Gene flow counteracts the effect of drift in a Swiss population of snow voles fluctuating in size (original) (raw)
Related papers
Fine-scale genetic structure and dispersal in the common vole (Microtus arvalis)
Molecular ecology, 2007
The genetic structure and demography of local populations is tightly linked to the rate and scale of dispersal. Dispersal parameters are notoriously difficult to determine in the field, and remain often completely unknown for smaller organisms. In this study, we investigate spatial and temporal genetic structure in relation to dispersal patterns among local populations of the probably most abundant European mammals, the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Voles were studied in six natural populations at distances of 0.4–2.5 km in three different seasons (fall, spring, summer) corresponding to different life-history stages. Field observations provided no direct evidence for movements of individuals between populations. The analysis of 10 microsatellite markers revealed a persistent overall genetic structure among populations of 2.9%, 2.5% and 3%FST in the respective season. Pairwise comparisons showed that even the closest populations were significantly differentiated from each other in each season, but there was no evidence for temporal differentiation within populations or isolation by distance among populations. Despite significant genetic structure, assignment analyses identified a relatively high proportion of individuals as being immigrants for the population where they were captured. The immigration rate was not significantly lower for females than for males. We suggest that a generally low and sex-dependent effective dispersal rate as the consequence of only few immigrants reproducing successfully in the new populations together with the social structure within populations may explain the maintenance of genetic differentiation among populations despite migration.
Molecular Ecology, 2006
In cyclic populations, high genetic diversity is currently reported despite the periodic low numbers experienced by the populations during the low phases. Here, we report spatiotemporal monitoring at a very fine scale of cyclic populations of the fossorial water vole ( Arvicola terrestris ) during the increasing density phase. This phase marks the transition from a patchy structure (demes) during low density to a continuous population in high density. We found that the genetic diversity was effectively high but also that it displayed a local increase within demes over the increasing phase. The genetic diversity remained relatively constant when considering all demes together. The increase in vole abundance was also correlated with a decrease of genetic differentiation among demes. Such results suggest that at the end of the low phase, demes are affected by genetic drift as the result of being small and geographically isolated. This leads to a loss of local genetic diversity and a spatial differentiation among demes. This situation is counterbalanced during the increasing phase by the spatial expansion of demes and the increase of the effective migration among differentiated demes. We provide evidences that in cyclic populations of the fossorial water voles, the relative influence of drift operating during low density populations and migration occurring principally while population size increases interacts closely to maintain high genetic diversity.
Short-term variations in gene flow related to cyclic density fluctuations in the common vole
Molecular Ecology, 2014
In highly fluctuating populations with complex social systems, genetic patterns are likely to vary in space and time due to demographic and behavioural processes. Cyclic rodents are extreme examples of demographically instable populations that often exhibit strong social organization. In such populations, kin structure and spacing behaviour may vary with density fluctuations and impact both the composition and spatial structure of genetic diversity. In this study, we analysed the multiannual genetic structure of a cyclic rodent, Microtus arvalis, using a sample of 875 individuals trapped over three complete cycles (from 1999 to 2007) and genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. We tested the predictions that genetic diversity and gene flow intensity vary with density fluctuations. We found evidences for both spatial scale-dependant variations in genetic diversity and higher gene flow during high density. Moreover, investigation of sex-specific relatedness patterns revealed that, although dispersal is biased toward males in this species, distances moved by both sexes were lengthened during high density. Altogether, these results suggest that an increase in migration with density allows to restore the local loss of genetic diversity occurring during low density. We then postulate that this change in migration results from local competition, which enhances female colonization of empty spaces and male dispersal among colonies.
Molecular Ecology, 2010
Genetic variability, kin structure and demography of a population are mutually dependent. Population genetic theory predicts that under demographically stable conditions, neutral genetic variability reaches equilibrium between gene flow and drift. However, density fluctuations and non-random mating, resulting e.g. from kin clustering, may lead to changes in genetic composition over time. Theoretical models also predict that changes in kin structure may affect aggression level and recruitment, leading to density fluctuations. These predictions have been rarely tested in natural populations. The aim of this study was to analyse changes in genetic variability and kin structure in a local population of the root vole (Microtus oeconomus) that underwent a fourfold change in mean density over a 6-year period. Intensive live-trapping resulted in sampling 88% of individuals present in the study area, as estimated from mark-recapture data. Based on 642 individual genotypes at 20 microsatellite loci, we compared genetic variability and kin structure of this population between consecutive years. We found that immigration was negatively correlated with density, while the number of kin groups was positively correlated with density. This is consistent with theoretical predictions that changes in kin structure play an important role in population fluctuations. Despite the changes in density and kin structure, there was no genetic differentiation between years. Population-level genetic diversity measures did not significantly vary in time and remained relatively high (H E range: 0.72-0.78). These results show that a population that undergoes significant demographic and social changes may maintain high genetic variability and stable genetic composition.
Molecular Ecology, 2006
Theory predicts that the impact of gene flow on the genetic structure of populations in patchy habitats depends on its scale and the demographic attributes of demes (e.g. local colony sizes and timing of reproduction), but empirical evidence is scarce. We inferred the impact of gene flow on genetic structure among populations of water voles Arvicola terrestris that differed in average colony sizes, population turnover and degree of patchiness. Colonies typically consisted of few reproducing adults and several juveniles. Twelve polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci were examined. Levels of individual genetic variability in all areas were high (HO= 0.69–0.78). Assignments of juveniles to parents revealed frequent dispersal over long distances. The populations showed negative FIS values among juveniles, FIS values around zero among adults, high FST values among colonies for juveniles, and moderate, often insignificant, FST values for parents. We inferred that excess heterozygosity within colonies reflected the few individuals dispersing from a large area to form discrete breeding colonies. Thus pre-breeding dispersal followed by rapid reproduction results in a seasonal increase in differentiation due to local family groups. Genetic variation was as high in low-density populations in patchy habitats as in populations in continuous habitats used for comparison. In contrast to most theoretical predictions, we found that populations living in patchy habitats can maintain high levels of genetic variability when only a few adults contribute to breeding in each colony, when the variance of reproductive success among colonies is likely to be low, and when dispersal between colonies exceeds nearest-neighbour distances.
Biological Journal of The Linnean Society, 2019
The Eurasian field vole (Microtus agrestis) comprises three evolutionarily significant units (ESUs). The northern ESU is found at higher latitudes across the western Palaearctic region and includes six, largely allopatric, mitochondrial DNA lineages that were derived from population bottlenecks. One of these lineages is found in southern Britain and nearby areas of continental Europe. A prominent sub-lineage is nested within, and therefore derived from, the part of this lineage occupying southern Britain. The sub-lineage consists of an abundant central haplotype together with a series of closely related haplotypes, a distribution that would result from either a recent population bottleneck or a selective sweep. To distinguish between these, we sequenced a Y-chromosome marker in 167 field voles from Britain and Europe, and analysed a panel of 13 autosomal microsatellite loci in 144 field voles from eight populations in Britain. The Y-chromosome marker showed a continental-scale pattern of variation that was not aligned with that of the mitochondrial marker, while microsatellite variation did not show any evidence for a bottleneck, tentatively favouring selection instead. This implies a role for both stochastic and selective processes in generating phylogeographical patterns at different scales in the field vole.
Insights into recently fragmented vole populations from combined genetic and demographic data
Molecular Ecology, 2002
We combined demographic and genetic data to evaluate the effects of habitat fragmentation on the population structure of the California red-backed vole (Clethrionomys californicus). We analysed variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and five nuclear microsatellite loci in small samples collected from two forest fragments and an unfragmented control site in 1990 -91. We intensively sampled the same forest fragments and two different control sites in 1998 and 1999. Vole abundances fluctuated greatly at sizes below 50 individuals per fragment. Fragment populations had significantly lower mtDNA allelic diversity than controls, but not nuclear heterozygosity or numbers of alleles. The use of only trapping and/or mtDNA marker data would imply that fragment populations are at least partially isolated and vulnerable to inbreeding depression. In contrast, the abundance estimates combined with microsatellite data show that small fragment populations must be linked to nearby forests by high rates of migration. These results provide evidence for the usefulness of combining genetic and demographic data to understand nonequilibrium population structure in recently fragmented habitats.
Heredity, 2014
Current threats to biodiversity, such as climate change, are thought to alter the within-species genetic diversity among microhabitats in highly heterogeneous alpine environments. Assessing the spatial organization and dynamics of genetic diversity within species can help to predict the responses of organisms to environmental change. In this study, we evaluated whether small-scale heterogeneity in snowmelt timing restricts gene flow between microhabitats in the common long-lived dwarf shrub Salix herbacea L. We surveyed 273 genets across 12 early-and late-snowmelt sites (that is, ridges and snowbeds) in the Swiss Alps for phenological variation over 2 years and for genetic variation using seven SSR markers. Phenological differentiation triggered by differences in snowmelt timing did not correlate with genetic differentiation between microhabitats. On the contrary, extensive gene flow appeared to occur between microhabitats and slightly less extensively among adjacent mountains. However, ridges exhibited significantly lower levels of genetic diversity than snowbeds, and patterns of effective population size (N e ) and migration (N e m) between microhabitats were strongly asymmetric, with ridges acting as sources and snowbeds as sinks. As no recent genetic bottlenecks were detected in the studied sites, this asymmetry is likely to reflect current metapopulation dynamics of the species dominated by gene flow via seeds rather than ancient re-colonization after the last glacial period. Overall, our results suggest that seed dispersal prevents snowmelt-driven genetic isolation, and snowbeds act as sinks of genetic diversity. We discuss the consequences of such small-scale variation in gene flow and diversity levels for population responses to climate change.
Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 2006
Tissue-samples from 161 bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) collected in three forests (five sampling localities) situated in eastern Jutland (Denmark) were analysed by nine microsatellite loci. The genetic diversity found within the populations was high (H e =0.753-0.806). Bank voles have specific habitat requirements favouring woodlots, hedgerows and deciduous forests as their prime living area. Hence, a natural or human-induced fragmentation of the forest may cause a sub-structuring of the populations and thereby a restriction of dispersal among populations. The sub-structuring indicated by the observed significant genetic differentiation among the five geographically distinct localities (F st =0.033, Po0.05) could either result from habitat fragmentation or a combination of home range behaviour and different tree composition in the forests. A road situated between two adjacent forests was not found to exert any barrier effect to the gene flow of bank voles. In one out of five localities investigated, genetic evidence for a recent bottleneck-like situation was found. Bank voles are known to exhibit sometimes huge density fluctuations not only from year to year but also from season to season. The bottleneck-like situation found could therefore be due to the low number of individuals during the low-density phase.