Editorial: A summary of Grid computing environments (original) (raw)

A Comparison of Conventional Distributed Computing Environments and Computational Grids

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002

In recent years novel distributed computing environments termed grids have emerged. Superficially, grids are considered successors to, and more sophisticated and powerful versions of, conventional distributed environments. This paper investigates the intrinsic differences between grids and other distributed environments. From this analysis it is concluded that minimally, grids must support user and resource abstraction, and these features make grids semantically different from other distributed environments. Due to such semantical differences, grids are not simply advanced versions of conventional systems; rather, they are oriented towards supporting a new paradigm of distributed computation.

it 4/2011 Special Issue Grid vs Cloud – A Technology Comparison Grid vs Cloud – Ein Technologischer Vergleich

Cloud Computing represents a novel and promising approach for implementing scalable ICT systems for individual-, communities-, and business-use relying on the latest achievements of diverse research areas, such as Grid computing, Service oriented computing, business processes, and virtualization. From the technological point of view Grid computing is considered as the most related predecessor technology of Cloud computing. Although, Cloud and Grid computing differ in many aspects, as for example, in the general idea of the provision of computational resource, which is in Clouds commercial based and in Grids community based, there are many similarities. In this paper we investigate the similarities and differences between Clouds and Grids by evaluating two successful projects, namely for the provision of native hight performance copmputing applications as Grid workflows and for the self-management of Cloud infrastructures.

Grid Application Programming Environments

Future Generation Grids, 2006

One challenge of building future grid systems is to provide suitable application programming interfaces and environments. In this chapter, we identify functional and non-functional properties for such environments. We then review three existing systems that have been co-developed by the authors with respect to the identified properties: ProActive, Ibis, and GAT. Apparently, no currently existing system is able to address all properties. However, from our systems, we can derive a generic architecture model for grid application programming environments, suitable for building future systems that will be able to address all the properties and challenges identified.

Virtual application environments on computing grids


Because new usage are expected from upcoming telecommunication and computer technologies, new applications that are orders of magnitude larger than current single discipline applications are likely to be addressed in the near future. Therefore, new computing technologies and practice are also required.

Grid vs Cloud — A Technology Comparison

it - Information Technology, 2011

Cloud Computing represents a novel and promising approach for implementing scalable ICT systems for individual-, communities-, and business-use relying on the latest achievements of diverse research areas, such as Grid computing, Service oriented computing, business processes, and virtualization. From the technological point of view Grid computing is considered as the most related predecessor technology of Cloud computing. Although, Cloud and Grid computing differ in many aspects, as for example, in the general idea of the provision of computational resource, which is in Clouds commercial based and in Grids community based, there are many similarities. In this paper we investigate the similarities and differences between Clouds and Grids by evaluating two successful projects, namely for the provision of native hight performance copmputing applications as Grid workflows and for the self-management of Cloud infrastructures. Zusammenfassung Cloud Computing ist eine neuartige Methode für die Implementierung skalierbarer ICT Systeme, die von den Individuen, Gemeinschaften und Geschäftsprozessen benutzt wird. Cloud Computing basiert auf diversen Technologien wie z. B. Grid Computing, Serviceorientierte Architekturen, Geschäftsprozess-Management und Virtualisierung. Von dem technologischen Standpunkt wird Grid Computing als die wichtigste Vorläufertechnologie angesehen. Obwohl Grid und Cloud Infrastrukturen sich in vielen Aspekten unterscheiden, wie z. B. in der Idee wie die Computerressourcen angeboten werden-in Grid basiert dies auf der gemeinsamen Nutzung der Ressourcen in einer Gemeinschaft, in Clouds ist es kommerziell-haben beide Systeme auch sehr viele Gemeinsamkeiten. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Grid und Cloud Systemen durch die Evaluierung von zwei erfolgreichen Projekten aus beiden Bereichen, nämlich eine Infrastruktur für die Bereitstellung der Hochleistungsapplikationen als Services für Grid und eine Cloud Infrastruktur für das Selbstmanagement der Cloud Applikationen.

GCE06-Grid computing environments 2006


This workshop will focus on projects and technologies that are adopting scientific portals and gateways. These technologies are characterized by delivering well-established mechanisms for providing familiar interfaces to secure Grid resources, services, applications, tools, and collaboration services for communities of scientists. In most cases access is enabled through a web browser without the need to download or install any specialized software or worry about networks and ports. As a result, the science application user is isolated from the complex details and infrastructure needed to operate an application on the Grid.

Towards Grid Interoperability


The Grid paradigm promises to provide global access to computing resources, data storage and experimental instruments. It also provides an elegant solution to many resource administration and provisioning problems while offering a platform for collaboration and resource sharing. Although substantial progress has been made towards these goals, nevertheless there is still a lot of work to be done until the Grid can deliver its promises. One of the central issues is the development of standards and Grid interoperability. Job execution is one of the key capabilities in all Grid environments. This is a well understood, mature area with standards and implementations. This paper describes some proof of concept experiments demonstrating the interoperability between various Grid environments.