To the Question of Intranuclear Forces (original) (raw)

A Solution To The 80 Years Old Problem Of The Nuclear Force


Nuclear structure theory has recently undergone a renaissance, attributed to isotopic anomalies in chemical systems at energies well below the expected ~10 MeV nuclear level and surprising ab initio super-computer calculations of nuclear properties, under the assumption that nucleons have well-defined intranuclear positions (x≦2 fm). Considering a magnetic structure of nucleons consistent with classical physics, using the Biot-Savart law with carriers "in phase", we have made connected lattice calculations of nuclear binding energies and magnetic moments, obtaining results comparable with other Copenhagen-style nuclear models.



It is shown that nucleons in nuclei of elements are linked NOT by nuclear forces, but by the overall flow of electromagnetic energy circulating in the volume of the nucleus. This assumption allows us to explain some properties of the intranuclear interactions and some well-known observations.

elements of nuclear physics

1.1 General survey It is customary to regard nuclear physics as the field of study that includes the structure of atomic nuclei, the reactions that take place between them, and the techniques, both experimental and theoretical, that shed light on these subjects. Rigid adherence to such limits would, however, exclude much that is both exciting and informative. The nucleus entered physics as a necessary component of the atomic model and nuclear effects in spectroscopy and solid state physics now provide not only elegant methods for determination of nuclear properties but also convincing demonstrations of the powers of quantum mechanics. Equally, those particles sometimes described as elementary or fundamental, although first recognized in the cosmic radiation, soon assumed a role of importance in nuclear problems, especially in the understanding of the forces between neutrons and protons. Advances in the study of particles, or sub-nuclear physics, besides leading to the discovery of new and previously unsuspected physical laws, have frequently stimulated back-reference to complex nuclei

Modern theory of nuclear forces

Nuclear Physics A, 2005

Nuclear forces can be systematically derived using effective chiral Lagrangians consistent with the symmetries of QCD. I review the status of the calculations for two-and three-nucleon forces and their applications in few-nucleon systems. I also address issues like the quark mass dependence of the nuclear forces and resonance saturation for fournucleon operators.

Nuclear interactions in few-body systems

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 1989

Topics of nuclear interactions and meson-exchange currents in few-body systems are reviewed. The status of the effective nuclear theory is briefly examined and the impact of current research on the resolution ofopen problems is discussed. I. INTRODUCTION Recent theoretical nuclear investigations with few-body systems can be grouped into three categories. First, those which aim to render more complete the traditional effective theory of the nuclear medium based on non-relativistic meson-exchange phenomena with elementary nucleons and mesons. Second, those which attempt to take into accourir the compound nature of nucleons and mesons by means of microscopic QCD-inspired models for the structure and the interactions among these particles. Finally, those which look at novel testing grounds for nuclear theoretical ideas, anticipating the advent of new experimental facilities and proposing novel experimental tests. The first category includes, among other things, the continuing effort to improve the boson-exchange models (OBE) of the NN interaction, the introduction of relativistic aspects in the two-nucleon and multi-nucleon theory, and the incorporation of meson-exchange currents (MEC) in all photoreactions and weak interaction processes. The second group of investigations spans the work on constituent quark models, bag and solution models of nucleons and mesons, and the search for convincing signais of such structures in short-range correlations in nuclear systems and in electroand photo-reactions. Prominent among the investigations in the third category is research into spin observables in scattering of polarized projectiles from polarized or unpolarized targets, analysis of data from double and triple coincidence experiments, leading to enhanced sensitivity to the underlying dynamics, systematic experimental studies of excited baryons, and searches for dibaryons. lin the following, we will summarize the current status of relevant theoretical constructs in these areas of research related to the work that was contributed to this conference, and we will review these contributions to discover how they help to resolve open problems in nuclear physics.

On the nature of strong interactions

The Papers of Independent Authors, ISSN 2225-6717, 2020, 49(1), 57–66., 2020

The existing concept of the nature of nuclear forces has a number of disadvantages. The article proves that these forces can be substantiated as a consequence of Maxwell's equations. In this case, it is assumed that the nucleons rotate around their own axis with a certain angular velocity. It is shown that the detected repulsive forces exceed the Coulomb forces of attraction by a factor of. It is shown that, in spite of mutual attraction, rotating nucleons cannot touch.

Nuclear forces and nuclear structure

Nuclear Physics, 2004

We review the general structure of nuclear Hamiltonians used in ab initio calculations of nuclear structure and N-d scattering, and present recent results obtained with the quantum Monte Carlo method. The successes and problems with the present models of nuclear forces are discussed. We also attempt to identify the effects and signatures of the various components of nuclear forces included in the present models.

A Mechanical Paradigm for the Universe III. Nucleon and Nuclear Structure, Strong Force, Electromagnetism, Inertia, and Quantum Phenomena


Part II of this series showed the vacuum plausibly to be a diffuse gas of myriad, inert, Planck length, fast-moving, needle-like fundamental particles termed gyrons that naturally and periodically evolves over cosmic time scales into a Universe-wide, light- and neutrino-carrying medium that consists of a densely packed matrix of jointly self-sustaining toroidal vortices, each vortex containing ~10^55 gyrons. Electrons and positrons are postulated to be oppositely-twisting, stronger versions of vacuum vortices. The mathematical identity between Lorentz’s theory of a fixed ether and Einstein’s theory of special relativity tells us that both are equally valid, suggesting that the vacuum matrix is largely fixed. The vortices of matter and the vacuum must differ in some significant way so as to allow the former to move through the matrix of the latter. A 2-electron, 3-positron (1+3+1) axially symmetric structure for the proton, and proton+electron structure for the neutron, are postulated, that seem capable of accounting for the quantized, and equal and opposite, aspects of charge, the much greater mass of nucleons vs. their constituent leptons, the existence and nature of quarks and gluons, as well as the proton’s great stability vis a vis free neutrons. The nucleons’ non-close-packed structure may cause “melting” of adjacent matrix and, in conjunction with collisions with the longitudinally oriented and vastly superluminal “gravitational gyrons” (GGs; ejected by vortices), result in net zero resistance passage (i.e., “inertial movement”). The much greater mass of the “bound” electrons and positrons constituting nucleons is postulated to be due ultimately to their having a much greater increment of gyrons incorporated into their structure than their free versions (for a total of ~2-3*10^55 gyrons). The supposed cosmological “matter/anti-matter imbalance” disappears with these proposed nucleon substructures, leaving only the question of whether a second order imbalance exists such that atomic matter everywhere consists solely of nuclei of protons and neutrons surrounded by electron clouds, rather than being an approximately equal mix, on a multi-galaxy scale, with nuclei of antiprotons and antineutrons surrounded by positron clouds. Even this possible secondary imbalance may be largely illusory, as many nuclei here on earth likely contain some antiprotons and antineutrons, based on the existence of positron emission from some radioactive nuclei. Groupings of these composite nucleons yield atomic nuclei that are stable because: 1) protons are essentially non-repulsive at these close separations, 2) the vortices’ reactive tangential surface forces (the precursor and source of “charge”) help to maintain the component vortices’ positions and mutual orientations, and 3) “micro-shadow gravity” exists in the form of collisions of their dense cores with the omnidirectional flux of GGs, pushing the component vortices together. Together, these factors constitute the attractive aspect of the strong nuclear force. These “nuclei of nuclei” combinations can yield triangular- and planar-symmetric, and hence presumably highly stable, structures for He-4 and Li-7, concomitantly explaining the great instability of nuclei of 5 and 8 nucleons. Vortex tangential surface forces suggest plausible mechanical explanations for electromagnetic phenomena, as dreamt of by 19th century physicists. The unusual combination of linear and rotational forces operating between adjacent vortices, along with long-range orientation-stabilizing mutual effects of widely separated co-linear vortices in the matrix, offer the hope of providing mechanical explanations for the wave/particle duality of light and various other quantum mechanical phenomena.

Nuclear Clustering and Interactions Between Nucleons


Nuclear mass data provide EMPIRICAL evidence of: 1. Clustering of nucleons; 2. Attractive n-p interactions; and 3. Repulsive but symmetric n-n and p-p interactions after correcting for the repulsive Coulomb interactions between positive nuclear charges. These findings suggest a possible source of energy in neutron stars, in stars which formed on them, and demonstrate the need for a Theoretical understanding of 1. Interactions between nucleons; 2. Clustering of nucleons; and 3. Neutron-emission by penetration of the gravitational barrier surrounding a neutron star.