Zum altägyptischen Konzept des „Sammelns“ anhand der Tempelinventare des Alten Reichs (original) (raw)
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Der ägyptische Tempel als „Kulturgut“ nach Aussagen griechisch-römischer Autoren
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo , 2019
The aim of this paper is to show, by reference to Greek and Roman authors, that the Egyptian temple was considered “(immovable) cultural property” (I). It was particularly regarded as a monumental work of art in which the “cultural memory” of ancient Egyptians was preserved (II). It also served to safeguard the “movable cultural property” associated with the traditional wisdom of the ancient Egypt, i. e. statues of historical figures, cult objects with a sacred meaning and manuscript collections (III). Egyptian priests, who formed the intellectual class of Egyptian society, were in charge of the preservation of this cultural heritage (IV). The conclusion to be reached is that Egyptian temples were cultural centres for the preservation of the cultural-historical identity not unlike Mesopotamian, Greek and Roman temples (V).
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Pflege" und Umnutzung heidnischer Tempel in der Spätantike
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Spätantike Textilien aus Ägypten in der Wiener Papyrussammlung
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Gedanken zur Beigabe von (Modell)Speichern in Grabkontexten der ägyptischen Frühzeit
in: Blöbaum, A.I., Eaton-Krauss, M. und A. Wüthrich (eds.), Pérégrinations avec Erhart Graefe. Festschrift zu seinem 75. Geburtstag. ÄAT, 2018
Different kinds of granaries or silos have been encountered in the Early Dynastic Period in Egypt. Most interesting in this respect are small models of granaries made from mud, as well as gaming pieces in the shape of granaries. But also larger models as well as pottery vessels in the shape of silos have been found in tombs. The author compiles the evidence and proposes an interpretation going beyond the supposition of symbolically supplying the deceased with grain.