Complex geometry of generalized annuli (original) (raw)
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The Moduli Space of Complex Geodesics in the Complex Hyperbolic Plane
Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2010
We consider the space M of ordered m-tuples of distinct complex geodesics in complex hyperbolic 2-space, H 2 C , up to its holomorphic isometry group PU(2, 1). One of the important problems in complex hyperbolic geometry is to construct and describe the moduli space for M. This is motivated by the study of the deformation space of groups generated by reflections in complex geodesics. In the present paper, we give the complete solution to this problem.
The hyperbolic metric and the geometry of the universal curve
Journal of Differential Geometry
Understanding the limiting case, where the loop degenerates to a point, is actually tantamount to understanding the Deligne-Mumford stable curve compactification Jt g of the classical moduli space of Riemann surfaces. Degenerating families of Riemann surfaces are readily given by cut and paste constructions in the complex analytic category or by hyperbolic geometry, following Fenchel and Nielsen. A basic question is to relate the two approaches; to find the expansion for the hyperbolic metric in terms of the complex parametrization. The motivation is twofold, we would like to be able to analyze the degeneration of an invariant of hyperbolic metrics by simply writing out its expansion in complex coordinates, and we would like to use the hyperbolic metric in the study of the analytic geometry of Jt g .
Uniqueness of complex geodesics and characterization of circular domains
Manuscripta Mathematica, 1992
We study complex geodesics for complex Finsler metrics and prove a uniqueness theorem for them. The results obtained are applied to the case of the Kobayashi metric for which, under suitable hypotheses, we describe the exponential map and the relationship between the indicatrix and small geodesic balls. Finally, exploiting the connection between intrinsic metrics and the complex Monge-AmpSre equation, we give characterizations for circular domains in (Y~.
Complex Kleinian Groups, 2012
Complex Hyperbolic Geometry Chapter 2. Complex Hyperbolic Geometry V − ∪ V 0 ∪ V + , where each of these sets consists of the points (Z, z n+1) ∈ C n+1 satisfying that Z 2 is respectively smaller, equal to or larger than |z n+1 |. We will see in the following section that the projectivisation of V − is an open (2n)-ball B in P n C , bounded by [V 0 ], which is a sphere. This ball B serves as model for complex hyperbolic geometry. Its full group of holomorphic isometries is PU(n, 1), the subgroup of PSL(n+1, C) of projective automorphisms that preserve B. This gives a second natural source of discrete subgroups of PSL(n + 1, C), those coming from complex hyperbolic geometry. We finish this section with some results about subgroups of PSL(n + 1, C) that will be used later in the text. Proposition 2.1.2. Let Γ ⊂ PSL(n + 1, C) be a discrete group. Then Γ is finite if and only if every element in Γ has finite order. This proposition follows from the theorem below (see [182, Theorem 8.29]) and its corollary; see [160], [41] for details. Theorem 2.1.3 (Jordan). For any n ∈ N there is an integer S(n) with the following property: If G ⊂ GL(n, C) is a finite subgroup, then G admits an abelian normal subgroup N such that card(G) ≤ S(n)card(N). Corollary 2.1.4. Let G be a countable subgroup of GL(3, C), then there is an infinite commutative subgroup N of G.
Some new results on domains in complex space with non-compact automorphism group
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2003
We provide a new proof of the Wong-Rosay theorem, using the structure of the ring of holomorphic functions. As a byproduct, we provide an analogous theorem for classical bounded symmetric domains. The second main result of this article concerns a new existence theorem for holomorphic peaking functions at a hyperbolic orbit accumulation boundary point. Finally, we give a proof of a version of the Greene-Krantz conjecture using holomorphic vector fields and a strengthened Hopf lemma.
A characterization of hyperbolic manifolds
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1993
In this note we prove that a complex manifold X is Kobayashi hyperbolic if and only if the space Hol(A, X) of holomorphic maps of the unit disk A into X is relatively compact (with respect to the compact-open topology) in the space C(A, X*) of continuous maps from A into the onepoint compactification X" of I.
The Moduli Space of Points in the Boundary of Complex Hyperbolic Space
Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2010
We consider the space M(n, m) of ordered m-tuples of distinct points in the boundary of complex hyperbolic n-space, H n C , up to its holomorphic isometry group PU(n, 1). An important problem in complex hyperbolic geometry is to construct and describe the moduli space for M(n, m). In particular, this is motivated by the study of the deformation space of complex hyperbolic groups generated by loxodromic elements. In the present paper, we give the complete solution to this problem.
On complex geodesics of balanced convex domains
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 1986
Questions o] non-uniqueness ]or the complex geodesics o/ a balanced convex domain D in a locally convex Hausdor]] vector space ~E are investigated. The results establish a precise relationship between the shape o] the boundary o] D at a point y and the structure o] the ]amily o] complex geodesics (~ near ~) ~ ~ ~y. The case in which E is a Banach space is also considered and a complete description o/ all the complex geodesics is given ]or the open unit ball o] the space C(X) o] all the complex valued continuous ]unctions on a compact Hausdor]] space X.