Deep slices and the Supercluster-Void Network (original) (raw)

The supercluster-void network IV. The shape and orientation of superclusters ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS


Abstract. We present a study of the shape, size, and spatial orientation of superclusters of galaxies. Approximating superclusters by triaxial ellipsoids we show that superclusters are flattened, triaxial objects. We find that there are no spherical superclusters. The sizes of superclusters grow with their richness: the median semi-major axis of rich and poor superclusters (having ≥8 and < 8 member clusters) is 42 and 31 h −1 Mpc, respectively. Similarly, the median semi-minor axis is 12 and 5 h −1 Mpc for rich and poor superclusters. The spatial orientation of superclusters, as determined from the axes of ellipsoids, is nearly random. We do not detect any preferable orientation of superclusters, neither with respect to the line of sight, nor relative to some other outstanding feature in the large scale structure, nor with respect to the directions of principal axes of adjacent superclusters.

The supercluster-void network. IV. The shape and orientation of superclusters

Arxiv preprint astro-ph/ …, 1998

Abstract. We present a study of the shape, size, and spa-tial orientation of superclusters of galaxies. Approximat-ing superclusters by triaxial ellipsoids we show that super-clusters are flattened, triaxial objects. We find that there are no spherical superclusters. The sizes of ...

The supercluster-void network; 5, Alternative evidence for its regularity


The distribution of Abell clusters of galaxies is analysed to study the regularity of the supercluster-void network. A new geometric method sensitive to the regularity of the location of clusters is applied. We find that the supercluster-void network resembles a cubical lattice over the whole space investigated. The distribution of rich superclusters is not isotropic: along the main axis of the network it is periodic with a step of length about 130 Mpc (for Hubble constant h=1), whereas along the diagonal of the network the period is larger. This large-scale inhomogeneity is compatible with recent CMB data