Le recrutement des forces militaires de terre dans l´Itale Napoléonienne (original) (raw)
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MELETEMATA 45 A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets - M. B. Hatzopoulos - Y. Morizot, Rois, Cités, Nécropoles: Institutions, rites et monuments en Macédoine, Actes de Colloques de Nanterre et d'Athènes, Athènes, 2006., 2006
Army recruitment in Macedonia under the kings This article deals with different aspects of recruitment of troops for Macedonian armies under the Temenid, Antipatrid and Antigonid dynasties. Through a brief description of these armies and their manpower it is possible to know more about how they were organized. Further, an analysis of soldiers left in garrisons and of losses sustained permits us to determine the manner in which armies were replenished. In that way some conclusions maybe reached about the demographics of this period. Then we reach the recruitment study itself. First we establish with the help of political geography who was considered a Macedonian. This permits us to distinguish between ethne, poleis and districts, which were the different civic organising systems in Ancient Macedonia. Finally, using the conclusions reached through this analysis, we make a description of the Macedonian recruiting system in each military circumscription. This article increases our knowledge of the relations between kingship and various civic institutions of Ancient Macedonia.
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From Louis Ist to René Ist, the Valois dukes of Anjou tried to establish their power on the kingdom of Naples. The former had indeed been adopted by Jeanne Ist, the last queen of the Capetian dynasty. The Valois dukes led several military expeditions to establish their power in Naples, facing the rivalry of the Anjou-Duras and then of the Aragon dynasty. These armies would later on constitute the framework of the Valois’s local administration in Italy. This paper will examine how the three first dukes of Anjou exerted military power. On the one hand, the smaller military responsibilities—exerted on a limited geographical area—were most of the time entrusted to Neapolitean subjects. On the other hand, the officers in charge of the conduct of armies and of the strongholds close to the prince (castles or province of residence) turned out to be most of the time entrusted to foreigners. In sum, the balance of power between the local feudal lords and the duke of Anjou drew the military structures of the royal power ; and each of the parties found there its own interest.
Les traductions relatives aux parcours professionnels des officiers dans ces trois pays sont source de difficultés et donc d’erreurs, les glossaires existants n’apportant qu’une aide limitée. L’étude qui se veut une aide à la traduction s’est appuyée sur l’expérience d’officier de réserve des auteurs et sur la documentation disponible sur internet. Selon des modes de recrutement variables car liés au système éducatif du pays, les parcours-types peuvent être les suivants : La formation initiale est de trois ans en France, quatre ans aux États-Unis et un an au Royaume-Uni. La formation intermédiaire préparant au rôle de commandant d’unité tenu pas des capitaines (France et États-Unis) ou commandants (majors au Royaume-Uni) est partout de quelques mois. La formation supérieure s’adressant à des officiers supérieurs (commandant, lieutenant-colonel, colonel) comporte des cycles de quelques mois à une année souvent associés à d’autres enseignements. Le commandement d’un régiment ou d’une ...
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Pour leur soutien et les informations qu'ils m'ont communiquées, je remercie ici (dans l'ordre alphabétique): Claude-Eric Bettex, Philippe Curdy, Sabine Deschler-Erb, Caroline Doms, Olivier Paccolat et François Wiblé.