Performance comparison of different dynamic channel allocation techniques for mobile satellite systems (original) (raw)
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IEE Proceedings - Communications, 1996
Different dynamic channel allocation (DCA) approaches based on the evaluation of a cost function are proposedl. The scenario considered is low earth orbit :and geostationary orbit mobile satellite systcnis. A suitable user mobility model has bcen defined to generate interbeam handover requests. Different alternatives to manage interbeaim handovers have been investigated. Among them, the most promising sohtion seems to be the queuing of handover requests. The quality of service parameters 1.hat have been considered are: blocking probability for new call arrivals, handover failure probability arid the probability of incompletcly served call owing to the initial blocking or to the failure of a subsequent handover request. Comparisons among the proposed DCA techniques and the fixed channel allocation technique have been (carried out to find a solution 1.hat represents a good trade-off between the blocking performance and the required signalling load.
Dynamic channel allocation scheme for mobile satellite systems
A new dynamic channel allocation scheme (DCAS) has been proposed for mobile satellite systems with the aim of improving the utilization of the network resources by reducing the handoff call dropping probability (HODP) while guaranteeing a certain quality of service for the new call blocking probability (NCBP). The arriving calls are given channels based on their priority. The handoff calls
Efficient Dynamic Channel Allocation Techniques with Handover Queuing for Mobile Satellite Networks
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1995
Efficient dynamic channel allocation techniques with handover queuing suitable for applications in mobile satellite cellular networks, are discussed. The channel assignment on demand is performed on the basis of the evaluation of a suitable cost function. Geostationary and low earth orbit (LEO) satellites have been considered. In order to highlight the better performance of the dynamic techniques proposed, a performance comparison with a classical fixed channel allocation (FCA) has been carried out, as regards the probability that a newly arriving call is not completely served. It has also been shown that a higher traffic density, with respect to GEO systems, is manageable by means of LEO satellites.
An efficient technique for dynamically allocating channels in satellite cellular networks
n7is paper proposes an impi-oved technique for dynamically allocating channels in mobile satellite cellulnr networks. Channel assignme,it on demand is pelformed on the basis of the evaluation of a cost-function, Wlien the cell of n new call arrival has not availnble channels, a single cliannd recorflguration in an interfering cell is attempted in order to accept a iiew call. Haidover requests that do not I-eceive imrnediate service can be queued for a inarin~uin time. 7lie scenario envisaged is LOW Earth Orbit-Mobile Satellite Systems @EO-MSSs). A peifoririance comparison with other dynamic clinnire1 allocations Iins been cai-ried out in order to liighlight rile higher efJicierlq of the dynamic tecliiiique proposed. by the MS to the satellite (currently managing it) whenever p < pi-17 (h=hysteresis level) and p falls below a given threshold, s [4]. If a handover procedure cannot be completed in the destination cell of the mobile user the communication is dropped and lost. In this paper, an efficient Dynamic Channel Allocation (DCA) technique is proposed which achieves a performance improvement by allowing a channel rearrangement at the call arrival instant. Channel allocation performance has been derived in terms of probability that a call is not completely served, P,, owing to the initial blocking or the failure of a subsequent handover procedure (=call dropping). It will be shown that the DCA technique proposed attains the lowest P, values with respect to other approaches previously proposed in the literature. I.
On Channel Sharing Policies in LEO Mobile Satellite Systems
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2018
We consider a low earth orbit (LEO) mobile satellite system with "satellite-fixed" cells that accommodates new and handover calls of different service-classes. We provide an analytical framework for the efficient calculation of call blocking and handover failure probabilities under two channel sharing policies, namely the fixed channel reservation and the threshold call admission policies. Simulation results verify the accuracy of the proposed formulas. Furthermore, we discuss the applicability of the policies in software-defined LEO satellites. Index Terms-Low earth orbit (LEO) satellite, mobile satellite system, channel sharing policies, call blocking, software-defined network.
International Journal of Satellite Communications, 1996
Terrestrial cellular networks and mobile satellite systems are expected to converge towards a future integrated satellite/terrestrial mobile communication network. Besides a system globalization, the integration of terrestrial and satellite mobile systems will lead to the unloading of the fixed part of the mobile network. This paper proposes an integrated satellite/terrestrial mobile communication system and evaluates its performance in terms of the blocking probability for new call attempts, the call dropping probability and the probability of unsuccessful call. This communication system was simulated and its performence compared with that of a stand-alone terrestrial mobile system. In the terrestrial part of the system we have considered fixed channel allocation (FCA) and dynamic channel allocation (DCA) techniques. Satellite channels can have equal or lower priority compared to terrestrial channels. The improvement of the system performance by means of satellite-to-terrestrial handovers was also estimated.
ATCR: an adaptive time-based channel reservation mechanism for LEO satellite fixed cell systems
2003 IEEE 58th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2003-Fall (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37484), 2003
In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Time-based Channel Reservation mechanism (ATCR) suitable for handover and call admission procedure control in future multi-services mobile satellite systems. These systems are characterized by a high rate of handover. While guaranteeing a null handover failure probability, by using a channel reservation strategy in the cells to be crossed by the user, ATCR optimizes the utilization of resources. The performance of our mechanism has been compared to other schemes. ATCR method has the advantage of a better channel utilization by sharing channels between users. An approximate analytical model has been developed, and its results have been validated through simulations.
Different queuing policies for handover requests in low Earth orbit mobile satellite systems
In this paper, a mobility model suitable for low earth orbit mobile satellite systems (LEO-MSS's) has been presented, and its statistical parameters have been derived in order to evaluate the impact of the mobility on the performance of the fixed channel allocation (FCA) strategy. Moreover, we have foreseen that interbeam handover requests, which do not immediately find service, can be queued to reduce the handover failure rate. Two different queuing disciplines have been assumed: 1) the first-input-first-output (FIFO) scheme and 2) an idealized strategy that requires knowledge of the last useful instant (LUI) within which the handover procedure must be completed in order to rank the queued handover requests. An analytical approach has been developed to compare these queuing techniques, and its results have been validated through simulations.
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2006
In this paper, the authors develop an analytical model to study the performance of a mobile low earth orbiting (LEO) satellite cellular network. The model assumes that the call duration has a gamma distribution and considers the effect of system parameters such as the number of channels per cell, the number of channels reserved for the handoff, and the cell residence time, on the teletraffic performance of the system. The quality of service (QoS) measures studied in this paper include new call blocking probability, handoff failure probability, premature call-termination probability (CTP), and call dropping probability (CDP). Based on the causal central limit theorem, the authors use a twoparameter gamma distribution to approximate the distribution of the sum of the residence times in the cells. The analytical model presented in this paper may be used with any call-holding-time distribution. The analytical results are validated by a computer simulation. Index Terms-Call dropping probability (CDP), handoff failure, new call blocking probability, premature call-termination probability (CTP). I. INTRODUCTION R ECENT advances in technology make it possible to use satellite networks as the backbone for wireless personal communication services (PCS) to meet third generation (3G) requirements of providing services anywhere and at any time. While fewer numbers of geostationary satellites are needed to cover the globe than low earth orbiting (LEO) satellites, a geostationary satellite network has larger propagation delays and requires more power for transmission (implying heavier portable devices due to larger battery sizes) than that experienced in LEO satellite networks. As a result, LEO satellites are better suited for use in 3G cellular networks than geostationary satellites. In an LEO satellite communication system, the speed of the satellite is very high (approximately 26 000 km/h) compared to the speed of users on earth [1]. Therefore, in the performance analysis of mobile LEO satellite cellular networks, the speed of the user is usually ignored and the velocity and motion in such systems are assumed to be due solely to the deterministic motion of the LEO satellite. In PCS networks that are based on LEO satellites, a frequency reuse technique similar