Kinetic axisymmetric gravitational equilibria in collisionless accretion disk plasmas (original) (raw)

Kinetic axi-symmetric gravitational equilibria in collisionless accretion disc plasmas


A theoretical treatment is presented of kinetic equilibria in accretion discs around compact objects, for cases where the plasma can be considered as collisionless. The plasma is assumed to be axi-symmetric and to be acted on by gravitational and electromagnetic fields; in this paper, the particular case is considered where the magnetic field admits a family of toroidal magnetic surfaces, which are locally mutually-nested and closed. It is pointed out that there exist asymptotic kinetic equilibria represented by generalized bi-Maxwellian distribution functions and characterized by primarily toroidal differential rotation and temperature anisotropy. It is conjectured that kinetic equilibria of this type can exist which are able to sustain both toroidal and poloidal electric current densities, the latter being produced via finite Larmor-radius effects associated with the temperature anisotropy. This leads to the possibility of existence of a new kinetic effect - referred to here as a \textquotedblleft kinetic dynamo effect\textquotedblright\ - resulting in the self-generation of toroidal magnetic field even by a stationary plasma, without any net radial accretion flow being required. The conditions for these equilibria to occur, their basic theoretical features and their physical properties are all discussed in detail.

Kinetic description of quasi-stationary axisymmetric collisionless accretion disk plasmas with arbitrary magnetic field configurations

Physics of Plasmas, 2011

A kinetic treatment is developed for collisionless magnetized plasmas occurring in hightemperature, low-density astrophysical accretion disks, such as are thought to be present in some radiatively-inefficient accretion flows onto black holes. Quasi-stationary configurations are investigated, within the framework of a Vlasov-Maxwell description. The plasma is taken to be axisymmetric and subject to the action of slowly time-varying gravitational and electromagnetic fields. The magnetic field is assumed to be characterized by a family of locally nested but open magnetic surfaces. The slow collisionless dynamics of these plasmas is investigated, yielding a reduced gyrokinetic Vlasov equation for the kinetic distribution function. For doing this, an asymptotic quasi-stationary solution is first determined, represented by a generalized bi-Maxwellian distribution expressed in terms of the relevant adiabatic invariants. The existence of the solution is shown to depend on having suitable kinetic constraints and conditions leading to particle trapping phenomena. With this solution one can treat temperature anisotropy, toroidal and poloidal flow velocities and finite Larmor-radius effects. An asymptotic expansion for the distribution function permits analytic evaluation of all of the relevant fluid fields. Basic theoretical features of the solution and their astrophysical implications are discussed. As an application, the possibility of describing the dynamics of slowly time-varying accretion flows and the self-generation of magnetic field by means of a "kinetic dynamo effect" is discussed. Both effects are shown to be related to intrinsically-kinetic physical mechanisms.

Theory of quasi-stationary kinetic dynamos in magnetized accretion discs

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2010

Magnetic fields are a distinctive feature of accretion disc plasmas around compact objects (i.e., black holes and neutron stars) and they play a decisive role in their dynamical evolution. A fundamental theoretical question related with this concerns investigation of the socalled gravitational MHD dynamo effect, responsible for the self-generation of magnetic fields in these systems. Experimental observations and theoretical models, based on fluid MHD descriptions of various types support the conjecture that accretion discs should be characterized by coherent and slowly time-varying magnetic fields with both poloidal and toroidal components. However, the precise origin of these magnetic structures and their interaction with the disc plasmas is currently unclear. The aim of this paper is to address this problem in the context of kinetic theory. The starting point is the investigation of a general class of Vlasov-Maxwell kinetic equilibria for axi-symmetric collisionless magnetized plasmas characterized by temperature anisotropy and mainly toroidal flow velocity. Retaining finite Larmor-radius effects in the calculation of the fluid fields, we show how these configurations are capable of sustaining both toroidal and poloidal current densities. As a result, we suggest the possible existence of a kinetic dynamo effect, which can generate a stationary toroidal magnetic field in the disc even without any net radial accretion flow. The results presented may have important implications for equilibrium solutions and stability analysis of accretion disc dynamics.

Collisionless kinetic regimes for quasi-stationary axisymmetric accretion disc plasmas

Physics of Plasmas, 2012

This paper is concerned with the kinetic treatment of quasi-stationary axisymmetric collisionless accretion disc plasmas. The conditions of validity of the kinetic description for non-relativistic magnetized and gravitationally bound plasmas of this type are discussed. A classification of the possible collisionless plasma regimes which can arise in these systems is proposed, which can apply to accretion discs around both stellar-mass compact objects and galactic-center black holes. Two different classifications are determined, which are referred to, respectively, as energy-based and magnetic field-based classifications. Different regimes are pointed out for each plasma species, depending both on the relative magnitudes of kinetic and potential energies and the magnitude of the magnetic field. It is shown that in all cases, there can be quasi-stationary Maxwellian-like solutions of the Vlasov equation. The perturbative approach outlined here permits unique analytical determination of...

The kinetic theory of quasi-stationary collisionless accretion disc plasmas

Astrophysical plasmas in accretion discs are usually treated in the framework of fluid or MHD approaches but there are some situations where these treatments become inadequate and one needs to revert to the more fundamental underlying kinetic theory. This occurs when the plasma becomes effectively collisionless or weakly-collisional such as, for example, in radiatively inefficient accretion flows onto black holes. In this paper, we lay down the basics of kinetic theory in these contexts. In particular, we formulate the kinetic theory for quasi-stationary collisionless accretion disc plasmas in the framework of a Vlasov-Maxwell description, taking the plasma to be non-relativistic, axisymmetric, gravitationally-bound and subject to electromagnetic fields. Quasi-stationary solutions for the kinetic distribution functions are constructed which are shown to admit temperature anisotropies. The physical implications of the theory are then investigated and the equations of state and angula...

Absolute Stability of Axisymmetric Perturbations in Strongly Magnetized Collisionless Axisymmetric Accretion Disk Plasmas

Physical Review Letters, 2012

The physical mechanism responsible for driving accretion flows in astrophysical accretion disks is commonly thought to be related to the development of plasma instabilities and turbulence. A key question is therefore the determination of consistent equilibrium configurations for accretion-disk plasmas and investigation of their stability properties. In the case of collisionless plasmas kinetic theory provides the appropriate theoretical framework. This paper presents a kinetic description of low-frequency and long-wavelength axisymmetric electromagnetic perturbations in non-relativistic, strongly-magnetized and gravitationally-bound axisymmetric accretion-disk plasmas in the collisionless regime. The analysis, carried out within the framework of the Vlasov-Maxwell description, relies on stationary kinetic solutions of the Vlasov equation which allow for the simultaneous treatment of non-uniform fluid fields, stationary accretion flows and temperature anisotropies. It is demonstrated that, for such solutions, no axisymmetric unstable perturbations can exist occurring on characteristic time and space scales which are long compared with the Larmor gyration time and radius. Hence, these stationary configurations are actually stable against axisymmetric kinetic instabilities of this type. As a fundamental consequence, this rules out the possibility of having the axisymmetric magneto-rotational or thermal instabilities to arise in these systems.

Axi-symmetric Gravitational MHD Equilibria in the Presence of Plasma Rotation

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008

In this paper, extending the investigation developed in an earlier paper , we pose the problem of the kinetic description of gravitational Hall-MHD equilibria which may arise in accretion disks (AD) plasmas close to compact objects. When intense EM and gravitational fields, generated by the central object, are present, a convenient approach can be achieved in the context of the Vlasov-Maxwell description. In this paper the investigation is focused primarily on the following two aspects:

Kinetic description of rotating Tokamak plasmas with anisotropic temperatures in the collisionless regime

Physics of Plasmas, 2011

A largely unsolved theoretical issue in controlled fusion research is the consistent kinetic treatment of slowly-time varying plasma states occurring in collisionless and magnetized axisymmetric plasmas. The phenomenology may include finite pressure anisotropies as well as strong toroidal and poloidal differential rotation, characteristic of Tokamak plasmas. Despite the fact that physical phenomena occurring in fusion plasmas depend fundamentally on the microscopic particle phase-space dynamics, their consistent kinetic treatment remains still essentially unchalleged to date. The goal of this paper is to address the problem within the framework of Vlasov-Maxwell description. The gyrokinetic treatment of charged particles dynamics is adopted for the construction of asymptotic solutions for the quasi-stationary species kinetic distribution functions. These are expressed in terms of the particle exact and adiabatic invariants. The theory relies on a perturbative approach, which permits to construct asymptotic analytical solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell system. In this way, both diamagnetic and energy corrections are included consistently into the theory. In particular, by imposing suitable kinetic constraints, the existence of generalized bi-Maxwellian asymptotic kinetic equilibria is pointed out. The theory applies for toroidal rotation velocity of the order of the ion thermal speed. These solutions satisfy identically also the constraints imposed by the Maxwell equations, i.e. quasi-neutrality and Ampere's law. As a result, it is shown that, in the presence of non-uniform fluid and EM fields, these kinetic equilibria can sustain simultaneously toroidal differential rotation, quasi-stationary finite poloidal flows and temperature anisotropy.

Instability of Non-Uniform Toroidal Magnetic Fields in Accretion Disks

The Astrophysical Journal, 2016

A new type of instability that is expected to drive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence from a purely toroidal magnetic field in an accretion disk is presented. It is already known that in a differentially rotating system, the uniform toroidal magnetic field is unstable due to a magnetorotational instability (MRI) under a non-axisymmetric and vertical perturbation, while it is stable under a purely vertical perturbation. Contrary to the previous study, this paper proposes an unstable mode completely confined to the equatorial plane, driven by the expansive nature of the magnetic pressure gradient force under a non-uniform toroidal field. The basic nature of this growing eigenmode, to which we give a name "magneto-gradient driven instability", is studied using linear analysis, and the corresponding nonlinear evolution is then investigated using two-dimensional ideal MHD simulations. Although a single localized magnetic field channel alone cannot provide sufficient Maxwell stress to contribute significantly to the angular momentum transport, we find that the mode coupling between neighboring toroidal fields under multiple localized magnetic field channels drastically generates a highly turbulent state and leads to the enhanced transport of angular momentum, comparable to the efficiency seen in previous studies on MRIs. This horizontally confined mode may play an important role in the saturation of an MRI through complementray growth with the toroidal MHDs and coupling with magnetic reconnection.

A model of plasma sheath of magnetized planets: Self-similar case

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018

In studying processes during solar flares or during the explosive phase of a substorm, problems of equilibrium and non-equilibrium configurations of magnetized plasma arise. First of all, it is extremely important to know a stationary state of the system in order to further study of it's evolution. The magnetohydrodynamic approach we have chosen as the main tool.The main task is to solve the Grad-Shafranov equation, that determines an equilibrium configuration with a non-linear distribution of the longitudinal current. Various options for the longitudinal current are considered. The results of the solution in addition to the "earthly" application can be used in considering physical phenomena in the magnetized planets magnetospheres, in the shells of pulsars, as well as in a laboratory. In this paper, we considered in detail the solutions leading to the dependence of the magnetic flux on the distance in the form of r −1. This dependence is typical for most space objects with a ring structure.