Atmospheric pressure loading corrections applied to GPS data at the observation level (original) (raw)

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Atmospheric Effects and Spurious Signals in GPS Analysis Cover Page

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Atmospheric effects and spurious signals in GPS analyses Cover Page

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Nontidal ocean loading: amplitudes and potential effects in GPS height time series Cover Page

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Effects of atmospheric pressure loading and seven-parameter transformations on estimates of geocenter motion and station heights from space geodetic observations Cover Page

Detecting hydrologic deformation using GRACE and GPS

Geophysical Research Letters, 2009

Hydrological processes cause variations in gravitational potential and surface deformations, both of which are detectable using space geodetic techniques. We computed elastic deformation using continental water load estimates derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment and compared to 3D deformation estimated from GPS observations. The agreement is very good in areas where large hydrologic signals occur over broad spatial

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Detecting hydrologic deformation using GRACE and GPS Cover Page

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An estimate of the influence of loading effects on tectonic velocities in the Pyrenees Cover Page

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Sensing Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) using GPS in Turkey – Validation and Variations Cover Page

Review of current GPS methodologies for producing accurate time series and their error sources

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is an important tool to observe and model geodynamic processes such as plate tectonics and post-glacial rebound. In the last three decades, GPS has seen tremendous advances in the precision of the measurements, which allow researchers to study geophysical signals through a careful analysis of daily time series of GPS receiver coordinates. However, the GPS observations contain errors and the time series can be described as the sum of a real signal and noise. The signal itself can again be divided into station displacements due to geophysical causes and to disturbing factors. Examples of the latter are errors in the realization and stability of the reference frame and corrections due to ionospheric and tropospheric delays and GPS satellite orbit errors. There is an increasing demand on detecting millimeter to sub-millimeter level ground displacement signals in order to further understand regional scale geodetic phenomena hence requiring further improvements in the sensitivity of the GPS solutions. This paper provides a review spanning over 25 years of advances in processing strategies, error mitigation methods and noise modeling for the processing and analysis of GPS daily position time series. The processing of the observations is described step-by-step and mainly with three different strategies in order to explain the weaknesses and strengths of the existing methodologies. In particular, we focus on the choice of the stochastic model in the GPS time series, which directly affects the estimation of the functional model including, for example, tectonic rates, seasonal signals and co-seismic offsets. Moreover, the geodetic community continues to develop computational methods to fully automatize all phases from analysis of GPS time series. This idea is greatly motivated by the large number of GPS receivers installed around the world for diverse applications ranging from surveying small deformations of civil engineering structures (e.g., subsidence of the highway bridge) to the detection of particular geophysical signals.

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Review of current GPS methodologies for producing accurate time series and their error sources Cover Page

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Slow slip events in Mexico revised from the processing of 11 year GPS observations Cover Page

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Vertical deformations from homogeneously processed GRACE and global GPS long-term series Cover Page