What about the context in family medicine? (original) (raw)
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Engagement des patients dans la formation et la recherche en santé
Université Grenoble Alpes [2020-....], 2021
REMERCIEMENTS J'adresse mes remerciements les plus sincères et les plus respectueux à toutes les personnes qui ont cru en moi et m'ont encouragé à réaliser mon projet de recherche. Professeur Christophe Pison, mon directeur de thèse, pour son encadrement, son accompagnement, son indéfectible soutien et surtout sa patience. Professeur Benoît Allenet qui m'a accompagné durant mon Master 2 et a débuté mon doctorat jusqu'à mon changement de spécialité. Professeure Catherine Tourette Turgis qui m'a permis d'intégrer, le Master 1 à l'Université des Patients de Paris et me transmettre l'énergie nécessaire à la poursuite de mon cursus universitaire. A Madame Régine d'Altoé-Leblond qui m'a permis d'intégrer, en VAE, la Licence
This study analyses the practice of medical pluralism in contemporary Romania, addressing the phenomenon of alternative medicine through the Foucauldian concept of counter-conduct. Employing in-depth interviews with general and alternative practitioners from two towns in Transylvania, and participant observations in spaces where they practice their knowledge, I describe how certain discursive acts reformulate the body and the subjectpatient. Alternative therapists construct their practice in direct opposition to several parameters of biomedicine, such as the logic of diagnosis, treatment, and the praxis of patient's visit to the general practitioner's office, discussed in the paper. They define their approach as psychosomatic, and setup the medical space as a confessional space, envisioning a holistic corporeality and the idea of the "inner doctor" in each patient. This conduct would supposedly make the subject "active" and "empowered", as opposed to the "passive" patient succumbed to the diagnosis of conventional doctors.
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History
Dr. Boschma argues that mental nurse training significantly changed asylum life. New opportunities were created for women but the role of men in mental hospital nursing was restricted. In an illuminating chapter which focuses on gender politics, she documents that while some Dutch mental hospitals allowed males to train as mental nurses, direct nursing care was perceived as women's work. The exclusion of males from caring, and the ambiguous position and marginalization of male mental nurses are examined in depth. The Dutch mental nurses left little evidence of their work, but in her creative use of 70 patient records, Boschma uncovered the reality and complexity of mental hospital nursing care. The contradictions were numerous, but she attempts to untangle them. Similar to what Nolan's British study found, there was a dichotomy between what students expected from their training, and their actual experiences. While the bulk of training and nursing was directed toward somatic care, the reality was that the control of order and discipline was a priority. Boschma further argues that because psychiatrists lacked specific etiologies for the mental illnesses, the new somatic treatments such as the hydrotherapies, were sometimes misused, transforming them from methods to calm agitation into forms of "restraint and coercion" (226). Dr. Boschma's detailed analysis has successfully captured mental nursing's separate identity within Dutch mental hospitals. Photographs, illustrations, and statistical data enhance the narrative. This book is an important contribution to both the historiographies of psychiatric nursing and psychiatry. Although at times the stilted language of academic writing surfaces, historians of psychiatric nursing, psychiatry, nursing and women will be delighted by the book's solid information. It is hoped that Geertje Boschma considers writing a continuation of this history.
The Nature of Sociotherapeutic Influence at the St. Anna’s Brotherhood in Staszow (Poland)
15th Edition of the International Conference on Sciences of Education, Studies and Current Trends in Science of Education, ICSED 2017, 9-10 June 2017, Suceava (Romania), 2018
Nowadays, the situation of some Polish families is very difficult. Poverty, unemployment, all sorts of addictions, violence, no future perspectives, lack of appropriate role models and help penetrate each other becoming the cause and effect of pathological behaviors. Children-usually innocent and helpless-consequently become the victims of social isolation.The institution supporting families in those situations is the St. Anna's Brotherhood in Staszów (Poland). The paper presents the main objectives of the fraternity, programs and daily work (a set of caring, upbringing and therapeutic actions; an example of sociotherapeutic classes held at St. Anna's Brotherhood).
Sorties d'une marginalité multiple : les femmes d'âge mûr s'affirment sur le plan des soins de santé
Cette étude phénoménologique féministe explore le sens des expériences vécues par les femmes d'âge mûr au fil de leurs négociations avec le système de santé. Plusieurs entrevues réalisées auprès de divers groupes de femmes d'âge mûr (immigrantes, autochtones, canado-japonaises et les femmes qui adhèrent à des groupes communautaires et sociaux) ont révélé que les négociations qu'elles devaient mener pour obtenir des soins de santé correspondant à leurs besoins constituaient un processus difficile qui nécessitait l'apport d'un soutien mutuel. Des facteurs liés à l'accès aux services, au pouvoir et à la pauvreté influaient sur leurs expériences en matière de soins. Les entrevues axées sur une approche interactive ont stimulé chez plusieurs participantes des prises de conscience, un désir de militer et une réflexion. Les résultats suggèrent que de telles réflexions peuvent aider d'autres femmes à comprendre le concept de « marginalité multiple » (être d'âge mûr, être femme, être membre d'une minorité visible) qui contraint et rend difficile leur accès à des soins de santé. Mots clés : femmes d'âge mûr, accès, pauvreté, féministe, phénoménologie
Maria Łuszczyńska Gerontological social work.pdf
Social Work, 2018
Gerontology social work is a field of social work that becomes more and more autonomic, and is specific due to the profile of the services recipients. Elderly people, in comparison with other beneficiaries of social support systems, including the social welfare system, differ in terms of the level of resources available, diversified needs, but most of all the huge internal diversity of this group. Their material, social and life-related resources combined with the need to receive support, growing with age, cause that as recipients of assistance activities they become an accessible group, but also a demanding group. The aim of the article is to show what gerontological social work is in the broader context of social work. The author also attempts to define and find the specifics of its functioning. It shows it in a more substantive than formal context in a wider context than in Poland. Keywords: aging, the elderly, social problems, social work, gerontological social work
THE DIMENSION OF THE OTHERS Recognition as "practice" for social care
The article is a synthesis of the final thesis of the degree program in social services at the University of Padua. Starting from a reflection on the recognition of the person as the primary need of the subject, as theorized by Eric Berne, come develop the hypothesis of the Social Assistant as a facilitator in building new meanings for the individual. This hypothesis finds a parallelism in the anthropological studies where the shaman, the sorcerer in a tribe, is a healing figure that "heals with symbols" and connect again the individual to the collectivity.