Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Rat Brain under Non-steady-state Conditions. Contrast Prediction Using a Binary Spin–Bath Model and a Super-Lorentzian Lineshape (original) (raw)

Magnetization transfer imagingin vivo of the rat brain at 4.7 T: Interpretation using a binary spin-bath model with a superlorentzian lineshape

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1997

Proton magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) imaging, using continuous wave off-resonance irradiation, was performed on the rat brain in vivo at 4.7 Tesla. The observed MTC was studied in three different brain regions: the corpus callosum, the basal ganglia, and the temporal lobe. By systematically varying the offset frequency and the amplitude of the RF irradiation, the observed signal intensities for each region of interest were modeled using a system including free water and a pool of protons with restricted motions (R. M. Henkelman, X. Huang, Q. Xiang, G. J. Stanisz, SD Swanson, M. J. Bronskill, Magn. ). Most of the relaxation parameters of both proton pools remained fairly constant for the three regions of interest, with a T2 value of about 9 ps for the immobilized protons, whereas the rate of exchange increased significantly from the temporal lobe to the corpus callosum. The optimal acquisition parameters for the improved MTC under steady-state saturation were found to be 2-10 kHz offset frequency and 500-800 Hz RF irradiation amplitude. Conversely, an irradiation amplitude of 3 kHz at an offset frequency of 12 kHz is required to minimize the direct effect of off-resonance irradiation. Such an approach could be extended to human brain imaging with the aim of characterizing tissue-specific disease.

Magnetization transfer contrast-suppressed imaging of amide proton transfer and relayed nuclear overhauser enhancement chemical exchange saturation transfer effects in the human brain at 7T

Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2015

To use the variable delay multipulse (VDMP) chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) approach to obtain clean amide proton transfer (APT) and relayed Nuclear Overhauser enhancement (rNOE) CEST images in the human brain by suppressing the conventional magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) and reducing the direct water saturation contribution. The VDMP CEST scheme consists of a train of RF pulses with a specific mixing time. The CEST signal with respect to the mixing time shows distinguishable characteristics for protons with different exchange rates. Exchange rate filtered CEST images are generated by subtracting images acquired at two mixing times at which the MTC signals are equal, while the APT and rNOE-CEST signals differ. Because the subtraction is performed at the same frequency offset for each voxel and the CEST signals are broad, no B0 correction is needed. MTC-suppressed APT and rNOE-CEST images of human brain were obtained using the VDMP method. The APT-CEST data show h...

CEST, ASL, and magnetization transfer contrast: How similar pulse sequences detect different phenomena

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2018

Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST), arterial spin labeling (ASL), and magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) methods generate different contrasts for MRI. However, they share many similarities in terms of pulse sequences and mechanistic principles. They all use RF pulse preparation schemes to label the longitudinal magnetization of certain proton pools and follow the delivery and transfer of this magnetic label to a water proton pool in a tissue region of interest, where it accumulates and can be detected using any imaging sequence. Due to the versatility of MRI, differences in spectral, spatial or motional selectivity of these schemes can be exploited to achieve pool specificity, such as for arterial water protons in ASL, protons on solute molecules in CEST, and protons on semi-solid cell structures in MTC. Timing of these sequences can be used to optimize for the rate of a particular delivery and/or exchange transfer process, for instance, between different tissue compartments (ASL) or between tissue molecules (CEST/MTC). In this review, magnetic labeling strategies for ASL and the corresponding CEST and MTC pulse sequences are compared, including continuous labeling, single-pulse labeling, and multi-pulse labeling. Insight into the similarities and differences among these techniques is important not only to comprehend the mechanisms and confounds of the contrasts they generate, but also to stimulate the development of new MRI techniques to improve these contrasts or to reduce their interference. This, in turn, should benefit many possible applications in the fields of physiological and molecular imaging and spectroscopy. K E Y W O R D S arterial spin labeling, cerebral blood flow, CEST, chemical exchange, compartmental exchange, frequency selective, immobile proton pool, magnetization transfer contrast, mobile molecules, spatially selective 1 | I NT ROD UCTI ON MRI is a versatile technique that appears to have unlimited possibilities for imaging not only anatomy, but also physiological and chemical properties. This wealth of information can be accessed by using pulse sequences that are composed of series of RF and magnetic field gradient pulses differing only in length, number, strength, and timing. For instance, arterial spin labeling (ASL), 1-5 magnetization transfer contrast (MTC), 6-9 and chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) 10-19 are three methods that have existed for several years in both preclinical and human imaging. ASL is a noninvasive method for measuring tissue perfusion, while CEST is a relatively new technology that can detect low (millimolar) concentrations of molecules through the presence of groups with exchangeable protons, such as hydroxyls (OH), 20-23 amides (NH), 24-28 and amines (NH 2). 29-32 Chemical exchange is just one type of magnetization transfer (MT) *Linda Knutsson and Jiadi Xu contributed equally to this work.

Dynamic imaging with lanthanide chelates in normal brain: Contrast due to magnetic susceptibility effects

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1988

Using a one-dimensional rapid imaging technique, we have found that injection of lanthanide chelates such as Gd(DTPA)2- leads to a significant decrease (50%) in rat brain signal intensity at 1.45 T using T2-weighted pulse sequences; however, no effect of comparable size is observed with T1-weighted pulse sequences. The transient effect and its kinetics were followed with a temporal resolution of between 1 and 8 s. Experiments with different lanthanide chelates show that the observed decrease in signal intensity correlates with the magnetic moment of each agent but not with their longitudinal relaxivity. Three-dimensional chemical-shift resolved experiments demonstrate significant line broadening in brain during infusion with Dy(DTPA)2-. Our results show that the cause of this effect is the difference in susceptibility between the capillaries, containing the contrast agent, and the surrounding tissue. As a result of these susceptibility differences, field gradients are produced in the tissue and diffusion of water through these gradients leads to a loss of spin phase coherence and thus a decrease in signal intensity. We propose this as a new type of contrast agent mechanism in NMR. The effect and its kinetics are likely to be related to important physiological parameters such as cerebral blood volume and cerebral blood flow, and do not depend on a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier as do conventional contrast agent techniques.

MR Contrast Due to Microscopically Heterogeneous Magnetic Susceptibility: Numerical Simulations and Applications to Cerebral Physiology

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1991

We calculate the effects of subvoxel variations in magnetic susceptibility on MR image intensity for spin-echo (SE) and gradient-echo (GE) experiments for a range of microscopic physical parameters. The model used neglects the overlap of gradients from one magnetic inclusion to the next, and so is valid for low volume fractions and weak perturbations of the magnetic field. Transverse relaxation is predicted to deviate significantly from linear exponential decay in both SE and GE at a particle radius of 2.5 microns. Calculated changes in transverse relaxation rates for SE and GE increase linearly with volume fraction of high-susceptibility regions of 5 microns diameter, but increase with about the 3/2 power of volume fraction of regions with 15 micron spacing between centers. This sensitivity to the actual size and spacing of magnetized regions may allow them to be measured on the basis of contrast. without being resolved in images. GE and SE decay rates are approximately twice as sensitive to long cylinders of 5 microns diameter than to spheres of the same size, for diffusion constants of 2.5 micron 2/ms. Calculated changes in transverse decay rates increase with approximately the square of field and susceptibility variation for 5-microns spheres and a diffusion constant of 2.5 microns 2/ms. This exponent is smaller for cylindrical magnetized regions of the same size, and also depends on the diffusion constant. We discuss possible applications of our theoretical results to the analysis of the effects of high-susceptibility contrast agents in brain. Experimental data from the literature are compared with calculated signal changes according to the model. The monotonic dependence of decay rates on the volume of distribution of the contrast agent suggests that cerebral blood volume and flow could be measured using MR contrast.

High magnetic field water and metabolite protonT1 andT2 relaxation in rat brain in vivo

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2006

Comprehensive and quantitative measurements of T 1 and T 2 relaxation times of water, metabolites, and macromolecules in rat brain under similar experimental conditions at three high magnetic field strengths (4.0 T, 9.4 T, and 11.7 T) are presented. Water relaxation showed a highly significant increase (T 1 ) and decrease (T 2 ) with increasing field strength for all nine analyzed brain structures. Similar but less pronounced effects were observed for all metabolites. Macromolecules displayed field-independent T 2 relaxation and a strong increase of T 1 with field strength. Among other features, these data show that while spectral resolution continues to increase with field strength, the absolute signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in T 1 /T 2 -based anatomical MRI quickly levels off beyond ϳ7 T and may actually decrease at higher magnetic fields. Magn Reson Med 56:386 -394, 2006.

Three-dimensional quantitative magnetisation transfer imaging of the human brain

NeuroImage, 2005

Quantitative magnetisation transfer (MT) analysis is based on a twopool model of magnetisation transfer and allows important physical properties of the two proton pools to be assessed. A good signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the measured signal is essential in order to estimate reliably the parameters from a small number of samples, thus prompting the use of a sequence with high SNR, such as a threedimensional spoiled gradient acquisition. Here, we show how full brain coverage can be accomplished efficiently, using a three-dimensional acquisition, in a clinically acceptable time, and without the use of large numbers of slice-selective radio-frequency pulses which could otherwise confound analysis. This acquisition was first compared in post mortem human brain tissue to established two-dimensional acquisition protocols with differing SNR levels and then used to collect data from six healthy subjects. Image data were fitted using the two pool model and showed negligible residual deviations. Quantitative results were assessed in several brain locations. Results were consistent with previous single-slice data, and parametric maps were of good quality. Further investigations are needed to interpret the regional variation of quantitative MT quantities. D

Magnetization transfer studies of the fast and slow tissue water diffusion components in the human brain

NMR in Biomedicine, 2005

Magnetization transfer (MT) properties of the fast and slow diffusion components recently observed in the human brain were assessed experimentally. One set of experiments, performed at 1.5 T in healthy volunteers, was designed to determine whether the amplitudes of fast and slow diffusion components, differentiated on the basis of biexponential fits to signal decays over a wide range of b-factors, demonstrated a different or similar magnetization transfer ratio (MTR). Another set of experiments, performed at 3 T in healthy volunteers, was designed to determine whether MTRs differed when measured from high signal-to-noise images acquired with b-factor weightings of 350 vs 3500 s/mm 2 . The 3 T studies included measurements of MTR as a function of off-resonance frequency for the MT pulse at both low and high b-factors. The primary conclusion drawn from all the studies is that there appears to be no significant difference between the magnetization transfer properties of the fast and slow tissue water diffusion components. The conclusions do not lend support to a direct interpretation of the 'components' of the biexponential diffusion decay in terms of the 'compartments' associated with intra-and extracellular water.