Tunable electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption with dressed superconducting qubits (original) (raw)

Electromagnetically induced transparency in a superconducting three-level system


When a three-level quantum system is irradiated by an intense coupling field resonant with two of the three possible transitions, the resonant absorption of the system from its ground state by an additional radiation field is suppressed. This effect, where the population is trapped in the ground state, is known in quantum optics as "electromagnetically induced transparency". When the coupling

Electromagnetically Induced Transparency with Amplification in Superconducting Circuits

Physical Review Letters, 2010

We show that controlling relative phases of electromagnetic fields driving an atom with a Delta-configuration energy-level structure enables optical susceptibility to be engineered in novel ways. In particular, relative-phase control can yield electromagnetically induced transparency but with the benefit that the transparency window is sandwiched between an absorption and an amplification band rather than between two absorption bands in typical

Electromagnetically induced transparency and coherent-state preparation in optically thick media

We study the microwave absorption of a driven three-level quantum system, which is realized by a superconducting flux quantum circuit (SFQC), with a magnetic driving field applied to the two upper levels. The interaction between the three-level system and its environment is studied within the Born-Markov approximation, and we take into account the effects of the driving field on the damping rates of the three-level system. We study the linear response of the driven three-level SFQC to a weak probe field. The linear magnetic susceptibility of the SFQC can be changed by both the driving field and the bias magnetic flux. When the bias magnetic flux is at the optimal point, the transition from the ground state to the second excited state is forbidden and the three-level SFQC has a ladder-type transition. Thus, the SFQC responds to the probe field like natural atoms with ladder-type transitions. However, when the bias magnetic flux deviates from the optimal point, the three-level SFQC has a cyclic transition, thus it responds to the probe field like a combination of natural atoms with ladder-type transitions and natural atoms with Λ-type transitions. In particular, we provide detailed discussions on the conditions for realizing electromagnetically induced transparency and Autler-Townes splitting in three-level SFQCs.

Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Two-Photon Absorption in the Ladder System in Thin Columns of Atomic Vapors


We study the microwave absorption of a driven three-level quantum system, which is realized by a superconducting flux quantum circuit (SFQC), with a magnetic driving field applied to the two upper levels. The interaction between the three-level system and its environment is studied within the Born-Markov approximation, and we take into account the effects of the driving field on the damping rates of the three-level system. We study the linear response of the driven three-level SFQC to a weak probe field. The linear magnetic susceptibility of the SFQC can be changed by both the driving field and the bias magnetic flux. When the bias magnetic flux is at the optimal point, the transition from the ground state to the second excited state is forbidden and the three-level SFQC has a ladder-type transition. Thus, the SFQC responds to the probe field like natural atoms with ladder-type transitions. However, when the bias magnetic flux deviates from the optimal point, the three-level SFQC has a cyclic transition, thus it responds to the probe field like a combination of natural atoms with ladder-type transitions and natural atoms with Λ-type transitions. In particular, we provide detailed discussions on the conditions for realizing electromagnetically induced transparency and Autler-Townes splitting in three-level SFQCs.

Tunable electromagnetic environment for superconducting quantum bits

Scientific Reports, 2013

We introduce a setup which realises a tunable engineered environment for experiments in circuit quantum electrodynamics. We illustrate this concept with the specific example of a quantum bit, qubit, in a high-quality-factor cavity which is capacitively coupled to another cavity including a resistor. The temperature of the resistor, which acts as the dissipative environment, can be controlled in a well defined manner in order to provide a hot or cold environment for the qubit, as desired. Furthermore, introducing superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) into the cavity containing the resistor, provides control of the coupling strength between this artificial environment and the qubit. We demonstrate that our scheme allows us to couple strongly to the environment enabling rapid initialization of the system, and by subsequent tuning of the magnetic flux of the SQUIDs we may greatly reduce the resistor-qubit coupling, allowing the qubit to evolve unhindered. OPEN SUBJECT AREAS: SUPERCONDUCTING DEVICES QUBITS PHOTONIC DEVICES ELECTRONIC DEVICES Möttönen, M. Tunable electromagnetic environment for superconducting quantum bits.

ac Stark Shift and Dephasing of a Superconducting Qubit Strongly Coupled to a Cavity Field

Physical Review Letters, 2005

We have spectroscopically measured the energy level separation of a superconducting charge qubit coupled non-resonantly to a single mode of the electromagnetic field of a superconducting on-chip resonator. The strong coupling leads to large shifts in the energy levels of both the qubit and the resonator in this circuit quantum electrodynamics system. The dispersive shift of the resonator frequency is used to non-destructively determine the qubit state and to map out the dependence of its energy levels on the bias parameters. The measurement induces an ac-Stark shift of 0.6 MHz per photon in the qubit level separation. Fluctuations in the photon number (shot noise) induce level fluctuations in the qubit leading to dephasing which is the characteristic back-action of the measurement. A cross-over from lorentzian to gaussian line shape with increasing measurement power is observed and theoretically explained. For weak measurement a long intrinsic dephasing time of T2 > 200 ns of the qubit is found.

Approaching Unit Visibility for Control of a Superconducting Qubit with Dispersive Readout

Physical Review Letters, 2005

In a Rabi oscillation experiment with a superconducting qubit we show that a visibility in the qubit excited state population of more than 90 % can be attained. We perform a dispersive measurement of the qubit state by coupling the qubit non-resonantly to a transmission line resonator and probing the resonator transmission spectrum. The measurement process is well characterized and quantitatively understood. The qubit coherence time is determined to be larger than 500 ns in a measurement of Ramsey fringes.

Two-color electromagnetically induced transparency via modulated coupling between a mechanical resonator and a qubit

Physical Review A

We discuss level splitting and sideband transitions induced by a modulated coupling between a superconducting quantum circuit and a nanomechanical resonator. First, we show how to achieve an unconventional time-dependent longitudinal coupling between a flux (transmon) qubit and the resonator. Considering a sinusoidal modulation of the coupling strength, we find that a first-order sideband transition can be split into two. Moreover, under the driving of a red-detuned field, we discuss the optical response of the qubit for a resonant probe field. We show that level splitting induced by modulating this longitudinal coupling can enable two-color electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), in addition to single-color EIT. In contrast to standard predictions of two-color EIT in atomic systems, we apply here only a single drive (control) field. The monochromatic modulation of the coupling strength is equivalent to employing two eigenfrequency-tunable mechanical resonators. Both drive-probe detuning for single-color EIT and the distance between transparent windows for two-color EIT, can be adjusted by tuning the modulation frequency of the coupling.

Control and Tomography of a Three Level Superconducting Artificial Atom

Physical Review Letters, 2010

A number of superconducting qubits, such as the transmon or the phase qubit, have an energy level structure with small anharmonicity. This allows for convenient access of higher excited states with similar frequencies. However, special care has to be taken to avoid unwanted higher-level populations when using short control pulses. Here we demonstrate the preparation of arbitrary three-level superposition states using optimal control techniques in a transmon. Performing dispersive readout we extract the populations of all three levels of the qutrit and study the coherence of its excited states. Finally we demonstrate full quantum state tomography of the prepared qutrit states and evaluate the fidelities of a set of states, finding on average 96%. PACS numbers: 42.50.Ct, 42.50.Pq, 78.20.Bh, 85.25.Am Spin 1/2 or equivalent two-level systems are the most common computational primitive for quantum information processing . Using physical systems with higher dimensional Hilbert spaces instead of qubits has a number of potential advantages. They simplify quantum gates [2], can naturally simulate physical systems with spin greater than 1/2 [3], improve security in quantum key distribution and show stronger violations of local realism when prepared in entangled states . Multilevel systems have been successfully realized in photon orbital angular momentum states , energy-time entangled qutrits [10] and polarization states of multiple photons . Multiple levels were used before for pumpprobe readout of superconducting phase qubits , were observed in the nonlinear scaling of the Rabi frequency of DC SQUID's and were explicitly populated and used to emulate the dynamics of single spins . In solid state devices, the experimental demonstration of full quantum state tomography [10] of the generated states, i.e. a full characterization of the qutrit, is currently actively pursued by a number of groups.