Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Of Dehradun City , Uttrakhand (original) (raw)

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Kathmandu City

Kathmandu is classified as a highly earthquake prone city of Nepal. The center of Kathmandu City is located in the vicinity of ten independent seismic source zones which in reality are active faults. This creates uncertainties in the size, location and the rate of recurrence of earthquakes. Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis provides a framework in which these uncertainties can be identified, quantified and combined in a rational manner to provide a more complete picture of the seismic hazard. This study presents a PSHA of the center of Kathmandu city using the attenuation relationship given by Cornell et al (1979) in order to determine various levels of earthquake-caused ground motion that will be exceeded in a given future time period.

Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis of " GORAKHPUR " Region

Many earthquakes have been knowledgeable in Indian peninsular shield, which was previously treated to be seismically steady. Seismic risk assessment refers to an evaluation of ground motion parameters at a particular area by considering some past earthquake evidence. In the current study seismic risk assessment is performed for the " Gorakhpur " city. It is a highly seismic prone area. It comes under zone IV. The manuscript presents the resolve of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and maximum credible earthquake (MCE). MCE has been dogged by taking into account the local seismotectonic movement in a propos 350 km radius about Gorakhpur city. The seismic risk in provisions of peak horizontal acceleration was estimated to be 0.312g using attenuation model by " Sharma " (2000) and 0.032g using attenuation model by " Iyenger and Raghukanth " (2004). The calculated peak horizontal acceleration in the nearby reading is in verification with the observed values of Nepal earthquakes and is furthermore similar to standards reported in additional studies.

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of Tribal District Headquarter Dantewara of Chhattisgarh State (India)

MOJ Civil Engineering

Earthquakes, the most dangerous and destructive natural hazards in the globe, manifest themselves in the form of vibrations of the earth which are caused by the sudden release of strain that has accumulated over time. Recent years have witnessed an increase in awareness about earthquake and their causes and mitigations. Seismic Hazard analysis is a method of quantifying the area in terms of topographical and seismological data. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to estimate seismic hazard at bedrock level in terms of PGA using state of art, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. A detailed catalogue of historical and recent seismicity, within 300 km radius around the headquarter has been compiled and new seism tectonic map has been generated for the region. The completeness of the data should be checked before carrying out hazard analysis. Finally earthquake data analyzed statistically and the seismicity of the region around district headquarter Dantewara of Chhattisgarh, India, has been evaluated by defining 'a' and 'b' parameters of Gutenberg-Richter recurrence relationship. For district headquarter Dantewara, Values of the Peak Ground Acceleration (P.G.A.) for M100 Earthquake, has been estimated. The outcome of the research in the present paper, clearly indicate that the maximum (Peak Ground Acceleration) PGA values for the site of Dantewara, was obtained, due to fault No. 8.

The assessment of seismic hazard in two seismically active regions in Himalayas using deterministic approach


The long stretch of Himalaya is often visited by many major earthquakes from time to time. The work presented in this paper shows the seismic hazard in the northeast Himalayas and the Uttarakhand Himalayas, India. Seismic hazard estimation in these regions is based on the technique given by . In this work, the finite rupture along the lineament has been modeled using the semi empirical technique proposed by and further modified by . The modeling procedure follows the ω 2 scaling laws, directivity effects and other strong motion properties.

Probabilistic Seismic hazard Analysis of Kathmandu City, Nepal


ABSTRACT-Kathmandu is classified as a highly earthquake prone city of Nepal. The center of Kathmandu City is located in the vicinity of ten independent seismic source zones which in reality are active faults. This creates uncertainties in the size, location and the rate of recurrence of earthquakes. Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis provides a framework in which these uncertainties can be identified, quantified and combined in a rational manner to provide a more complete picture of the seismic hazard. This study presents a PSHA of the center of Kathmandu city using the attenuation relationship given by Cornell et al (1979) in order to determine various levels of earthquake-caused ground motion that will be exceeded in a given future time period.

Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of NW and central Himalayas and the adjoining region

Journal of Earth System Science, 2015

The Himalayan region has undergone significant development and to ensure safe and secure progress in such a seismically vulnerable region there is a need for hazard assessment. For seismic hazard assessment, it is important to assess the quality, consistency, and homogeneity of the seismicity data collected from different sources. In the present study, an improved magnitude conversion technique has been used to convert different magnitude scales to moment magnitude scale. The study area and its adjoining region have been divided into 22 seismogenic zones based upon the geology, tectonics, and seismicity including source mechanism relevant to the region. Region specific attenuation equations have been used for seismic hazard assessment. Standard procedure for PSHA has been adopted for this study and peak ground motion is estimated for 10% and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years at the bed rock level. For the 10% and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years, the PGA values vary from 0.06 to 0.36 g and 0.11 to 0.65 g, respectively considering varying b-value. Higher PGA values are observed in the southeast part region situated around Kaurik Fault System (KFS) and western parts of Nepal. Management Authority (NDMA 2011), Government of India, presented various probabilistic seismic

Seismic hazard mapping of Delhi City


Delhi the capital of India is a burgeoning metropolis having a population of some twelve million people. The city has experienced earthquakes in the past and is vulnerable for earthquake related damages in the future. There are nearby diffuse seismic sources known for their sporadic activity. In addition, the threat perception is highlighted by the proximity of the active Himalayan plate boundary region. Thus, seismic hazard at Delhi is controlled broadly by two different tectonic regimes namely, the Himalayan region (HR) and the Delhi region (DR). The present study aims at mapping the peak ground acceleration (PGA) values for Delhi city, using probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) methods. Twenty potential faults, in a region of 300 km radius around Delhi, are identified. Recurrence relationships for the two controlling regions are established with the help of past (1720-2001A.D.) data. Regional attenuation relationship is developed using strong motion data recorded on rock ...

Probabilistic Evaluation of Seismic Hazard in India: Comparison of Different Methodologies


In view of the major advancement made in understanding the seismicity and seismotectonics of this region in recent times, an updated probabilistic seismic hazard map of India covering 6°–38° N and 68°–98° E was prepared and presented in this paper. In present analysis, three types of seismic sources, viz. linear, areal and zoneless models were considered and different attenuation relations were used for different tectonic provinces. The study area was divided into small grids of size 0.1° x 0.1° and the PHA and Sa values were evaluated at the centre of each grid point. A MATLAB code has been developed to estimate the hazard using linear sources and zoneless approach whereas CRISIS software was used to model areal sources. Comparison of different methodologies is presented in the paper. The linear source model predicts higher hazard compared to other two source models and Zoneless approach gives the lower value of hazard at a particular grid point. For most of the cities, gridded sei...

A probabilistic approach to the seismic hazard in Kashmir basin, NW Himalaya

Geoscience Letters, 2019

Northwestern Himalaya is one of the most tectonically active domains of the Himalayan arc. The prevailing complex collisional tectonic setup is able to produce destructive earthquakes, most recent being the 8 October 2005 Kashmir earthquake (M7.6). In this study, the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of the Kashmir basin of northwestern Himalaya is presented. The seismic hazard is assessed using point, areal and linear source models employing appropriate ground motion prediction equations to predict the expected ground motions. The seismic hazard maps are expressed in terms of g, seismic hazard curves at 2% and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years and the design response spectra at 5% damping for four major towns of the basin at the engineering bedrock. The results are expressed as the hypocentral depth-wise hazard maps, predicted peak ground acceleration (PGA), pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA) with 2% and 10% probability of exceedance within 50 years and the design response spectra with 5% damping of four major towns of Kashmir for engineering bedrock sites. The hypocentral depth-wise maps are shown in the ranges of 0-25 km, 25-70 km and > 70 km with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The computation is based on smoothly gridded seismicity for each depth zone with a return period of 475 years. With the seismic source zones considered as sources, the seismic hazard maps show predicted peak ground acceleration (PGA) and pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA) with 2% and 10% probability of exceedance within 50 years for engineering bedrock sites. The PSA maps are expressed in g at 0.2 and 1 s (s). From this preliminary study it is evident that overall Kashmir basin shows a very high seismic hazard, with southeastern part showing relatively higher hazard as compared to northwestern part. Among the major benchmark towns all show high predicted PGA, Anantnag shows the highest (0.65g). The present study thus advocates a significantly higher seismic hazard as compared to the BIS In: IS 1893-2002 (Part 1): Indian standard criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures, Part 1-general provisions and buildings, (2002).

Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis of the Region

International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2016

Many earthquakes have been knowledgeable in Indian peninsular shield, which was previously treated to be seismically steady. Seismic risk assessment refers to an evaluation of ground motion parameters at a particular area by considering some past earthquake evidence. In the current study seismic risk assessment is performed for the "Gorakhpur" city. It is a highly seismic prone area. It comes under zone IV. The manuscript presents the resolve of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and maximum credible earthquake (MCE). MCE has been dogged by taking into account the local seismotectonic movement in a propos 350 km radius about Gorakhpur city. The seismic risk in provisions of peak horizontal acceleration was estimated to be 0.312g using attenuation model by "Sharma" (2000) and 0.032g using attenuation model by "Iyenger and Raghukanth" (2004). The calculated peak horizontal acceleration in the nearby reading is in verification with the observed values of Nepal earthquakes and is furthermore similar to standards reported in additional studies.