The index of amplitude of behavior as a measuring instrument of social ability in preschool children (original) (raw)
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Factors affecting the social ability in pre-school children: An exploratory study
Behavioural Processes, 1994
In a previous paper we quantified the social ability of preschool children by means of two Indices: Amplitude of Behaviour (I.A.B.) and Amplitude of Partnership (I.A.P.). The aim of this study is to explore their possible relations with some agents of socialisation and to validate these indices of amplitude as a measure of social ability. The variables considered (biometrical measurements, family characteristics, and social behaviours in peer groups) were ordered by means of a prior analysis of the principal components, and the factor scores of each individual in these analyses were chosen as new variables. Twenty-six pre-school children attending a nursery in Cadiz (SW Spain) were filmed at school during their free-play period. Our results confirm the fitness of the Index of Amplitude of Behaviour (I.A.B.) not only as a useful tool for the study of socialisation, but also as a possible predictor of later success and social adjustment. 210 cognitive development, and enculturation . Socialisation implies, above all, the acquisition and internalisation of behavioural patterns, beliefs, and rules of the society into which the child is being socialised .
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto)
ABSTRACT. As social skills concur with behavior problems, the combination of these aspects can produce differences in the social competence. This study assessed similarities and differences in preschoolers’ social competence, considering the: (1) groups - one with social skills and three with behavior problems (internalizing, externalizing and mixed), (2) types of evaluation - mothers and teachers’ estimation and direct observation in structured situations and (3) structured situations as demands for five classes of social skills. The child’s performance in each situation was evaluated by judges and estimated by mother and teacher. It was verified: (a) similarities in the social competence estimated by mothers, teachers and in the observed performance; (b) only teachers differentiated the groups (better social competence to skilled group and lower to the internalizing and mixed groups); (c) assertiveness’ demands differentiated more the groups. They are discussed methodological questions and clinical and educational potential of the structured situations to social skills promotion. Keywords: social competence; behavior disorders; estimation; observation methods; preschoolers. RESUMO. Como habilidades sociais competem com comportamentos problemáticos, a combinação desses aspectos pode levar a diferenças na competência social. Este estudo avaliou diferenças e semelhanças na competência social de pré-escolares em função de: (1) grupos: um com habilidades sociais e três com comportamentos problemáticos (internalizantes; externalizantes e mistos); (2) tipos de avaliação – estimativa de mães e professoras e observação direta em situação estruturada e (3) situações estruturadas como demandas para cinco classes de habilidades sociais. O desempenho das crianças em cada situação foi avaliado por juízes e estimado pelas mães e professoras. Verificou-se: similaridade na competência social estimada por mães, professoras e no desempenho observado; somente professoras diferenciaram os grupos (maior competência social para o grupo com habilidades sociais e menor para os grupos internalizantes e mistos); demandas de assertividade diferenciaram os grupos. Foram discutidas questões metodológicas e o potencial clínico e educacional das situações estruturadas para promoção de habilidades sociais. Palavras-chave: competência social, distúrbios de comportamento, estimativa, métodos de observação, pré-escolares.
This study tested assumptions and conclusions reached in an earlier confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) study of the social competence (SC) construct for preschool children. Two samples (total N = 408; a new Portuguese sample and one from US samples that had participated in the original study) contributed data. Seven SC indicators were tested for mean differences across age, sex, and sample. Significant sex differences were found for peer acceptance (favoring girls) and for initiating affectively neutral interactions (boys had higher rates), and the sex by sample interaction also was significant for initiating interactions (i.e., effect significant only in the Portuguese sample). In CFAs, the hypothesized structure of SC fits the data and was invariant across sample and age within sample in both measurement and structural tests. The model was invariant at the measurement level for sex within sample tests, but not at the structural level. The results replicate and extend understanding...
Undesirable behaviors are obstacles for the physical development of a child and for other children in kindergarten, while desirable social skills contribute to the constructive resolution of conflicts among children and to prosocial behaviors. The objectives of the study were: to construct estimation scales of social skills and undesirable behaviors of children; to determine the age and gender differences in the dimensions of both newly constructed measuring instruments; to determine the correlation between the dimensions of the undesirable behaviors of children and their prosocial skills. Teachers assessed the list of characteristics for 597 boys and girls of preschool age. We constructed two measuring instrument with very satisfactory psychometric properties for the assessment of prosocial behaviors of preschool children, as well as to assess children's socially undesirable behaviors. It was shown that the behaviors that describe the passive social skills are more frequent in ...
Social and social-cognitive correlates of sociometric status in preschool and kindergarten children
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 1982
Researchers have long suggested that peers play a significant role in children's social, socialcognitive and cognitive growth and development. In this study, the correlates of sociometric status in early childhood were examined. Sociometric popularity was determined for 123 preschoolers and 111 kindergarteners. Each child was then observed during free play for six 10-second time samples, each day, over 30 days for preschoolers and 25 days for kindergarteners. The level of social and cognitive play observed was recorded, as well as the child's conversational partners, the initiator of the activity and the affective quality of each social interchange. Social competence (as rated by teachers) and social problem-solving ability were also assessed. Analyses revealed peer rejection to be consistently related to a agonistic behaviour. Second, unpopular children were observed to engage in less mature forms of play and to interact less with others than were their more popular agemates. This research was supported by a grant from the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services. The authors would like to thank Judy Mickle and Ann Emptage for their help in data collection and coding. Special thanks are given to the teachers and children in Waterloo County who made their time available to us. Requests for reprints should be sent to
Eğitim ve Bilim, 2015
Social competence is a multi dimensional concept that requires self-motivation with prosperous social adaption and awareness which is necessary to meet expectations besides social-emotional, cognitive and behavioral skills (Clickeman, 2007). The process of social competence development is related to conditions like anger, aggression, introversion and anxiety. Researhes indicate that aggression, anger, introversion and anxiety are considered among those factors that cause children have trouble in social competence. (Reeve et al., 2004). The purpose of the present study is to examine 48-60 month-old preschool children’s social competence and behavior evaluation conditions. Relations between gender differences, social competence, anger-aggression, and anxiety-introversion are also examined. From the correlational and comparison type of General Scanning Model, Relational Screening is used. The study group is formed with 847 pre-school children (417 girls and 430 boys) who were 48-60 months-old and living in the center of Ankara and coming from different socio-economic levels. Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale (SCBE-30) with a personal information form are used to collect data within the study. The analysis is carried out with SPSS 16 packet program. Frequency (f) and percentage (%), Arithmetic Mean ( ), Standard Deviation, Ss, Mann Whitney U Test, Correlation Analysis (Pearson Correlation Coefficient) were applied and significance level is determined as 0,05-0,01-. According to the findings, while there was a meaningful difference in favor of girls regarding social competence, the difference in terms of anger-agression was higher in boys. However, there was no statistically significant difference regarding anxiety-introversion, girls’ arithmetic mean scores of anxiety-introversion were found higher than boys’. When the relation between social competence, anger-aggression and anxiety- introversion is examined, there were reverse relations between social competence and anger- aggression; social competence and anxiety- introversion. Contrary to this, the relation between anger- aggression and anxiety- introversion was positive and meaningful.