Treebank Conversion for LTAG Grammar Extraction (original) (raw)
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Treebank Conversion. Converting the NEGRA treebank to an LTAG grammar
Abstract We present a method for rule-based structure conversion of existing treebanks, which aims at the extraction of linguistically sound, corpus-based grammars in a specific grammatical framework. We apply this method to the NEGRA treebank to derive an LTAG grammar of German. We describe the methodology and tools for structure conversion and LTAG extraction. The conversion and grammar extraction process imports linguistic generalisations that are missing the in original treebank.
Extracting LTAG Grammars from a Spanish Treebank
Treebank grammars have been known to help in building robust, wide-coverage statistical parsers that also obtain state-of-art accuracies. In this work, we present a system that extracts LTAG grammars for Spanish from a constituency-based Spanish treebank. We evaluate the extracted grammar in terms of its size, its coverage on unseen data and the performance of a supertagger trained on it. The supertagger built using the MaxEnt framework achieves an error rate of 20.36% for a tagset containing 10,424 supertags.
Automated extraction of Tree-Adjoining Grammars from treebanks
Natural Language Engineering, 2005
There has been a contemporary surge of interest in the application of stochastic models of parsing. The use of tree-adjoining grammar (TAG) in this domain has been relatively limited due in part to the unavailability, until recently, of large-scale corpora hand-annotated with TAG structures. Our goals are to develop inexpensive means of generating such corpora and to demonstrate their applicability to stochastic modeling. We present a method for automatically extracting a linguistically plausible TAG from the Penn Treebank. Furthermore, we also introduce labor-inexpensive methods for inducing higher-level organization of TAGs. Empirically, we perform an evaluation of various automatically extracted TAGs and also demonstrate how our induced higher-level organization of TAGs can be used for smoothing stochastic TAG models.
Coping with problems in grammars automatically extracted from Treebanks
COLING-02 on Grammar engineering and evaluation -, 2002
We report in this paper on an experiment on automatic extraction of a Tree Adjoining Grammar from the WSJ corpus of the Penn Treebank. We use an automatic tool developed by (Xia, 2001) properly adapted to our particular need. Rather than addressing general aspects of the automatic extraction we focus on the problems we have found to extract a linguistically (and computationally) sound grammar and approaches to handle them.
Using the linguistic knowledge in BulTreeBank for the selection of the correct parses
Ninth International Workshop on Treebanks …, 2010
The Russian syntactic treebank SynTagRus is annotated with dependency structures in line with the Meaning-Text Theory (MTT). In order to benefit from the detailed syntactic annotation in SynTagRus and facilitate the development of a Russian Resource Grammar (RRG) in the framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), we need to convert the dependency structures into HPSG derivation trees. Our pilot study has shown that many of the constructions can be converted systematically with simple rules. In order to extend the depth and coverage of this conversion, we need to implement conversion heuristics that produce linguistically sound HPSG derivations. As a result we obtain a structured set of correspondences between MTT surface syntactic relations and HPSG phrasal types, which enable the cross-theoretical transfer of insightful syntactic analyses and formalized deep linguistic knowledge. The converted treebank SynTagRus++ is annotated with HPSG structures and of crucial importance to the RRG under development, as our goal is to ensure an optimal and efficient grammar engineering cycle through dynamic coupling of the treebank and the grammar. * We are grateful to Leonid L. Iomdin for providing us with access to the SynTagRus dependency treebank and for helpful answers to annotation-related questions.
Augmenting the automated extracted tree adjoining grammars by semantic representation
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering(NLPKE-2010), 2010
MICA [I] is a fast and accurate dependency parser for English that uses an automatically L TAG derived from Penn Treebank (PTB) using the Chen's approach [7]. However, there is no semantic representation related to its grammar. On the other hand, XTAG [20] grammar is a hand crafted LTAG that its elementary trees were enriched with the semantic representation by experts. The linguistic knowledge embedded in the XT AG grammar caused it to being used in wide variety of natural language applications. However, the current XTAG parser is not as fast and accurate as well as the MICA parser.
Dependency conversion and parsing of the BulTreeBank
proceedings of the …, 2006
Recently dependency parsing is gaining popularity. It is broadly accepted that dependency representations are more suitable for free word order languages. Statistical dependency parsers are easy to port from one language to another, if there are dependency treebanks for learning a grammar for the particular language. However, many treebanks are based on constituency and have to be converted to dependency representations prior to learning statistical dependency parsers. In this paper we investigate the issues of the conversion of the BulTreeBank (Simov et al., 2002) from Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) format to dependency-based format and its parsing. We have performed three different conversions to three different dependency formats. For two of the conversions we used head tables and dependency tables which were stated explicitly, as in (Xia, 2001). For the other conversion the tables were implicitly implemented by rules. Our choice of rules for the tables was guided by decisions rooted in different linguistic theories. We have parsed the converted treebank with the Malt parser (Nivre et al., 2004) for 'evaluating' our conversions. Then we made error analysis to find advantages and pitfalls of each conversion strategy.