) and a parenthesis in contemporary written published Czech. Both of these lingusitic phenomena represent the instruments of the text hierarchisation, that means a magnitude of importance, so that an author may present selected informations in the way of emphasization, notification, or, conversely, as less significant completion, addition of the main message. By collected readings analysis, the thesis' purpose is to plot the incidences of reliefisation and parentesis in current published texts; the syntactic aspect comprises the clasification of individual varieties of presented phenomena, and the identification of the motives of their utilization. The theoretical section yields the synthesis of findings about that phenomena, and, in the case of parenthesis, it also brings intrinsic criteria for the definitions of terms - necessary approach due to interpersonal differencies in linguists' conceptions of the topi...

The Historical Thought of Jaroslav Goll


Předkládaná bakalářská práce se soustředí na výzkum vybraných složek historického myšlení významného českého historika Jaroslava Golla (1846-1929). Nabízí detailní analýzu jeho metodologických stanovisek a reprezentativních enkláv myšlení, které se staly charakteristické pro utváření jeho role v dobovém historiografickém diskurzu. Výsledkem práce je zhodnocení významu Gollova působení a nalezení pomyslného klíče k adekvátnímu porozumění jeho dílu. Práce má ambici stát se relevantním příspěvkem do soudobých diskuzí o místě, jež má být Gollovi v dějinách českého dějepisectví po právu přiřčeno.Submitted bachelor's thesis concentrates on the research of selected elements of the historical thought of significant Czech historian Jaroslav Goll (1846-1929). It offers detailed analysis of his methodological viewpoints and representative enclaves of thought which became characteristic for formation of his role in contemporary historiographical discursus. The educt of this thesis is an eva...