Statistical properties of the dynamics of semiconductor lasers with optical feedback (original) (raw)
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Chaotic transitions and low-frequency fluctuations in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2000
This paper examines the dynamical origin of low-frequency fluctuations (LFFs) in semiconductor lasers subject to timedelayed optical feedback. In particular, we study chaotic transitions leading to the onset of LFFs by numerical integration of Lang-Kobayashi equations for a laser pumped near threshold. We construct a bifurcation analysis scheme that enables the classification of the different operation regimes of the laser. We use the scheme to study the coexistence of the LFFs and stable emission on the maximum gain mode (MGM), which was the subject of recent experiments [T. Heil, I. Fischer, W. Elsäßer, Phys. Rev. A 60 (1999) 634]. Our computations suggest that as the feedback level increases, the regime of sustained LFFs alternates with regions of transient LFFs, where the laser can achieve stabilization on the MGM. Exploration of the parameter space reveals strong dependence of the structure of the LFF dynamics and the coexistence regime on the value of the linewidth enhancement factor. : S 0 1 6 7 -2 7 8 9 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 0 7 -X
Chaos, 2018
We observe experimentally two regimes of intermittency on the route to chaos of a semiconductor laser subjected to optical feedback from a long external cavity as the feedback level is increased. The first regime encountered corresponds to multistate intermittency involving two or three states composed of several combinations of periodic, quasiperiodic, and subharmonic dynamics. The second regime is observed for larger feedback levels and involves intermittency between perioddoubled and chaotic regimes. This latter type of intermittency displays statistical properties similar to those of on-off intermittency.
Temporal Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers with Optical Feedback
Physical Review Letters, 1998
We measure the temporal evolution of the intensity of an edge emitting semiconductor laser with delayed optical feedback for time spans ranging from 4.5 to 65 ns with a time resolution from 16 to 230 ps, respectively. Spectrally resolved streak camera measurements show that the fast pulsing of the total intensity is a consequence of the time delay and multimode operation of the laser. We experimentally observe that the instabilities at low frequency are generated by the interaction among different modes of the laser. [S0031-9007(98)08077-6] PACS numbers: 05.45. + b, 05.40. + j, 42.60.Mi Nonlinear systems with delayed feedback are of interest because they can be widely found in economy, biology, chemistry, and physics [1]. These systems are in principle infinite dimensional, and from this point of view, it is difficult to classify them a priori as deterministic dynamical systems because the existence and uniqueness of a solution have to be demonstrated for each particular model . It is also difficult to separate the role of noise from determinism, because complex solutions display a Gaussian-Markovian behavior as if they were solutions of a Langevin equation , thus nonconventional measurement techniques are required .
Physical Review A, 2010
Low-frequency fluctuations (LFFs) represent a dynamical instability that occurs in semiconductor lasers when they are operated near the lasing threshold and subject to moderate optical feedback. LFFs consist of sudden power dropouts followed by gradual, stepwise recoveries. We analyze experimental time series of intensity dropouts and quantify the complexity of the underlying dynamics employing two tools from information theory, namely, Shannon's entropy and the Martín, Plastino, and Rosso statistical complexity measure. These measures are computed using a method based on ordinal patterns, by which the relative length and ordering of consecutive interdropout intervals (i.e., the time intervals between consecutive intensity dropouts) are analyzed, disregarding the precise timing of the dropouts and the absolute durations of the interdropout intervals. We show that this methodology is suitable for quantifying subtle characteristics of the LFFs, and in particular the transition to fully developed chaos that takes place when the laser's pump current is increased. Our method shows that the statistical complexity of the laser does not increase continuously with the pump current, but levels off before reaching the coherence collapse regime. This behavior coincides with that of the first-and second-order correlations of the interdropout intervals, suggesting that these correlations, and not the chaotic behavior, are what determine the level of complexity of the laser's dynamics. These results hold for two different dynamical regimes, namely, sustained LFFs and coexistence between LFFs and steady-state emission.
Nonlinear dynamics of a laser diode subjected to both optical and electronic feedback
Journal of The Optical Society of America B-optical Physics, 1997
It is demonstrated that tailored optoelectronic feedback can be used selectively to excite periodic dynamical output from external cavity semiconductor lasers undergoing a period-doubling bifurcation cascade on the route to the chaotic coherence-collapse regime. The optoelectronic feedback can effectively suppress or invert the bifurcation sequence so that low-order periodic motion can be resonantly excited from high-order periodic or chaotic dynamics. The robustness of coherence-collapse control to intrinsic laser-diode noise is investigated. The application of the technique in chaotic communications and its role in chaos control are discussed.
Physical Review E, 1999
Semiconductor lasers with optical feedback present a regime in which power dropouts are observed. Although this regime has been extensively studied, there is no agreement about whether the dropouts are deterministically or stochastically generated. In this paper we will study the statistics of time intervals between dropouts assuming noise-driven simple excitable models. We explain the appearance of characteristic times in the first return maps. ͓S1063-651X͑99͒00408-0͔
Spatiotemporal chaos in broad-area semiconductor laser
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 1993
We study the space-time dynamical behavior of broad-area semiconductor lasers, using an extended phenomenological laser model to include transverse diffraction of the counterpropagating optical fields and transverse diffusion of carriers. Numerical results show that the profile of the output intensity exhibits spatiotemporal chaos by way of changing random filaments. A small confinement factor and/or linewidth enhancement factor can prevent instabilities. Simulations also confirm experimental results showing that a half-symmetric unstable resonator with a suitable mirror curvature restores stability.
Exponential Recovery of Low Frequency Fluctuations in a Diode Laser with Optical Feedback
We show that the recovery after each power drop on the chaotic Low Frequency Fluctuations in a semiconductor laser with optical feedback follows an exponential envelope. The time constant for such exponential behavior was experimentally measured. This recovery time constant and the average time interval between consecutive drops are shown to have different dependences when measured as function of the pump current.