Indoor wideband time/angle of arrival multipath propagation results (original) (raw)
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A statistical model for angle of arrival in indoor multipath propagation
Abstract Multiple antenna systems are a useful way of overcoming the effects of multipath interference, and can allow more efficient use of spectrum. In order to test the effectiveness of various algorithms such as diversity combining, phased array processing, and adaptive array processing in an indoor environment, a channel model is needed which models both the time and angle of arrival in indoor environments.
Modeling the statistical time and angle of arrival characteristics of an indoor multipath channel
Abstract Most previously proposed statistical models for the indoor multipath channel include only time of arrival characteristics. However, in order to use statistical models in simulating or analyzing the performance of systems employing spatial diversity combining, information about angle of arrival statistics is also required. Ideally, it would be desirable to characterize the full spare-time nature of the channel. In this paper, a system is described that was used to collect simultaneous time and angle of arrival data at 7 GHz.
Measurement and modeling of temporal and spatial indoor multipath characteristics
Abstract The authors have presented measurements and models of the temporal and spatial characteristics of the multipath indoor wireless channel. The measurement scheme uses a directional antenna in conjunction with a wideband probing signal. Channel transmission characteristics were measured between 6.75 and 7.25 GHz. The data are used to develop a simple statistical model and to determine appropriate models
Space-time measurement of indoor radio propagation
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2001
Most existing techniques for indoor radio propagation measurement do not resolve the angles from which signal components arrive at the receiving antenna. Knowledge of the angle-of-arrival is required for evaluation of evolving systems that employ smart antenna technology to provide features such as geolocation, interference cancellation, and space-division multiplexing. This paper presents a novel technique for the joint measurement of the angles, times and complex amplitudes of discrete path arrivals in an indoor propagation environment. A data acquisition system, based upon a vector network analyzer and multichannel antenna array is described, together with its use to collect channel measurement matrices. The inherent error sources present in these measurement matrices are investigated using a compact indoor anechoic range. Two signal processing algorithms are presented whereby the channel parameters may be estimated from raw measurements. In the first approach, an optimum beamformer is derived which compensates for systematic errors in the data acquisition system. This approach features very low computational complexity, and delivers modest resolution of path components. The second algorithm is based upon the maximum likelihood criterion, using the measured calibration matrices as space-time basis functions. This algorithm provides super-resolution of all path parameters, at the cost of increased computation. Several example measurements are given, and future directions of our research are indicated.
Analysis of Time of Arrival Estimation Using Wideband Measurements of Indoor Radio Propagations
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2000
Using time of arrival (TOA) to determine the distance between the transmitter and the receiver is the most popular technique for accurate indoor positioning. The accuracy of measuring the distance using this method is sensitive to the bandwidth of the system and the multipath condition between the wireless terminal and the access point. In general, as the bandwidth increases beyond a certain value, it is expected that the measured TOA error approaches zero. However, for the so-called undetected direct path (UDP) conditions, the system exhibits substantially high distance measurement errors that cannot be eliminated with the increase in the bandwidth of the system.
High Resolution 3-D Angle of Arrival Determination for Indoor UWB Multipath Propagation
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2008
Propagation measurements using a large array are used to study the angle of arrival (AOA) across the ultrawideband (UWB) frequency range of 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. A two-dimensional Unitary ESPRIT algorithm is employed to give a high resolution estimation of AOA including both the azimuth and elevation angles of multipath components. The frequency dependence of AOA is investigated over the UWB frequency band. The multipath rays form clusters in both angular and temporal domains. Within a cluster the azimuth and elevation AOAs are determined to follow Laplacian and Gaussian distributions respectively. In the indoor environment considered, a typical cluster extends over an angular sector of approximately 14 degrees in azimuth and 9 degrees in elevation, with up to 5 clusters observed. We note that these propagation characteristics will allow UWB systems to utilise smart antennas or MIMO structures to improve overall throughput.
Time-of-Arrival Characteristics of an Indoor Radio Channel at 2.4 GHz
The measurement study of three different radio propagation aspects at 2.4 GHz is reported in this paper. The first propagation scenario included three different environments, the second involved two different transmitter antenna types and the third, two parallel propagation planes at different heights. Some observations, based on the measurement results, were carried out along with the comparisons with the other references.
Indoor wideband radio propagation measurement system at 1.3 GHz and 4.0 GHz
40th IEEE Conference on Vehicular Technology, 1990
This paper describes the development and operation of a dual-band time-domain radar system used to measure indoor multipath propagation characteristics in several office buildings and factories. The system operates at 1.3 GHz and 4.0 GHz, and uses 4 ns rms pulses to provide estimates of indoor radio channel impulse responses. The effects of antenna diversity, frequency scaling, and topography on indoor radio system design will be quantified through analyses of measured propagation data. The data will be used to develop and refine wideband channel models for multipath propagation in factories and open-plan office buildings, and will provide insight into the validity of geometric modeling techniques for predicting channel characteristics.
Wideband Indoor Radio Propagation Measurements at 5.4 GHz
Wideband indoor time domain measurements at 5.4 GHz are presented in this paper. A swept Time Delay Cross Correlator is used to measure the radio channel, and the measurements are performed using an autonomous robot that follows a predefi ned route line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight modern offi ce buildings. Analysis shows that the RMS delay spread follows a normal distribution whose mean does not always increase with distance. Also, the global statistics of the RMS delay spread follow a truncated normal distribution with a bett er fi t. Results are presented in the form of RMS delay spread and power delay profi les.
A Statistical Model for Indoor Multipath Propagation
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1987
The results of indoor multipath propagation measurements using 10 ns, 1.5 GHz, radarlike pulses are presented for a medium-size office building. The observed channel was very slowly time varying, with the delay spread extending over a range up to about 200 ns and rms values of up to about 50 ns. The attenuation varied over a 60 dB dynamic range. A simple statistical multipath model of the indoor radio channel is also presented, which fits our measurements well, and more importantly, appears to be extendable to other buildings. With this model, the received signal rays arrive in clusters. The rays have independent uniform phases, and independent Rayleigh amplitudes with variances that decay exponentially with cluster and ray delays. The clusters, and the rays within the cluster, form Poisson arrival processes with different, but fixed, rates. The clusters are formed by the building superstructure, while the individual rays are formed by objects in the vicinities of the transmitter and the receiver.