Validation of the Italian version of the "Neuropathic Pain Scale" (original) (raw)

Protocollo di ricerca per la validazione della versione italiana della Behavioral Pain Scale nei pazienti ricoverati in terapia intensiva pediatrica, sedati, intubati e ventilati meccanicamente

Scenario<sup>®</sup> - Il Nursing nella sopravvivenza

Introduzione: La gestione e la rilevazione del dolore nelle Unità di Terapia Intensiva Pediatrica (UTIP) rimane tutt'oggi una delle sfide più difficili affrontate dagli operatori sanitari. La valutazione del dolore nel bambino è complessa e lo è ancora di più nell'ambitodelle UTIP. E' necessario l'utilizzo di strumenti adatti alla misurazione del dolore in UTIP e dalla letteratura si evince come il gold standard sia la COMFORT-Behavior (COMFORT-B) scale, strumento però non sempre utilizzato correttamente dai professionisti.Lo scopo del protocollo di studio è quello di validare la Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) nell'ambito delle UTIP, valutandola nella rilevazione del dolore nei pazienti pediatrici intubati, sedati e ventilati meccanicamente.Materiali e metodi: Protocollo di studio di validazione della coerenza interna, affidabilità inter-rater, validità concorrente tra BPS e COMFORT-B e NRS e validità discriminante. Validità di facciata e di costrutto della BPS s...

Italian version of the “Brief Negative Symptom Scale”

Official Journal of the Italian Society of Psychopathology, 2014

Objectives Negative symptoms have long been recognized as an integral and clinically important part of schizophrenia. Recent literature suggests that they do not represent a unitary construct, but include at least two domains that might have a different impact on real-life functioning of patients with schizophrenia. As identified at the NIMH-MATRICS Consensus Development Conference on Negative Symptoms, a significant barrier to progress in the treatment of this symptom domain is the current lack of an adequate measure for its assessment. It was in response to this need that a new measure, the Brief Negative Symptom Scale (BNSS), a semistructured interview was developed. This scale has been translated into Italian by our group. The translation is presented here. Methods The instrument has been translated into Italian by two specialists in psychiatry and was back translated into English by native English-speaker translator. The English version thus obtained was subjected to the evaluation of Brian Kirkpatrick (BK), one of the authors of the original version, in order to ensure the absence of translation or interpretation errors. The modifications suggested by BK were examined by the two specialists who made the first translation and applied where deemed appropriate, or re-discussed with BK until reaching an agreement. Results The BNSS is a 13-item instrument designed not only to be suitable for clinical trials, but also in epidemiological and psychological studies. The scale measures the 5 domains indicated by the Consensus Development Conference as essential parts of the negative dimension, namely affective flattening, alogia, anhedonia, avolition and asociality. The items are formulated so that the score is not influenced by the patient's cultural level. The scale allows separate assessment of anticipatory and consummatory anhedonia. A further advantage is the distinction between internal experience and behavior. Conclusions The BNSS shows several potential advantages, compared with the current negative symptom scales. In particular, the scale enables researchers to consider many aspects of negative symptoms separately and relate them to treatments, imaging, and other variables.

Italian version of the "Brief Negative Symptom Scale" [Versione Italiana della "Brief Negative Symptom Scale"]

Objectives: Negative symptoms have long been recognized as an integral and clinically important part of schizophrenia. Recent literature suggests that they do not represent a unitary construct, but include at least two domains that might have a different impact on real-life functioning of patients with schizophrenia. As identified at the NIMH-MATRICS Consensus Development Conference on Negative Symptoms, a significant barrier to progress in the treatment of this symptom domain is the current lack of an adequate measure for its assessment. It was in response to this need that a new measure, the Brief Negative Symptom Scale (BNSS), a semistructured interview was developed. This scale has been translated into Italian by our group. The translation is presented here. Methods: The instrument has been translated into Italian by two specialists in psychiatry and was back translated into English by native English-speaker translator. The English version thus obtained was subjected to the eval...

Pain patterns in italian patients with osteoarthritis: preliminary results of the MI.D.A. Study (Misurazione del Dolore nell’Artrosi)

Reumatismo, 2011

Objectives. To evaluate the characteristics of pain in a cohort of Italian patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip and knee. Methods. The 657 general practitioners participating in the study were asked to enroll 10 consecutive patients with OA diagnosed according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) clinical criteria. A questionnaire evaluating demographic data, clinical characteristics of OA, including the "Questionario Semantico Reumatologico" (QSR) pain questionnaire, the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and the Lequesne indices, and information on previous diagnostic and therapeutic interventions was administered. Results. A total of 4,109 patients were enrolled. Of them, 2356 were affected by knee OA and 1817 by hip OA. There were 2863 (69.7%) women and 1246 (30.3%) men. Median age was 68.2 years (range 50-103 years). Of the 4109 enrolled subjects, 3128 (76.1%) reported one or more medical comorbidities, mostly cardiovascular (52.7%), endocrinological (14.7%), gastrointestinal (13.4%), and respiratory (11.2%) disorders. The median pain visual analogue scale (VAS) score was 58.1±22.6 mm, higher in women (60.2±22.3 mm) than in men (53.3±22.6mm) (p<0.00001). OA pain was also higher in patients from Southern Italy (p<0.00001). NSAIDs were administered to nearly 70% of patients, COX-2 inhibitors to 55%, disease-modifying anti OA drugs to 19% and analgesics to 28.2%. Differences in drugs utilization were associated with OA localization and patient's geographical origin. Results of the WOMAC index were similar throughout groups. Responses to the QSR pain questionnaire showed differences, which are related to OA localization and geographical origin of the patients. Conclusions. The MI.D.A. study can help to better understand the patterns of pain in osteoarthritis and the associated treatment. Caratteristiche del dolore in pazienti italiani con artrosi: risultati preliminari dello Studio MI.D.A. (Misurazione del Dolore nell'Artrosi) Pain patterns in italian patients with osteoarthritis: preliminary results of the MI.D.A. Study (Misurazione del Dolore nell'Artrosi

[Mental Health Recovery Star: features and validation study of the Italian version]

Rivista di psichiatria, 2017

AIM Mental Health Recovery Star (MHRS) is an instrument that helps to assess recovery processes of mental health patients through a collaborative approach. The aim of the study is to describe the features of the instrument and to report the results of the Italian validation study. METHODS The study involved 117 users which were evaluated in two phases. Besides MRHS, HoNOS, WHOQoL-brief, GAF were used. Acceptability for users and key-workers of the instruments and its main psychometric properties, as test-retes (ICC) and concurrent validity (Pearson's correlation coefficient), were evaluated. RESULTS MHRS showed to have temporal stability in all its areas. Significant correlations were found between the MHRS and the most closely related areas of the scales used. Inter-rater reliability were studied in an unsatisfactory way. MHRS was appreciated and easy to use. Collaborative evaluations were completed mostly in less than 45 minutes. CONCLUSIONS MHRS is an acceptable tool for user...

[The Italian edition of DSM-5]

Rivista di psichiatria

Riv Psichiatr 2014; 49(2): 57-60 57 INTRODUZIONE Il Manuale Diagnostico Statistico dei Disturbi Mentali (DSM), nato nel 1952 ma diffusosi a partire dalla terza edizione nel 1980 (DSM-III)

[Italian validation of the Prolonged Grief Disorder Questionnaire (PG-12)]

Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia

Death or severe invalidity (e.g. vegetative state) of a family member causes deep emotional distress to the caregiver. In most cases elaboration of mourning at the loss unfolds in physiological times and modes, enabling the caregiver to react to the separation and resume their own daily life. In some cases, however, there is an incapacity to react and caregivers remain imprisoned in a condition they are unable to elaborate consisting of memories, regrets and a sense of guilt, that leads to their self isolation and prevents them from leading a full life as prior to the grief-causing event. This condition, not always classifiable as a major depressive disorder, is, according to a recent debate, more adequately described as the "Prolonged Grief Disorder". The Prolonged Grief Disorder is a new diagnostic category, currently under examination in America for inclusion in the DSM V in order to give clinicians a picture that better describes the condition of these caregivers. The ...

Le scale per la valutazione del dolore neonatale: una rassegna (Neonatal pain assessment scales: A review)

Contrary to what was believed in the past, a newborn can experience pain. Anatomic structures involved in nociception are already mature at birth and now it is known that the recurrence of painful stimulations in a precocious period of brain development can alter the future processing of harmful stimuli. Nevertheless, the newborn's pain is not easy to evaluate, because the neonate is a pre-verbal patient who cannot communicate their own pain but needs the assessment of an observer. For this reason, in recent years a lot of algometric scales have been developed, including both physiological and behavioural indicators; however, none of these scales has been recognized as the "gold standard". The purpose of this review is to present the most important pain assessment scales (NFCS, EDIN, FLACC, COMFORT, CRIES, PIPP, and NIPS), in order to realize a simple and synthetic guide for their use in the clinical practice. The paper describes the context in which they have been validated and how they have been used subsequently, with the hope to raise interest in and draw attention to such an important matter.

La valutazione e la misurazione del dolore

Psicologia clinica del dolore, 2010

Nella ricerca sul dolore la distinzione fra misurazione e valutazione non è sempre risultata chiara. Generalmente, il processo di misurazione si riferisce all'applicazione di alcune misure metriche all'intensità del dolore, mentre la valutazione è un tentativo molto più ampio di misurare e considerare le differenti dimensioni che partecipano alla formazione dell'esperienza globale del dolore (McGrath et al. 1995). Secondo Melzack e Katz (1994), una valutazione precisa e accurata del dolore è di fondamentale importanza perché consente di determinarne intensità, qualità e durata, individuarne correttamente la causa, scegliere il trattamento più adeguato, valutare l'efficacia dell'intervento effettuato. Misurare il dolore non è un compito semplice, si tratta infatti di valutare oggettivamente un'esperienza altamente soggettiva, in cui i significati personali, le esperienze precedenti e l'influenza dell'apprendimento sull'individuo si sommano e interagiscono con l'intensità, la qualità e la durata della sensazione dolorosa (Ercolani e Pasquini, 2007). Data la sua natura squisitamente soggettiva, l'esperienza del dolore non può essere quantificata in modo diretto e obiettivo: l'accertamento del dolore del paziente dipende sia da quanto il paziente stesso riesce a comunicare apertamente, soprattutto attraverso la parola e il comportamento, sia dalla capacità dell'operatore di comprenderlo. I processi di misurazione e valutazione del dolore non devono riguardare solo la dimensione sensoriale della sofferenza, ma indagare tutte le componenti interagenti, come l'umore, gli atteggiamenti, le strategie di coping, le risorse (materiali e psichiche) e la situazione familiare (Turk, 1993). I professionisti che si occupano di dolore hanno bisogno di punti di riferimento 57